One Piece has a lot of wonderful episodes, and some beautiful animation to go with them! Even the non-battle scenes have beautiful set pieces and animation that make it a joy to explore. You really get a massive sense of wonder from seeing all of these kingdoms and characters. It is likely the same wonder that the Straw Hats feel when they encounter these characters for the first time. Still, some episodes tower above the rest in their animation. So we are going to be looking at some of the best animated episodes in One Piece. Interestingly, some of them are before the Wano arc. Which is where most fans believe that the animation had its biggest bump.
7) “Feelings Put Into Fists! Luffy’s Full-Power Gatling!” — Episode 309

While the early animation in the show wasn’t terrible by any means, it was still trying to find its footing. The animation wasn’t as smooth and fluid as it is today. However, some episodes and fight scenes were able to show a bit of what was to come. Luffy’s fight with Rob Lucci was one of these fights.
The first appearance of Gear 2 is always satisfying, and its abilities were well animated. Plus, the title’s Full-Power Gatling just looks beautiful. You really feel the impact when it takes Lucci down.
6) “Admiral Kizaru’s Fierce Attack — The Straw Hat Crew’s Desperate Situation!” — Episode 404

This episode was a game-changer in many ways. For starters, it saw the total defeat of the Straw Hats, the power of the Marines and Pacifista, and of course a noticeable bump in the animation quality.
The powers and skills of these enemies, as they take down the Straw Hats, are formidable. The fact that they are beautifully animated isn’t half bad either. They make the entire desperate situation that much more desperate. If not easier to look at!
5) “A Fist Of Divine Speed — Another Gear 4 Application Activated!” — Episode 870

As Luffy and Sweet Commander Charlotte Katakuri face off, new forms are revealed for both sides. As is fitting for a huge final arc battle! With two characters that can control and shapeshift their bodies into different forms, you know that these two will pull out all the stops!
The animation in this clash of shapeshifters is top notch, and it is one of the best animated episodes of the arc. It takes the emotional and story stakes of this final fight and cranks it all the way up by making every movement beautiful.
4) “Here Comes Main Act! Powerful Techniques Of Shockwave And Magnetism” — Episode 1066

Now we are at the Wano County arc, the arc where everyone agrees that the animation took a sharp bump in quality. No one thought that this unexpected battle would be one of the most beautifully animated so far! Eustass Kid and Trafalgar D. Water Law, with a bit of help from Luffy and Zoro, take on Big Mom.
The epic battle sees all three characters utilize their Devil Fruit powers and Haki in visually stunning ways. This episode practically oozes beautiful animation as the three characters unleash some of their most powerful abilities. Plus, for eagle-eyed fans, there are even some Easter Eggs to enjoy!
3) “Surpass the Emperor of the Sea — Luffy Strikes Back With An Iron Fist!” — Episode 1028

The animation of Haki has gone through various changes over the years since it was introduced. However, this episode manages to finally nail down how Haki powers should look. It also gets what makes them so great in the first place! Luffy starts to use Conquerer’s Haki and incorporate it into his battle with Kaido. The resulting fight is utterly beautiful to behold.
The avant-garde style of animation really shows off Luffy’s new power. And his defeat of Kaido shows that he is ready to take on the Four Emperors. This episode stands out, but to be perfectly honest, the entire fight between Luffy and Kaido is well animated. It is certainly worth a watch from beginning to end!
2) “The Strike of an Ifrit! Sanji vs. Queen” –Episode 1061

This was one of Sanji’s better fights after the Whole Cake Island Arc. His battle against Queen was an emotional one, as Queen was attacking him with all of his family’s weapons. Weapons that Sanji refused to use. Not only was it a physical battle, but an emotional one as well. Sanji eventually needed to embrace the part of himself that was a Vinsmoke in order to pull out a win.
The entire battle, both the physical and mental aspects, are very well animated. They put you inside the head and shoes of Sanji. This makes it all the better when he finally manages to pull out a beautiful victory.
1) “The Three-Sword Style of the Supreme King! Zoro vs. King” — Episode 1062

Finally, we can’t end an animation article without talking about a swordfight! Sword fights have consistently been some of the most beautiful anime episodes, and this is no exception. Zoro is forced to battle against King and overcome several challenges to finally pull out a win. The entire swordfight is well animated and beautiful from start to finish!
For many, Zoro has always been a very interesting character. This episode made him a star and allowed him to embrace his true potential in a way we haven’t seen before. It will be very interesting to see how the next fight will top this!
One Piece’s Animation Will Continue To Increase
With the story stretching closer to the end of One Piece with the Final Saga, the entire story is going to get better. Plus it will get more beautifully animated! It might not produce another Wano County styled animation bump, but you can bet that the studio is only going to go up from here!
It will be very interesting to watch the beautiful episodes and climactic fight scenes with the brand new animation. So get ready to have your eyes glued to your screen!