Chainsaw Man has wrapped up its first season, giving viewers a bloody, beautifully animated conclusion to Denji’s first major battle with another Devil hybrid alongside their newest recruits to the team. While the final two episodes of the season only gave the briefest of hints at what the newest team members could accomplish, instead choosing to focus on the emotional fallout of Aki and Denji’s season arcs and Himeno’s death.
While Devil Hunters are sorted into both public and private sectors, there are often a lot of crossovers as people start in Public Safety before eventually setting out on their own. In a line of work that doesn’t guarantee a long life, a lot of Hunters leave the Public Safety Division for a safer, less stressful contract job. That said, both the new and old members of Public Safety’s Special Division will have plenty to do in the second season, with a slew of dangerous new abilities to face down even more powerful Devils.

- Age: Unknown
- Who: Head of Public Safety Devil Hunters
- Powers: Unknown Devil Contracts.
Since her introduction at the end of episode one, Makima has always had an air of danger and mystery surrounding exactly who she is or how she got to her position. Kishibe is notably distrustful of her (he’s like that with everyone, though) and her demonstration of power during the Tokyo attack by Katana Man was nothing short of dread-inducing, with no hope for anyone to get away as she made bodies combust by rubbing her hands together.
That’s not even getting into the ordeal on the way to Tokyo, where Makima took a bullet point blank to the head and still was able to walk away without a scratch, leaving her attackers to rot in their own blood on the train as she went about her business. She’s cold, merciless, and has her plans for things, but nobody knows if she’s on the side of humans or Devils just yet.

- Age: 19, possibly 20.
- Who: Officer with Public Safety Devil Hunters
- Contracts: Future Devil, Curse Devil
Aki just needs a hug, and maybe a vacation. He’s mentioned being three years older than Denji and has been with Public Safety seemingly the entire time. Starting off with Himeno as his partner and learning the ropes while working for Makima, with his only goal being to kill the Gun Devil that destroyed his family along with millions of others all those years ago. He’s tenacious, smart, and despite the air of uncaring he puts on about Denji and Power, truly does care for both of them as if they were his siblings.
The fight against Katana Man and the Gun Devil’s forces left Aki traumatized, seeing Himeno sacrifice herself to the Ghost Devil in order to save him, all for nothing as he watched her disappear before the Ghost Devil was defeated in one move by the enemy’s Snake Devil. Aki managed to lose his contract with the Fox Devil during the same fight, and used his Contract with the Curse Devil in an attempt to win but was unfortunately still defeated, cutting his lifespan down to just two remaining years. Despite the setback, he made another contract with the Future Devil that will come into play next season.

- Age: 16
- Who: Chainsaw Man, member of Public Safety.
- Powers: Contract with Pochita, the Chainsaw Devil.
Denji has had the worst life of any Shonen protagonist, which is a pretty high bar all things considered. Being shunned by a ninja village or born Quirkless is a cakewalk compared to Denji’s life of poverty, finding his father’s body, and being made to pay back his immense debt to the mob just the start of his streak of awful luck. What he lacks in wealth or smarts, he makes up for in tenacity. Denji has proved through time he’s willing to fight dirty to get the upper hand, taking low blows on everyone from Aki to Katana Man by the series’ end.
What sets Denji apart is his contract with Pochita, the Chainsaw Devil that took the place of his heart when they were betrayed by the mob and killed. Now, Pochita’s power gives Denji the ability to pull a cord to rev up his form of Chainsaw Man, combine that with Denji’s drive to eat good food and touch women making them an unstoppable pair.

- Age: Unknown
- Who: Blood Fiend, Public Safety Devil Hunter.
- Powers: Total control of blood
Listen, some fans (not blaming everyone) need to check themselves when discussing how they feel about power. Sure, the resident Blood Fiend of Public Safety might look like a dream girl with devil horns, but she also refuses the most basic hygiene and is overall just a terrifying person to be around. Power is loud, crude, smelly, and often insulting to everyone, including Aki. Makima seems to be the only one capable of controlling her until she finally settles in with the incredibly dysfunctional family unit of Aki and Denji.
Power is no slouch in a fight though, with her powers of blood manipulation often being used to create comically large weapons like scythes and axes which she wields in battle. Like most other Devils, she can heal by consuming blood, making her a threat in massive battles where she can go wild.

- Age: 22
- Who: Public Safety Devil Hunters
- Powers: Unknown Devil Contract.
Kobeni and Denji have both had terrible lives, the only difference is Kobeni’s family made her life awful intentionally. Pushed into Devil Hunting early, Kobeni has to work and send money back home for her siblings to attend college, getting a much cushier life than she ever had. While she seems incredibly timid by the standards of the team, she can take down enemies in a flash when she wants to, even saving her teammates on occasion.
Kobeni’s Devil Contract is still a secret, even in the manga which is in the second saga at this point. While it’s unknown what it does, the results speak for themselves after she was able to cut Katana Man’s arm clean off with one knife swing before using Denji’s unconscious body as a shield while fighting the others. If that doesn’t give her points for merciless tactics, then nothing else will. Current theories on her Contract are either with Devils representing Luck or the ability to go berserk when needed (she used the Snake Devil like a sidewalk for crying out loud!).

- Age: Unknown
- Who: Devil, Public Safety Devil Hunters
- Powers: Spider Devil
Princi is never really mentioned by name, but is there for the raid on Katana Man’s hideout along with the other members of Public Safety, and is noted as being part of the team now. She’s a Spider Devil, though it isn’t obvious just from her upper torso which appears as a normal woman. The extra, longer legs make her the picture of terror though, and probably don’t help her get many dates. Or maybe it does, there are a lot of weird people out there.
Her powers are still relatively underplayed, even in the manga where she was mostly used in the background to dispatch lower-level enemies while the heavy hitters of Public Safety take on the more powerful foes.

- Age: Unknown
- Who: Shark Fiend, Public Safety Devil Hunters
- Powers: Unknown Devil Contracts.
Beam is Chainsaw Man’s loveable idiot, a simple Shark Devil that inhabited a human body but acts more like a loveable Golden Retriever dog than anything else. He’s fiercely loyal to Denji as the Chainsaw Devil, even assuming his full shark form and giving Denji a ride while he’s in Chainsaw Man mode. Beam won’t hesitate to chomp down on any enemies Public Safety sets him on and even has the ability to move through walls and other solid objects as if he was swimming through them.
Beam isn’t much for smarts or tactics, but he’s a reliable backup in any fight for Public Safety. While he won’t land heavy hits, he’s great at transport and able to move the other members of the team easily when assuming his shark form, able to swiftly swim through anything with a smile and laugh, despite not knowing what’s happening around him at any given moment.

- Age: Unknown
- Who: Violence Fiend, Public Safety Devil Hunters
- Powers: Violence
Galgali is distinctive from the other Devils of the Public Safety Division, wearing a plague doctor-styled mask and preferring to do most of his fighting ha-to-hand. Despite being a Devil made of people’s fear of Violence though, he’s a rather peaceful person outside of battles and seems to harbor a soft side toward Kobeni, protecting her in dire situations when he can.
Galgali’s powers are a totally different story, with Violence just being a broad term to describe his explosive powers in battle. He’s known to tear other Devils limb from limb, going into a rage as he fights until his foes are nothing more than a fresh coat of red paint on the walls. He wears the mask as a part of his Public Safety role, which both hides his status as a Fiend and emits a gas that helps dampen his powers, making him more controllable.

- Age: Unknown
- Who: Angel Devil, Public Safety Devil Hunter
- Powers: Drains life when touched.
Angel is a more mysterious new member of Public Safety, with his halo and wings making him quite the odd sight when put alongside the others on the team. While Angel appears as a boy with long hair around the same age as Aki, though his true age is much, much older. While he keeps everyone at a distance, it’s for their safety as his touch will drain their lifespan. Despite his massive power, Angel is hindered by his equally massive laziness, though he does develop a close bond with Aki as time goes on.
His powers are some of the strongest in the series next to Chainsaw Man himself, with his touch already being deadly enough. He doesn’t use his abilities often though due to nightmares about the lives he absorbed. When in a fight, he can create powerful weapons out of the lifespan he’s collected, sacrificing more years for more power, even using a minimal amount to give Aki a sword that cuts through the Ghost Devil with ease.

- Age: Unknown
- Who: Captain of Public Safety Devil Hunters
- Powers: Unknown Devil Contracts.
Kishibe is the oldest and longest-serving member of the Public Safety Division, being in his early fifties and probably seeing more death during his time than the number of years he’s been alive. Kishibe makes it a point on his first appearance that Devil Hunters, especially those in Public Safety, don’t live for very long, so making it to fifty means he’s got plenty of power still to reveal.
His powers and Devil Contracts haven’t been made known since he usually lets the others fight as he hangs back and gives orders, but was able to nearly kill Denji and Power multiple times in the same day while training them, requiring him to carry blood bags to restore them. He’s mostly stepped back into the role of trainer and commander since Makima put the newest iteration of the team together, though.
The Public Safety Division has only gone through its first major shakeup since Denji joined, now containing more Devils than humans at this point. While fans will have to wait on season two to see the new team in more cohesive action, their inclusion in the last two episodes of season one have manga fans excited for the fights to come, and anime-only fans wondering just how ridiculously blood-soaked things are about to get in the world of Chainsaw Man with the newly revamped Public Safety Devil Hunters.