Straw Hat Luffy has a way of bringing strong people into his crew, and proves it with the latest addition of Jimbei in One Piece. The former Warlord and original member of the Fishman Pirates is just another to believe in Luffy’s cause, and vows to help him become Pirate King. So, who is the First Son of the Sea, Jimbei, and what does he bring to the table in One Piece?
Fair warning, this article contains spoilers for One Piece up to the current Egghead Island arc, currently on chapter 1090. The manga is available to read on MangaPlus and Viz. Proceed with caution!
Who is Jimbei?

Jimbei has a lot of history in One Piece, and is even introduced in name. before the Straw Hat Pirates leave the East Blue. This is because he and Arlong are former crewmates, though they don’t get along well these days. He’s the polar opposite of Arlong though, believing that Fishmen need to come to the surface through diplomatic means. This puts them at odds, and leads to Arlong’s rift into the Arlong Pirates while Jimbei founds the Sun Pirates after Tiger’s death.
It also reforms Jimbei of his former views on humans, and leads to a kinder, gentler side in the Fishman. Despite his dislike of the Navy, Jimbei even takes a role as Warlord in order to ensure protection for Fishman Island, though it gains him ire from the other islanders. Still, Jimbei does it out of care for them, and it keeps them safe for a time. He’s an honorable pirate, over everything, and fulfills the promises he makes.
Fisher Tiger’s Fishman Pirates

Jinbe joins Fisher Tiger’s pirate crew as soon as the legendary Fishman brings escapees back to the island. He takes the brand all the other slaves and crew members do, which covers the Claw of the Celestial Dragon brand all slaves get. Koala warms up to Jimbei particularly quickly as well, which will make a reunion with the Straw Hats and Revolutionaries emotional.
Despite Fisher Tiger’s death at the hands of the Navy, betrayed by Koala’s village, Jimbei doesn’t resent the humans for it. He chooses to remember Fisher TIger’s final request, and does what he can to make peace with humans and bring Fishmen to equal standing. For a time he becomes disillusioned with pirate life, while Arlong goes out to form his own crew, Jimbei eventually does the same.
Why Did Jimbei Become Warlord?

The Sun Pirates are a new crew with Jimbei as Captain, and many former members of the Fishman Pirates that didn’t join with Arlong. They gain notoriety quickly, and Jimbei ends up with the moniker First Son of the Sea along with a bounty to match. He’s particularly strong and a threat to the Navy, which brings about his eventual arrest. Jimbei, instead of doing time, makes a deal with the Navy to become one of the Warlords. He also runs Arlong out of the Grand Line, which eventually leads to his establishment of Arlong Park in the East Blue.
Jimbei’s time as Warlord is mostly spent trying to negotiate peace with Fishman Island. He’s on friendly terms with the Whitebeard Pirates, to the point of referring to him as Pops much like most of Whitebeard’s crew. Whitebeard even took Fishman Island under his guaranteed protection as a sign of peace with them. Jimbei eventually met Ace this way as well, with the two becoming good friends. This eventually leads to Jimbei’s resistance to the Navy’s plans for Marineford, and Jimbei is locked up in Impel Down.
Impel Down

The two are locked up together for a time in Impel Down’s sixth level, the Eternal Hell. Unfortunately for them, there are some around that aren’t as fond of either of them. Crocodile in particular harbors a grudge against Jimbei, and Ace in turn thanks to his hatred of Whitebeard. Jimbei isn’t able to help Ace when he’s in the prison, but he is there to help Luffy escape when it counts.
Jimbei comes in as Luffy’s guardian angel during the battle at Marineford. Honestly straight from the Impel Down breakout through the timeskip, Jimbei is one of the greatest characters to assist Luffy. It’s Jimbei that takes the brunt of Akainu’s attack that gives Luffy his scar. Hell, he swims with most of the Impel Down escapees on his back to reach an escape ship. Finally, Jimbei gives Luffy the speech he needs to kick himself into gear and grow stronger.
Why Does Jimbei join the Straw Hat Pirates?

During the time skip Jimbei ends up sailing the New World with the Sun Pirates once more, now under the banner of Emperor Big Mom. As with most things he does, Jimbei swears loyalty to Big Mom so Fishman Island will have protection. Though this comes at the price of a monthly candy tribute to Totto Land. When Luffy comes through Jimbei expresses his intent to join Luffy’s crew, with the Straw Hat’s exploits against Hody Jones only strengthening his resolve.
Jimbei sees that Luffy is the one that can potentially bring Fishmen to the surface just like Joyboy did so long ago. He knows what it’s going to take for Luffy to become Pirate King, and still swears loyalty to his new captain. Big Mom even faces down Jimbei with the Life or Loyalty power she uses, and Jimbei shows no fear, keeping his lifespan and soul from her. Not only that, but once the Straw Hats are clear of Totto Land, Jimbei stays behind with Luffy’s permission for a last stand with his former crew. This lets the Thousand Sunny clear Totto Land and reach Wano, where Jimbei eventually reunites with them during the raid on Onigashima.
Does Jimbei Have Powers?

Jimbei doesn’t have any sort of Devil Fruit abilities, but instead relies on his immense Color of Armament Haki mastery alongside his Fishman Karate. He’s a master of the art, and his ability to manipulate sea currents and channel water is incredibly useful for putting fires out, especially at Onigashima. The Fishman Karate is an art specially designed for use at sea, but on land can be just as dangerous, as Jimbei’s Ocean Current Shoulder Throw can easily smash walls.
No other Haki abilities than basic Observation, but Jimbei’s Armament is some of the most advanced seen. He uses it in particular with his Fishman Karate to coat his limbs, calling it his Sharkskin ability. It leads to some particularly vicious shots, even against a Pacifista.
Jimbei’s Resolve

By far Jimbei’s most impressive feat is facing down Big Mom in her Life or Soul attack. She exerts her Soul-Soul Fruit power, which usually allows her to absorb the souls of those she chooses. This only works so long as they feel fear or doubt toward Big Mom though, and Jimbei shows none of that. He’s steadfast in his commitment to joining Luffy, so even while the army of Big Mom succumbs to her power out of fear, Jimbei stands tall. It’s a badass moment almost on the level of “Nothing Happened” that doesn’t get the appreciation it deserves.
The Newest Straw Hat Pirate

Jimbei is definitely going to take some time to acclimate to the Straw Hat Pirates, as they’re not like any typical crew he’s sailed with. His first journey with the entire crew of Sunny was only after Wano, and it was interesting to see him observe the madness that happens. Even with the ensuing chaos, Jimbei is fitting in perfectly as the serious straight-face member of the crew, often not understanding how the crew act or speaks. That’s probably a good thing for the Straw Hats to have though, since the elder Straw Hats consist of a grim-humored genocide survivor, a cyborg who faked his death, and a 90-year-old skeleton with a panty obsession. It’ll be good to have a real adult in the crew to reign everyone in.
He’s certainly fitting in at Egghead Island though, and proves to be an awesome crewmate to some of the less powerful members. Jimbei has taken to protecting Chopper and Usopp, with Nami on occasion. The former Warlord is taking to the Straw Hat Pirates perfectly fine so far though, and he’s going to see Luffy help Fishman Island even more in the times to come. He may be the First Son of the Sea, but Jimbei is now a Straw Hat Pirate before anything else!