Vinsmoke Sanji is the cook of the Straw Hat Pirates, the son of Vinsmoke Judge, and a prince of the Germa Kingdom. As if that’s not enough, he’s one of the Wings of the Pirate King along with Roronoa Zoro. Needless to say, Vinsmoke Sanji is one of the most wanted men in the world, so how did his bounty get so high?
Fair warning that this will contain spoilers through the current Egghead Island arc! Reader beware!
Sanji’s First Bounty Poster

Okay, so Sanji had his ass handed to him on a delicate silver platter right before his fight with Jabra. In his defense, it was against Kalifa so Sanji refused to hit her. Yeah, he was useless, so Nami swapped and Sanji faced the wolfman Jabra. Jabra, who ate the Dog-Dog Fruit Model: Wolf continues to beat Sanji’s ass back and forth across the island. Things look very bleak for Sanji until he unlocks a new resolve to save Robin, and jumps into action. A flaming kick that he dubs Diable Jambe ends the fight immediately and gives Sanji a new signature move.
His bounty reaches seventy-seven million Berries here, though that seems like peanuts now. Still, it was Sanjji’s first bounty, and it leads to one of the funniest gags in One Piece when his poster is unveiled. Instead of a photo like everyone else gets, Sanji has a sketch. A very bad sketch, at that, and it causes issues with Duval when the Straw Hats reach Sabaody Archipelago.
Sanji bounty after Dressrosa

Sanji bounty in Dressrosa gets a major bump along with an interesting status change. Hell, Sanji was barely in Dressrosa, all things considered, as he and the other Straw Hats sailed off to Zou while Luffy and the others stayed. Still, he was there long enough to get his picture taken and a substantial bump in bounty to 177 million Berries. Even stranger, his bounty switches from the usual “Wanted Dead or Alive” to “Alive Only”.
It’s enough to get him seen and his father, Vinsmoke Judge, to pull some strings with the Navy. Germa comes to Zou and takes Sanji, threatening his adopted father Zeff in the process. They force him to come back to Whole Cake Island, roped into a marriage to Big Mom’s daughter Pudding. The marriage won’t be everything promised, but the Tea Party from Hell will earn Sanji another of his bounties not long after.
Sanji Gains a Higher Bounty at Whole Cake Island

This really was Sanji’s arc, with the exploration of his family line taking the forefront. He had to contend with a forced marriage to Big Mom’s daughter thanks to the family he fled when he was young. Then there was the matter of Luffy and the others coming after him on Whole Cake Island and his tearful rejection. The man went through hell in this arc both physically and mentally, but damn did he make it through stronger than ever.
His numerous fights against Big Mom’s children, including Cracker and Oven, were nothing compared to his other feat. After the destruction of the wedding cake, Big Mom goes on a rampage, and it’s up to Sanji and Big Mom’s daughters Chiffon and Pudding to stop her. He takes command, and they make a cake that knocks her out from the taste of it. This, along with his part in the absolute chaos of Germa and Big Mom, earns him a new bounty of 330 million Berries.
What is Sanji’s Bounty Now ?

This is Sanji’s most recent bounty, and the one that pushed him over the top as a Straw Hat combatant. He earns a 1.03 billion Berrie bounty after his fight with Queen in the Onigashima Raid. Sanji unlocks the secrets of his Germa-engineered genetics and achieves ridiculous new speed and power on top of it. He’s so fast he can be invisible to the eye, and his kicks now burn hot enough to glow blue. His Ifrit Jambe move finishes Queen off and earns him the greatest bounty yet.
Unfortunately, it’s not enough to get ahead of Zoro, who holds it over his head. Even now on Egghead Island, the swordsman frequently reminds the cook of his “fourth place” status. among the bounties. Poor Sanji will probably never overtake his rival’s bounty, but he’s sure to gain an even higher one after this latest incident.
The Egghead Island arc seems to be nearing an end in the manga, so only time will tell if new bounties come out. Things are heating up both in and out of Egghead as the Navy readies a Buster Call never before seen. Meanwhile, others move toward the One Piece while the World Government plots extermination. Sanji still manages to keep flirting and cooking through all of this. So, no doubt he’ll be fine whether there are new bounties or not by the end.
One Piece is streaming in the United States on Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Netflix in Sub and Dub versions.