What are the Nami Bounties you might ask? The infamous Cat Burglar of the Straw Hat Pirates, it’s almost a wonder Nami never has a bounty in East Blue. Her ability to slip treasure out from under everyone she finds, and her cunning nature make her a force to be reckoned with from the start. Nami earns her first bounty in the Straw Hats battle at Enies Lobby, but it’s grown massively since then, and now she’s worth more than most captains!
Reader beware! Spoilers for the manga through the current Egghead Island arc are abundant! So, catch up before continuing, or proceed with caution!
Nami’s First Bounty
- Bounty: 16 Million Berries

Nami navigates the Straw Hats all the way to Water 7 and takes out a Baroque Works member before that in Alabasta. Her fight with Kalifa earns her first bounty though, establishing her as Cat Burglar Nami. She’s also the only Straw Hat besides Luffy to know they’re being photographed and pose accordingly. Nami’s wanted posters often get her more lust than fear, but sometimes both are in equal combinations. That’s probably the most logical approach for Nami, all things considered.
The bounty she earns here is partially because of her Straw Hat status, but also thanks to her own strength. Nami’s battle with Kalifa is one of her greatest, and shows that she’s more than capable of helping her crewmates. That was before her joint sabotage with Sanji, closing the Gates of Justice and riding the whirlpool out. All the Navy boats that follow them crash immediately, earning Nami more infamy.
Nami Bounty after Dressrosa
- Bounty: 66 Million Berries

Nami is barely in Dressrosa but gets a bounty from her Straw Hat affiliation. While she did have a small part in taking down some of Don Quixote Doflamingo’s henchmen, she was part of the Momonosuke protection team that run off to Zou. Still, Nami does manage to pose for a new bounty photo before they sail away on the Thousand Sunny though. That photo now lives on Ginzo’s wall back in Pinwheel Village, which is really, really weird.
How much is Nami Bounty ? Her Highest Bounty (So Far!)

- Bounty: 366 Million Berries
All the Straw Hats get a decent boost from the battle in Wano, and Nami gets a solid increase on her bounty with a three hundred million Berrie difference. The Straw Hat’s navigator and resident Weather Witch went toe to toe with Ulti in the Onigashima Raid. Even more, she helps Tama traverse the dangerous Performance Floor to hand out her dumplings to the Beast Pirates. It’s a crucial part of the Onigashima raid that helps to turn the tide in the Straw Hats’ favor.
Nami also received an upgrade between Dressrosa and Wano in the form of Zeus, Big Mom’s former Homie. Now that Big Mom is dead, the last essence of Zeus lives in Nami’s new Climate Baton. He makes a powerful ally and allows her to summon huge storm clouds and lightning bolts. Now Nami is an even greater threat than she ever dreamed, and capable of fighting right alongside the other Straw Hats.
No matter where the Straw Hats venture, Nami is the one to lead them there. Her navigation skills have been essential to gaining each of them their bounties, after all. No doubt she’ll accrue an even greater bounty before the story ends, and probably try to cash in on it herself.