One Piece takes place on a lot of islands and areas above the seas. It does make sense as it is the domain of the various pirate crews that are the main characters of the story. However, have you ever wondered what might be under the sea? There are a few mysteries that the waves still hold, and one of them is Ryugu Kingdom.
King Neptune rules over Ryugu Kingdom, and it is a kingdom under the water that controls Fish-Man island and the areas around it. Not only is this underwater kingdom very important to the wider lore of One Piece, but it also has a key role in a massive arc that changes the entire story. Along with the balance of power under the world’s oceans!
What Does The Kingdom Look Like?

Much like traditional underwater kingdoms in various fantasy shows, Ryugu Kingdom looks very different than the surface above it. The buildings look like seashells built on coral reefs, and they either rest on those reefs, or are suspended above them. Those buildings float in the air encased in bubbles. In order to get around, there are several water streams that go through the air. These streams can be ‘swam’ through in order to get from place to place.
What Is Fish-Man Island?

Fish-Man Island is already an interesting landmark in the world of One Piece. It is an underwater city of the fish-men and merfolk, and it has been called by many an underwater paradise. There is one key thing that makes Fish-Man island so special. It contains and underwater gateway to the New World.
This gateway can help people get to the New World if they are unwilling or unable to pass through the Red Line. Additionally, the higher up you go on the island, the more sunlight people get exposed to. The pride and joy of Fish-Man island is the Fish-Man dojo, which is where Fish-Man karate is taught.
Who Is King Neptune?

The Ruler of Ryugu city is the massive coelacanth merman King Neptune. He commands the full authority of the kingdom. King Neptune takes care of his Neptune family. Including his only daughter who he is very protective of. Neptune also has a wise and calm demeanor, and has become far less impulsive in his old age.
He also knows all about the Void Century and poneglyphs. He is also one of the few characters to know just how dangerous those secrets are. In battle, he uses his immense strength and durability, as well as his command over water and sea life. Though he has started to decline due to his advanced age.
What Role Did The Ryugu Kingdom Play In The Story?

After a two year time skip involving intense training, the crew of the Straw Hats reunite. Armed with new abilities, knowledge, and upgrades, the crew prepares to sail to the New World. In order to do so, they must use the gateway in Fish-Man Island. After an encounter with Caribou, a ghost ship, as well as sea monsters, the Thousand Sunny travels to Fish-Man island. There they quickly encounter the New Fish-Man pirates.
The pirates demand the crew join them or die. However, The Thousand Sunny uses the Coup De Burst to blast its way past the pirates and into the island. The protective coating is stripped off the Sunny and the crew is once again separated. After a few encounters with both mermaids and the Princes of the Neptune family, they encounter King Neptune.
Meeting The Royal Family (and Caribou Crisis!)

As Luffy meets and dines with the only daughter of King Neptune, Princess Shirahoshi, an assassination attempt occurs on the princess. Luffy saves her (unwittingly), but the Straw Hats get accused. Not of that crime, but of the strange disappearance of several of the mermaids they spoke with earlier.
Turns out that Caribou has also arrived on the Island. He began capturing mermaids to sell them into Slavery. As the Straw Hats battle King Neptune and his guards, a bigger problem enters. The New-Fish Man Pirates!
The Battle For Ryugu Kingdom

The entire Fish-Man island arc could be an article all its own. But suffice it to say that the New-Fish man Pirates attempted to take the island over. The relationships between Fish-Men and humans have been deteriorating. Hody Jones wants to take the entire island over to enslave humans. This would make Fish-Men the dominant race over the island, and that’s bad news for the Straw Hats!
The Royal family and the Straw Hats have to work together to protect Princess Shirahoshi. Skirmishes between the groups rock Fish-Man island. While Hody Jones takes over the palace and prepares the Royal Family for execution.
The Final Battle For The Kingdom

The Straw Hats quickly find themselves battling 100,000 New-Fish Man pirates (though about half are taken out by a Haki blast). The various abilities that the Straw Hats have learned are revealed during the battle. Hody Jones starts battling Luffy on top of a ship that about to destroy the island.
The Ship of Promise, also known as Noah, was built during the Void Century by the Fish-Men. But due to the power of Vander Decken, the ship began to plummet towards the island. With the work of the Ammo Knights, Luffy, and several Sea Kings summoned by Shirahoshi, the ship was stopped.
The Legacy of Ryugu’s Kingdom

The Kingdom and the Neptune family would not appear yet outside of cameo appearances. They did put another massive story event into traction. Big Mom had a deal with the island where it would provide her 10 tons of candy in order to avoid her wrath. But Luffy had eaten the entire stock and they had no more.
Upon hearing Big Mom threaten the island, Luffy in turn promised to defeat her and sail to the New World in order to become the Pirate King. And as we know, that journey is still ongoing!