Kuzan (or Aokiji) is a former admiral of the Marines who now serves as one of the Ten Titanic Captains of Blackbeard’s crew. Given the intense hatred between the pirates who openly flaunt the law and the marines who seek to bring them to justice, it seems odd that Kuzan switched sides. As we have seen, it takes massive circumstances to have Marines and Pirates work together, let alone accept one as the other. But Kuzan’s story is an interesting one, and one we will be retracing today as we go through it. So how Did Kuzan Join The Blackbeard Pirates? Let’s find out!
What Powers Does Kuzan Have?

Kuzan has immense strength and durability, able to withstand plenty of punishment. He’s been able to fight for ten days straight, hold his own against enemies like Garp, and move faster than Doflamingo. So he’s a pretty powerful enemy for anyone to have.
Additionally, he ate the Hie Hie no Mi devil fruit which allows him to control ice. He can create ice, transform his body into it, and can form constructs out of ice. His powers have been used to freeze people, battleships, entire oceans, and more. He even permanently altered the climate of Punk Hazard.
Leaving The Marines

Following the war in Marineford, Aokiji was to become the next Fleet Admiral in the marines, but many of the upper brass in the World government nominated Akainu. The pair battled on Punk Hazard for ten days where Akainu was victorious. Both fighters walked away with heavy damage from the battle, with Kuzan losing a leg that he had to regrow out of ice.
Not wanting to work under Akainu, he resigned from the marines. He met a giant penguin named Camel and had a year’s worth of adventures with him. He also changed his name from Aokiji to Kuzan, and sailed to the New World.
Meeting Blackbeard

After meeting some of Blackbeard’s crew in a bar, a fight broke out and Kuzan quickly froze them into ice statues. Before he could leave, Blackbeard arrived and demanded that he undo the damage. Kuzan agreed, and the unlikely bar mates began sharing a drink together. He struggled to drown his memories of the poneglyphs and Nico Robin, before Blackbeard made him an offer.
After ignoring his crew members who wanted their captain to kill him, Blackbeard told Kuzan that he wasn’t part of the Marines and wanted the man to join his crew. He reminded Kuzan that they all make their own choices in this life, and Kuzan could make his. Wanting to fulfill his own interests alongside Blackbeard’s crew, Kuzan agreed and became the Tenth Titanic Captain.
The Ten Titanic Captains

Each of the Ten Titanic Captains is ten of the most powerful fleet officers Blackbeard has. Each one leads a ship and commands a division of their own, and they answer only to Blackbeard. While some of these pirates have been with Blackbeard since the beginning, others are prisoners from Impel Down. Prisoners are so feared by the World government that they have been erased from history.
All of these captains have had their roles to play in the story so far. However, they have been small ones that aren’t too impactful in the grand scheme of things. As the story of One Piece draws closer and closer to its final arc, we should see a lot more of the Ten Titanic Captains and what they can really do. Especially Kuzan and his crew.
One Piece Film: Z

During the non-canon film: One Piece Film: Z, Kuzan was a major character. He had connections to both the Straw Hats and to Z, as Z was his former mentor. Despite many fans wanting to see the pair clash, Kuzan and Z could not bring themselves to fight one another. Kuzan would end up aiding the Straw Hats to get to where Z was. He would also ensure that the fight went uninterrupted by the Navy when they arrived.
Kuzan has always been a likable character no matter what side he was on. This movie gave him a little more to like, and many fans appreciated him acting on the side of the Straw Hats for once. Plus, he did a great job handling both sides of the conflict, keeping to his newfound philosophy and desire for personal freedom.
Battling Garp

After he and the Blackbeard pirates stopped Koby from leaving Pirate Island, Vice Admiral Garp came to his rescue. Kuzan was forced to engage in a fight with Garp, and the battle between the master and the student raged on. The battle was as much a battle of fists and powers as it was about ideology. Kuzan relished in his newfound freedom, while Garp saw his actions as traitorous.
Additionally, Garp lamented that his son Monkey D. Dragon, grandson Monkey D. Luffy, and now Kuzan had all turned into enemies of the Marines. The battle saw Garp taking on Kuzan, along with various other Titanic captains. Garp was grievously wounded by both Shiryu and then Kuzan. The last thing the audience sees is the captains surrounding him.
What Is Going To Happen Next?

We don’t know what is going to happen next with Kuzan. With him not only being affiliated with Blackbeard but also as someone who was there on Ohara. He’s got a lot of potential. He knows a lot about poneglyphs and the secrets of the world, and it is going to be interesting to see where his loyalties lie in the end.
He joined the Blackbeard Pirates in order to further his own interests. Blackbeard himself stated that the two don’t have to like one another, but they can work together to achieve their own goals. We have no idea what his goals are, only that Kuzan is willing to fight for them and fight for his freedom. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the final saga.