The Straw Hats head toward the island of Water 7, desperate to find a shipwright that will repair Merry Go. That’s only the start of their worries in this arc as they’ll come face to face with fighting shipwrights, cyborg thieves, and a decision that splits the crew. What else is in store for the island of Water 7? Why is Nico Robin betraying the Straw Hats?
In the previous arc of One Piece, the Straw Hats took part in a Davy Back Fight against the Foxy Pirates. They make it out with the whole crew together but are quickly held up by Admiral Aokiji. He freezes Robin and the Straw Hats flee, now on the way to Water 7 to repair Merry Go.
Water 7

The island of Water 7 is the central shipbuilding hub of the Grand Line, with several shipwright companies based out of the city. Which is all that Water 7 really is, a floating city. While it was originally an island, the tide has slowly risen to overtake it year after year. Worse, Aqua Laguna happens once every year, which is a massive flood that submerges most of the city.
Obviously with the amount of water and focus on ships, Water 7 is mostly navigable by small boats. The Straw Hats arrive and rent one, while others set off to see the sights. Zoro stays behind, Chopper and Robin take off to find books, Sanji wanders off, and Luffy, Nami, and Usopp search for a shipwright.
Franky and the Family

Franky is a crucial Straw Hat member now, but he was first the head of the Franky Family. A group of misfits and outcasts that fell together under Franky as their boss, they now dismantle and steal whatever they find. Iceburg looks past it most of the time thanks to his and Franky’s long history, though Iceburg is the only one aware. Franky, despite his strange tendencies and often destructive energy, cares for those that he takes in and is a big brother figure to all.
The family is a few dozen strong and gets some expansion later in Enies Lobby when they team with the Straw Hats. Most of the family are skilled shipwrights thanks to Franky’s training and supervision. They also have fierce dedication to their boss, and will gladly sacrifice themselves if it means keeping Franky safe.
Robin Disappears

Chopper and Robin set out to find books in town but separate unexpectedly as Robin vanishes. There’s no clue where she goes at first, but Sanji notices her speaking with someone in a mask along one of the canals. Despite their attempts to catch up with her, she evades them and escapes with the figure.
It’s a mystery who she disappears with, but Sanji notices that Robin looks particularly shaken about something. There’s a massive mystery here that’s going to impact the story’s trajectory. Not only for Robin but for the entire Straw Hat crew.
The Galley-La Company

Luffy and Nami end up at the shipyard of the Galley-La company, run by the famous Mayor Iceburg. The company is known for its powerful shipwrights who fight off any who try to make trouble, led by Rob Lucci. Their various shipwrights are all impressive, from Kaku who takes off to size up Merry’s damage to Pauly the rope master. Galley-La is known as the best shipbuilding company in the world thanks to its intense detail and craftsmanship.
These shipwrights stand out for their dedication to the art of shipbuilding, and it shows in Iceburg’s work. Even while mayor of the city, he still finds time to keep an eye on the company and make sure everything is up to his impeccable standards.
Mayor Iceburg

There’s a reason Iceburg has such high standards though, and that’s because he’s the apprentice of the famous Tom. Tom was the builder of Gold Roger’s ship, the architect of the Sea Train, and a generally lovable guy. Iceburg was raised by Tom alongside Cutty Flam, who taught all of his secrets, even the ones that aren’t supposed to exist.
Iceburg is concerned when Robin shows up because he believes she’s after the secret plans that Tom holds. These plans, for the Ancient Weapon Pluton, were supposedly handed down to Iceburg from Tom before he was taken to Enies Lobby for execution. This was his punishment for his part in Gold Roger’s journey, and the moment where Cutty Flam died.
The Merry Go Won’t Go On

Naturally, nothing can go normally for the Straw Hats, and their gold is stolen from right under their noses. Mostly Usopp’s long nose, as the Franky family sneaks in and takes it while they’re distracted. That’s only the start of their problems, as Kaku, the long, square nose shipwright constantly mistaken for Usopp, breaks the bad news to them.
The Merry Go is no longer seaworthy, and can’t be repaired. From Kaku’s explanation, the keel of the ship is damaged beyond repair, which compromises the crucial structure of the ship. There’s a massive tumult of emotions from the Straw Hats as they have to quickly come to terms with the loss of not just their ship, but a crew member. Now they have to make a difficult choice to carry on with a new ship.
Franky Family Finds Merry

The family finds Merry Go moored on the beach while all except Zoro are away. They take it for themselves with the intent to dismantle it but forget that Zoro is onboard, and he chases them back to their hideout. Franky isn’t home, and Zoro puts a beatdown on the family even though they don’t have the money. Franky already blew most of it on a supply order and a massive party for the family.
This is a big issue since that was almost all the money the Straw Hats had in their possession, and they need all of it now. There’s a hunt on for Franky to get the money back, but meanwhile, he’s arguing with Iceburg and drinking at Blueno’s bar.
Luffy vs. Usopp

The fallout of Merry Go’s condition leads to the first big rift between Straw Hats. Everyone understands that the boat is beyond repair, and it’s difficult for each of them to give up the ship. Usopp takes it beyond that though, convinced that Galley-La company or wrong and that he’ll fix Merry himself. There’s pity as he’s obviously in denial about the state of things, and it’s understandable. The Merry and Usopp both joined the Straw Hats on Syrup Island and have been through so much since then.
He eventually challenges Luffy to a fight over what they do with Merry. If Usopp wins, they keep the Merry. Luffy wins of course, but it’s a difficult time for both of them as Luffy explains how hard it is for all of them to do this. Usopp is left with Merry as the other crew finds a hotel in town and renounces his Straw Hat affiliation. It’s a bitter moment, and at the time really did seem like Usopp was done with the crew.
Assassination Attempt

While the Straw Hats settle into a hotel for the night and Usopp stays with Merry, sinister events go down at Mayor Iceburg’s place. An assassination attempt is made, and Iceburg receives a devastating injury. He lives through it but singles out Nico Robin as his assassin to the Straw Hat’s horror and surprise. They vow to find Robin and figure out what’s going on but don’t like the answer they get.
Iceburg mentions that Robin wasn’t alone either, with someone alongside her he didn’t recognize. Iceburg knows that there’s something more to what they’re after, but doesn’t want to tell the Straw Hats as he’s not sure they can be trusted yet. The crew is determined to find their missing member now though, as Usopp tries to find a way to fix up the Merry on his own in town.
Cipher Pol 9

Cipher Pol 9 makes their debut in Water 7, for just the first of many appearances throughout the story. Everyone is taken aback as the Shipwrights of Galley-La Rob Lucci and Kaku, Iceburg’s assistant Kalifa, and bartender Bruno reveal themselves as World Government agents. They were deep undercover with the Galley-La company to try and steal the Ancient Weapon plans they believed Iceburg got from Tom.
They’re also responsible for Nico Robin’s defection from the Straw Hat crew. The World Government has been after her for years, and Robin knows CP9 wouldn’t bat an eye at killing everyone to get to her. CP9 introduces The Six Powers to the story as well, a system that allows them to walk on air as well as armor themselves. Somewhat of the World Government answer to Haki.
Aqua Laguna

Every year the island of Water 7 experiences something called the Aqua Laguna. This brings massive rain and wind that usually floods about ninety percent of the town. The Straw Hats manage to show up just one day before the event. Now, the day after Iceburg’s attempted assassination the wind starts to pick up. There’s not much time, and those at the bottom make a rush to seal their homes and businesses.
That means Puffing Tom is also out of commission while the storm rolls in, with tracks too unstable to run. That’s not a problem for Cipher Pol 9 though, as they plan to take Robin aboard the Puffing Tom anyway. With her, they’ll make their way to Enies Lobby once they finally take care of Iceburg.
Luffy vs. Lucci Round 1

The Straw Hat Captain and leader of Cipher Pol 9 have their first face-off after the CP9 agents reveal themselves. They fail at their attempt to kill Iceburg and find out he doesn’t possess the Pluton blueprint they’re looking for. Even so, they still take Robin and attempt to escape. Luffy faces down Lucci in a bid to stop them and demands an answer from Robin. She gives him a cold answer that she’s not a pirate.
The fight proves too much for Luffy as Rob Lucci takes on his Zoan transformation, a Leopard hybrid. The two spar but Luffy is quickly taken out by the combined powers of his Devil Fruit and Six Powers mastery. Usopp conveniently manages to meet up with Franky in the meantime and starts his work on the Merry Go. Luffy and Zoro are beaten and flung to the far edges of the city as the storm rages on.
Cutty Flam Lives

The camaraderie between Usopp and Franky is interrupted when CP9 barge in and claim to have killed Iceburg. Franky is apparently next as they’ve deduced he has the Pluton plans now, since he was Tom’s other apprentice Cutty Flam. Franky puts up a fight and his backstory gets a flashback. He’s young when Tom the Shipwright gets the death sentence for building Roger’s ship. Despite this, he helps Tom complete the Sea Train as his last project. Unfortunately, Cutty Flam couldn’t take Tom’s arrest, and subsequent attack on the city by the government, carried out with his destructive creations. He attacked the Puffing Tom as it departed, and supposedly died.
Except he became the funky cyborg of Water 7 instead, rebuilding himself with tech and keeping up his conniving ways. Though Iceburg and Kokoro knew he was alive, they said nothing except when he and Franky spoke about the Pluton plans one day. Iceburg gave Franky the plans, and he always keeps them on him. He refuses to give them up to CP9, and they take him into custody along with Usopp and Robin, loaded onto the Puffing Tom bound for Enies Lobby. Luckily, Sanji is watching from afar and follows them while he maintains contact with Nami and the others.
Chasing Robin

Sanji sneaks onto the ship to free Usopp, who avoids his questions and pretends to be Sniper King instead. They begin to make their way up, fighting enemies and freeing Franky in the process who joins them in battle. As they make their way through the train cars and defeat the Vice Admirals inside, the remaining Straw Hats find Luffy wedged between two buildings. They still don’t have a way to chase after them though, until old lady Kokoro shows up to tell them about the prototype Sea Train.
Now the Straw Hats board Rocketman, the out-of-control Sea Train that may kill them instead of getting them to Enies Lobby. There’s no guarantee they’ll make it in time, but with the help of the remaining Galley-La workers, the Franky Family, and a giant frog named Yokozuna, they’ll give the World Government hell.
Important Events that happened during Water 7

- Franky debuts!
- The history of Tom the Shipwright as well as his part in Gold Roger’s journey.
- CP9 debuts.
- Kaku and Kalifa gain new Devil Fruits for capturing Robin.
- Robin reveals the Buster Call, which the World Government uses to erase entire islands.
- Usopp temporarily defects from the Straw Hats.
- The Straw Hats separate on the way to Enies Lobby.
So, now that the island of Water 7 is behind them and Enies Lobby ahead, what are the Straw Hats to do? Robin has left them behind for CP9 with no answer yet as to why, and Luffy wants to know. There are a ton of great fights to come and massive lore to explore. One Piece is about to enter the peak arc of its first half, Enies Lobby!