If you’re looking for some good old-fashioned character development in the world of One Piece, then look no further than Bellamy the Hyena. Bellamy was the arrogant leader of the notorious Bellamy Pirates and a long-time admirer of Donquixote Doflamingo, leader of the Donquixote Pirates. This admiration fueled most of his actions within the series and was a source of pride and pain for him. During his time as a recurring character in One Piece, Bellamy went from an egotistical antagonist to a respected ally, and his journey is, without a doubt, quite inspirational.
Who Is Bellamy The Hyena?

At the height of his infamy, Bellamy was known by many names, such as Bellamy the Hyena, Deadly Bullet of Dressrosa, and The Big-Time Rookie. He was the leader of a crew of pirates called the Bellamy Pirates, with whom he attacked and plundered different locations and even other pirates. He was also a member of the Donquixote Pirates. Most of Bellamy’s personality is modeled after the rogue pirate, Doflamingo, and his beliefs. These beliefs and a false sense of superiority pushed him into many dangerous altercations, most notably with Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates. He had no regard for anyone, but after surviving Sky Island and a stunning punch from Luffy, he changed and became a better man and even Luffy’s friend.
The Bellamy Pirates

As a young man, Bellamy felt unsatisfied with his dull life in his hometown and craved adventure on the high seas. Determined to live his dream, he gathered a crew and formed the Bellamy Pirates. Soon after, he offered their services to Doflamingo, who allowed them into the Donquixote Pirates and lent them his Jolly Roger emblem but warned against defeat. Like their captain, the Bellamy Pirates believed only in the New Age and often bullied pirates they considered fools of the Age of Dreams. They pillaged other pirate ships and got new members through intimidation.
They docked their ship, the New Witch’s Tongue, on the island town of Jaya and were, for a time, based in Mock Town. This is where they met Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates. After an initial altercation with Luffy, Zoro, and Nami, Bellamy and his crew decided to attack and rob their friend, Mont Blanc Cricket, and the Saruyama Alliance. At that, Luffy challenged him and defeated him with a single blow. In the Long Ring Long Land Arc, Doflamingo arrived in Jaya looking for them and berated them for losing to Luffy. He dismissed them and forced Bellamy to fight his second-in-command, Sarquiss. Later, they traveled to Sky Island to find a treasure that would appease Doflamingo, but most of them did not return. Bellamy returned to Doflamingo alone, and the Bellamy Pirates were no more.
Bellamy’s Loyalty And Devotion To Doflamingo

Bellamy had a deep regard for Donquixote Doflamingo. He had admired him since he was a child and looked up to him as a role model. He wanted to be like him and looked forward to standing by his side in the New Age. But unknown to him, Doflamingo actually believed in One Piece and wanted both the treasure and title of Pirate King for himself. He was also willing to destroy the world to get it.
After the Time Skip, during the Dressrosa Arc, Bellamy entered the Corrida Colosseum tournament at Doflamingo’s behest. He initially offered Bellamy a place as a leader in his crew if he won but revoked it after his eventual loss to King Elizabello. He even went as far as ordering Dellinger to kill Bellamy, but Bellamy was able to defeat the officer with help from another competitor, Bartolomeo.
After the failed assassination attempt, Doflamingo not only assaulted Bellamy himself but also forced him into a death match against his former enemy-turned-friend, Luffy. During the fight, he finally admitted that he had looked up to the wrong person but couldn’t turn his back on him because ‘losers still have their principles to follow’.
Bellamy and Luffy’s Encounters

Bellamy first met Luffy in Jaya when he was most violent and egotistical. He initiated a fight with Luffy and Zoro when the pair, alongside Nami, stopped at a bar in the island town. He disrespected them because they’d come looking for Sky Island, and he felt that made them foolish dreamers. Bellamy believed that their allegedly low bounties made them easy targets, and even after discovering that Luffy and Zoro actually had bounties of 100 million Berries and 60 million Berries, respectively, he still underestimated them.
They met again after Bellamy attacked Luffy’s friend, Mont Blanc Cricket, and stole his golden statue. An enraged Luffy defeated Bellamy with one punch and left him unconscious. This defeat was the beginning of Bellamy’s growing respect for Luffy.
When he reunited with Luffy in the Corrida Colosseum tournament, he was calmer and more respectful. Later, when his boss, Doflamingo, orders him to kill Luffy, he is reluctant to. At the end of the Dressrosa Arc, he and Luffy acknowledged each other and parted as friends. Even though he refused to join Luffy’s newly formed Straw Hat Grand Fleet, he took a small fragment of his Vivre Card and promised to return if he ever needed his help.
Bellamy The Hyena’s Devil Fruit

Bellamy possesses the Bane Bane no Mi Devil Fruit, also known as the Spring Spring Fruit or Boing Boing Fruit. It is a Paramecia-type fruit that allows him to turn his limbs into powerful springs. These springs enable him to jump to impressive heights, dodge attacks, and confuse opponents. He often uses them on his legs, but also occasionally on his arms, to land powerful punches on his enemies.
Bellamy’s Powers And Abilities And Feats

Aside from his Devil Fruit Powers, Bellamy also has incredible brute strength, much more than the average man. When he first met Luffy, he smashed his head into a table in a bar, completely crushing the wooden table. He also defeated two well-known pirates, Shoujou and Roshio, with a combination of his Bane Bane no Mi and raw strength. Bellamy became much stronger after the Time Skip. He’d undergone rough conditions while in Sky Island, and on his return, his exploits in Dressrosa earned him the name Deadly Bullet of Dressrosa. He was also a fan favorite in the tournament, known for taking down his opponents viciously. He also vastly improved his stamina in combat. Bellamy could not only defeat fellow competitors Abdullah and Jeet but also withstand Bartolomeo’s attacks before finally collapsing at the hands of King Elizabello and his King Punch.
This stamina also got him through his confrontation with Doflamingo and his forced fight with Luffy. He withstood a barrage of blows from Doflamingo, and against Luffy. He conceded when Luffy used his Busoshoku Haki-hardened Gear Second punch to knock him out. Bellamy was hardly ever seen with weapons, as he preferred to use his Bane Bane no Mi against opponents. However, he did use them on and off. During a confrontation with Roshio in the Jaya Arc, Bellamy used a pistol and a knife to attack him. After losing to Roshio in a game of cards, he accused the pirate of cheating and stabbed one of his hands with a knife. When he entered the Corrida Colosseum tournament, he wielded two knives while fighting Jeet and Abdullah and used them to pin their feet to the ground.
Bellamy’s Bounty and Bullying Mishap

When he was introduced, Bellamy had a bounty of 55 million Berries. At the time, this was considered an impressive bounty in his hometown and earned him the name The Big Time Rookie. He gained such a high bounty through his notoriety as an unpredictable pirate and brute strength. Bellamy’s bounty made him a very proud, vain person. He wrongly assumed that his relatively high bounty made him stronger than other pirates with less, so he constantly underestimated and specifically picked on people with lesser bounties because he considered them less powerful than himself.
When he first met Luffy and his crew, he looked down on them and disrespected them after hearing that Luffy had a bounty of 30 million Berries and Zoro had none. This, alongside the fact that the Straw Hat Pirates had gone to Jaya searching for Sky Island, made him disrespect them and sparked a fight between them. Later, when their bounties were confirmed to be 100 million and 60 million Berries, he still refused to believe them, claiming that their bounties were fake. After Luffy plummeted him to the ground with a simple punch, he definitely believed.
After the Time Skip, Bellamy’s bounty rose to a whopping 195 million Berries. This is presumably because of his experiences on Sky Island and working for Doflamingo in Dressrosa.
Where Is Bellamy Now?

After the Dressrosa Arc, Bellamy decided not to join Luffy’s Straw Hat Grand Fleet. He preferred not to serve under him, choosing to give up his life of piracy and find his path. In the One Piece Cover Page side story titled Stories Of The Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Pirates, it is revealed that he traveled to Dyed Good Town and became a dyer there, devoting himself to the craft of designing and making Jolly Rogers.