The world of One Piece is massive, and it’s not easy to navigate, but not because of the size. While the North, South, East, and West Blues use regular compasses for navigation, the Grand Line requires something called a Log Pose. These little devices aren’t very hard to come by, but if anyone is caught without one in the Grand Line, it’s going to be a bad time.
This article contains light spoilers for One Piece. Catch up on Viz for the manga or Crunchyroll for the anime. Beware of spoilers ahead!
What is a Log Pose?

While the other seas in the world of One Piece use a regular compass for navigation, the Grand Line is much different. There are no true North or South magnetic fields in this band of sea, Instead, each island has its own magnetic pull, and this is where the Log Pose comes in. Instead of pointing toward True North or South, it points toward the next and previous islands. It does this by attuning to the forces of whatever island the sailors stop on, though it can vary by island.
Every island on the Grand Line has a different level of magnetic pull. Whether it just be something like a few days for Arabasta, a couple of hours for Whiskey Peak, or two years for Little Garden. It’s honestly a wonder anyone gets through the Grand Line without an Eternal Pose considering Little Garden is really close to the start.
Grand Line Weather

Although regular compasses don’t work, that isn’t the most dangerous aspect of the Grand Line. The weather is incredibly volatile, changing with little to no notice from clear skies to monstrous typhoons. Whirlpools and tidal waves can appear from nowhere, taking sailors out with no time to say their prayers. The weather and sea conditions of the Grand Line are the most deadly part, even more so than the pirates that roam these seas.
Advanced Log Poses

When the Straw Hats make their way into the New World, things change. This half of the Grand Line doesn’t have one straight line of islands like the first, but every island gives three choices of direction. The True South needle of the pose faces toward the island the pirates depart from, but there are three separate needles that will focus on the magnetic field of the next island. This gives a lot more options for the travel of pirates and sailors through the New World, but also comes with new challenges in the New World.
The New World

While it’s full of dangerous creatures like Sea Kings and Neptunians, the New World sets itself apart. The weather and ocean conditions are even more dangerous, with places like Totto Land featuring strange conditions like cotton candy snow or syrup oceans. Some parts of the sea are literally on fire or boiling hot for no reason, while suddenly snow can fall in the very same moment. That’s only the beginning of the New World too, as the Straw Hats are still making their way through.
Eternal Pose

Most Log Poses will reset as soon as they get to a new island, but there are special kinds that won’t do this. Instead, an Eternal Pose will stay locked to one island’s magnetic field, for as long as the user keeps the Log Pose intact of course. The only thing that’s sure to defeat an Eternal Pose is the shenanigans of a Straw Hat, and gravity of course.
Any good sailor in the world of One Piece is going to have a Log Pose with them. Whether they’re going through the Grand Line or just another island, it’s important to know which way to go. Without Log Poses, the Grand Line would be much more of a confusing chaotic ocean.