Mortal Kombat One has been announced and even had DLC characters leaked if Amazon is to be believed. With only three guest characters listed though, who else could join the newest reboot/sequel in the longstanding series? Looking at the trend of both Mortal Kombat X and 11 DLC, and the current rumored characters involved in leaks, we’ve determined a foolproof way to guess which characters could make an appearance.
For instance, MKX DLC characters all came from horror films, while MK11 were, for the most part, action and sci-fi/fantasy films, excluding Joker who was an Injustice guest crossover. These trends and the leaks point to a comic book theme this go around, so with that in mind as well as Mortal Kombat’s high standard of violence, these are the most likely characters. We’ve also included some that have no chance but would be entertaining anyway, and totally possible under the Warner Bros. umbrella.
20. Omniman

- Series: Invincible
- Powers: Superman, but more murder.
- Chances: Very high, even being named as the first DLC character in Amazon leaks.
Omniman seems to be confirmed for Mortal Kombat One, with Invincible’s father and enemy making his way to the tournament in all of his brutality. Both the comic and recent season on Amazon has given plenty of instances of extreme, inhumane violence at the hands of Omniman, all the way from crushing the original League of Heroes to the infamous subway scene in the finale. He’s definitely fit for the carnage of Mortal Kombat.
19. Ace Ventura

- Series: Ace Ventura Films
- Powers: Control of Nature and various antics.
- Chances: Next to zero.
So cartoonishly stupid there’s no possibility it would ever happen, but imagine Ace as an Aquaman-style fighter with control of various animal companions. A fatality involving a stampede of elephants and evisceration by lions would be an awesome, gory addition to Mortal Kombat.
18. Ash Williams

- Series: Evil Dead
- Powers: Chainsaw and boomstick.
- Chances: Has been rumored since MKX. High possibility.
Hail to the king, baby. Ash. has been rumored for every game in Mortal Kombat since the first guest character popped up in Mortal Kombat 2011. With his chainsaw, shotgun, and wealth of ways to kick undead ass, Ash would fight right in as a Leatherface-style brawler with some added distance attacks.
17. Alan

- Series: The Hangover
- Powers: None, can block hits with Carlos the baby.
- Chances: LMFAO
No chance in hell, absolutely none. That said, Mortal Kombat has had joke characters in the form of mocap fighters or the occasional developer, so maybe?
16. Homelander

- Series: The Boys
- Powers: Superman, but a sociopathic dick.
- Chances: Already leaked, very high possibility.
Another rumored addition in the first Kombat Pack, though unsure if it will be Antony Starr’s boasting, narcissistic, mommy’s boy Homelander or the machismo asshole of the comics. Either way, the massive amount of violence already present in The Boys makes this combination of Homelander and Mortal Kombat a no-brainer. Kind of like Homelander made that guy in season two have no brain.
15. Tazmanian Devil

- Series: Looney Tunes
- Powers: Speed, Tornadoes, General unpleasantness.
- Chances: Not likely, but also not unlikely.
The classic Looney Tunes character seems more fit for the senseless violence of Mortal Kombat more than his peers like Bugs or Daffy, though they have their own tendencies. Taz can come roaring through like a tornado, ripping his opponents to shreds in a mist of blood as he howls in ecstasy.
14. Peacemaker

- Series: Peacemaker, Suicide Squad
- Powers: Jacked, powered helmet, big-ass guns, Eagly.
- Chances: All but confirmed.
Peacemaker looks to be taking on the DC guest role this time around, much like Joker in MK11. He’s a great character to combine the over-the-top gore of Mortal Kombat with a more down-to-earth fighting style focusing on conventional weapons. Hopefully John Cena can reprise the role with his voice, but fans will just be excited to see Eagly take down Baraka.
13. Jughead

- Series: Archie, Riverdale
- Powers: Basically a god.
- Chances: Low, but not zero.
Look, the last few seasons of Riverdale were so off the rails that this isn’t outside the realm of possibility. Jughead became a god, after all, and the entire crew have shifted realities multiple times. Maybe Jughead could be one of the fighters for Earthrealm?
12. Rorschach

- Series: Watchmen
- Powers: Violence.
- Chances: Very high, was rumored for previous games.
This Watchmen anti-hero will throw down anywhere if he thinks someone deserves a good ass kicking. Combine his violent tendencies with a grappling hook attack and Rorschach could make even the toughest Mortal Kombat competitors break within minutes. His fatality would be incredibly violent for sure, even by Mortal Kombat standards.
11. The Property Brothers

- Series: Property Brothers
- Powers: Renovations and Power Tools
- Chances: Wouldn’t it be hilarious?
No chance that this ever happens. Ever. Imagine a fatality where they build a house on top of their opponent though before knocking it down, though.
10. Judge Dredd

- Series: Judge Dredd
- Powers: Judge, Jury, Executioner.
- Chances: Very high, and looking likely.
Dredd was a fantastic movie that went unfortunately under the radar when it was released a decade ago. The comics have been around even longer, with ultraviolence becoming a calling card for the Judge as he hands out hard sentences to lawbreakers, no matter where they are.
9. Dwayne Johnson

- Series: WWE, IRL
- Powers: Contractual Agreements make him invincible.
- Chances: Not high, but would anyone be surprised?
Okay, this is more of a joke than anything but considering Dwayne Johnson and the extent of his ironclad contractual agreements, it still has a chance to happen. It remains to be seen if he would allow his character to lose a fight or not, but fans wouldn’t mind one overpowered character if it means they can give Quan Chi the Rock Bottom.
8. John Constantine

- Series: Hellblazer, Constantine
- Powers: Sorcery and magic, hand-to-hand combat.
- Chances: Surprisingly high, and could be another DC crossover.
Another DC character that’s been a longstanding rumor, Constantine would make both a strong and agile fighter, but just hasn’t found the right place to fit in yet. He was rumored for Injustice 2 for quite a while before the final character was announced for the game and even rumored again for Mortal Kombat 11. Maybe the comic theme of Mortal Kombat One will be the right fit for DC’s most prominent sorcerer and chain-smoker.
7. Dio Brando

- Series: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
- Powers; Vampire
- Chances: Unlikely, but would fit perfectly.
Total shot in the dark and very unlikely, but with the US rights to JJBA, Dio isn’t entirely impossible to bring into the latest Mortal Kombat tournament. Vampiric powers that augment already ridiculous strength and a disposition to be as violent as possible make Dio a perfect fit for the brutality and blood of the tournament.
6. Lobo

- Series: Lobo, Various DC Comics
- Powers: Intergalactic Bounty Hunter
- Chances: High, already featured in Injustice.
Lobo was previously a DLC character for Injustice, boasting a move set that utilized everything from his motorcycle, chains, and ray guns to even just punching the hell out of his opponents. DC’s resident alien bounty hunter is just as willing to bring his prey in dead as much as he is alive and would make sure to put down even the fiercest competitor if he’s added.
5. ALF

- Series: ALF, Mr. Robot
- Powers: Alien, smart-ass, cat eater.
- Chances: Never had a chance.
Poor ALF, popular with fans and still a meme after all this time, but disrespected in his golden days by NBC. Now, ALF can come back to take revenge on Earthrealm in the tournament, destroying all those that wronged him in the process. Oh, and eat a couple of cats along the way.
4. Rick Grimes

- Series: The Walking Dead
- Powers: Hard to kill.
- Chances: High, but don’t get too hopeful.
Most fans would pick Negan as a Mortal Kombat fighter, but he’s already been featured in Tekken as DLC so The Walking Dead needs another representative to kick ass and take names. Rick Grimes is the perfect pick, with plenty of bloodshed at his hand in the comic as well as some brutal uses of a hatchet and the character’s signature revolver in the live-action show. Rick could bring his experience in killing Walkers to Outworld without a problem.
3. Bob Belcher

- Series: Bob’s Burgers
- Powers: Mastery of the Culinary Arts… kind of.
- Chances: Very, very low.
Bob would be more likely to set up a food stall for the fighters between matches before inevitably throwing down with Jimmy Pesto when the rival restauranteur tries to sabotage him. Bob’s Fatality? Burger of the Day, grinding his opponent into a freshly made patty before cooking and serving it to their friends, South Park style.
2. Dream of the Endless

- Series: Sandman
- Powers: Control of Dreams
- Chances: Fifty/Fifty.
Dream could be a very interesting character to fight in the series, as most of his fights in the comics are never very physical but more mental and emotional battles with some supernatural bent. His powers to control dreams and sleep afford a wealth of options though, with possibilities to manipulate reality or invade an opponent’s dream for more damage.
1. Eric Andre

- Series: The Eric Andre Show
- Powers: Control of Reality
- Chances: Zero. He would be too overpowered.
There is no way this ever happens, but Eric Andre playing himself in a Mortal Kombat game and destroying every fighter because nobody knows what he’ll do next would be a great idea to promote the new season of his Adult Swim show. The fatalities would be different every time, utilizing Pizza Balls, desks, and Hannibal Buress.
Okay, so only half of these were serious possibilities, but if everything is so serious nothing can be fun! Mortal Kombat has always been about over-the-top gore and hyper-violence, with the developers constantly challenging themselves on how much they can push the envelope of what’s acceptable to publish. With Mortal Kombat One on the horizon, one can only imagine the brutality in store for fans.