The Straw Hat Pirates have to be one of the most diverse on the Grand Line when it comes to their age range. With the youngest member at fifteen years old, meanwhile their oldest member is 92, they certainly make for a strange bunch. How old is each Straw Hat Pirate though, and how does that affect who they are as a character? Let’s find out How Old is Each Straw Hat Pirate in One Piece.
This article contains some light spoilers for One Piece. Catch up with the manga from Viz before reading on, or have some light plot spoilers.
10. Monkey D Luffy

- Pre-Time Skip: 17
- Post-Time Skip: 19
The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates is only seventeen at the start of the story, and definitely acts like he’s still much younger. Luffy, despite being the captain, is the most immature member of the Straw Hat Pirates and will often get them into unnecessary trouble whenever possible. That’s even when he’s not with them, as Luffy’s been a troublemaker since he was younger, with Ace often being the one to pull him out of anything.
Despite just how stupid he is, Luffy does mature after the time skip. He comes back older but still goofy, and now has a healthy awareness of just how dangerous the Grand Line is. It’s a good thing too, because he’s going to face a lot in the New World that threatens both him and his friends. Now that he’s been through hell, he’s ready to face anyone who comes along, god or man.
9. Roronoa Zoro

- Pre-Time Skip: 19
- Post-Time Skip: 21
The Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro was only nineteen before the time skip, but he really made a name for himself as a teenager. Before he’s even introduced in the story he has an infamous reputation as the Pirate Hunter across the Grand Line, even scouted by Baroque Works. He turns them all down though, and joins up with the Straw Hat Pirates when Luffy helps him at Shells Town.
After the time skips, he’s more mature and serious than before. Zoro still has his moments of humor, but most of his time is spent looking after the others, drinking, or napping. One thing that hasn’t changed about him though, is his sense of direction. Zoro returns after two years away more lost than ever, and it’s probably only thanks to Perona he makes it back to Sabaody in the first place.
8. Usopp

- Pre-Time Skip: 17
- Post-Time Skip: 19
A liar on Pinocchio levels, Usopp has been a storyteller since the beginning of his life, even before meeting Kaya and his friends. They’re all enamored by his stories, though the rest of Syrup Village doesn’t think as much, but he’s perfect for Luffy’s crew. Usopp keeps everyone entertained, even though he has to be dragged into most adventures kicking and screaming. He’s a central part of the pre-time skip story though, and really carries a lot of the arcs like Enies Lobby and Thriller Bark thanks to his arcs. For Usopp, being the only one to withstand Perona’s Hollow-Hollow Fruit is one of his greatest achievements.
After Usopp returns from his time training with Heracles, he’s still a coward and fibber, but is also much stronger than before. A lot of his training and discoveries pay off, and he comes back an even better sharpshooter than ever. Usopp still has cases of “Can’t go on that island” disease, but they’re usually much more mild than they were before. He’s also begun to pick up much more advanced Observation Haki techniques, which makes him an even stronger support to the other Straw Hat Pirates.
7. Vinsmoke Sanji

- Pre-Time Skip: 19
- Post-Time Skip: 21
A chef and ladies man through and through, Sanji and Zoro being the same age makes their rivalry make even more sense. The pre-time skip Sanji is often one of the cooler heads in the Straw Hat Pirates, and his quick thinking saves the entire crew on multiple occasions. His infiltration of Rain Dinners in Arabasta is one of the early defining moments where Sanji shows how great he is, but then he single-handedly makes a way out for the Straw Hats in Enies Lobby. Thanks to him, there was nobody to chase down the crew and their allies as they fled the island of justice.
Post time skip Sanji is even more grown up, and is reflected in his behavior throughout the arcs. He puts the others first, and even when his family comes back to use him for their own goals, keeps himself together. If Sanji didn’t have such a cool head and way of going about things, Zeff and the others may not have been alive after the Whole Cake Island arc.
6. Nami

- Pre-Time Skip: 18
- Post-Time Skip: 20
A fantastic cartographer and navigator from a young age, Nami is one of the most steadfast members of the Straw Hat Pirates and the one who keeps everyone on track. She’s by far the smartest of the East Blue crew, and keeps them from dying more times than any other pre-time skip. Hell, she saves their lives many times post-time skip too, because she’s almost the only one who knows how to get the ship from point A to point B before Franky comes along. It’s only her ferocious love of money that holds her back when she’s eighteen.
Or maybe it propels her forward, because she manages to be even more scheming after coming back at twenty years old. Many notice that she’s a lot more curvy as well, but who didn’t that happen to after the time skip? Even Zoro practically has boobs when he’s shirtless. Anyway, Nami comes back with an even better grasp of weather science, and with her advanced navigation knowledge, she’s able to make a huge difference in the current Straw Hat Pirates.
5. Tony Tony Chopper

- Pre-Time Skip: 15
- Post-Time Skip: 17
Chopper is the little brother of the crew at just fifteen years old, and he shows it by often being treated like a child. Despite how young and immature he acts though, Chopper is incredibly smart and able to take care of many problems other doctors couldn’t. Even Trafalgar Law is impressed by just how much the young reindeer knows when they first meet on the Grand Line. He’s even brave when the Straw Hats are separated at Sabaody Archipelago, helping to work out a massive war between two warring species of birds and men.
The young reindeer returns as an even more knowledgeable doctor at seventeen years old, finding more advanced knowledge over the skip. Now, he’s even more in control of his powers and able to match up with stronger enemies, even going up against Queen in Wano briefly. Though he still acts like an embarrassed little kid sometimes, Chopper knows when it’s time to get serious as an adult.
4. Nico Robin

- Pre-Time Skip: 28
- Post-Time Skip: 30
The first Straw Hat to join that’s not in their teens, Robin isn’t the voice of maturity that many expect her to be. She often eggs on the others when they have some stupid idea, forever curious about how something may happen. The thing is, as a twenty-eight-year-old, Robin is a lot deeper in her traumatic past than she is after the time skip. Robin’s time with the Straw Hat Pirates is definitely something that starts her journey to healing, and it only begins after Enies Lobby.
When Robin returns to the Straw Hat Pirates after spending two years with the Revolutionaries, she’s different. The Robin that comes back is happier, more carefree, and knows that she has backup wherever she goes. The Demon Child of Ohara has finally bloomed into the person she should be, and she’s a faithful member of the Straw Hat family.
3. Franky

- Pre-Time Skip: 34
- Post-Time Skip: 36
Franky appears first at thirty-four years old, an already accomplished shipbuilder among the Franky Family, he’s a major weirdo. That’s saying something, because after all Franky has been through, it’s expected to be a little off, but he’s super strange. The guy is part cyborg and has all kinds of different hidden contraptions like Nipple Lights, so it just makes him a natural fight for the Straw Hat Pirates.
After the time skip Franky comes back as a wise old thirty-six-year-old. He has way more tech knowledge than he did before, with most of his body now appearing outwardly robotic as opposed to before. The coolest upgrade by far is that he can change his hairstyle whenever he wants, but Franky still uses it to be immature from time to time.
2. Brook

- Pre-Time Skip: 88
- Post-Time Skip: 90
Brook is the oldest Straw Hat Pirate by a longshot at the ripe old age of eighty-eight when they first meet. Of course, he’s been adrift in the Florian Triangle, stuck on Thriller Bark for half of that at this point. It takes a slight toll on the skeleton, who is only still alive thanks to his Revive-Revive Fruit, and he’s a little… eccentric to say the least. Brook is still one of the more level-headed Straw Hats though, and he always makes sure to keep an eye out for his crewmates.
The time skip helps Brook realize his dreams of musical stardom, bringing him into a partnership with the Long Arm Tribe. Though he doesn’t enjoy it as much as piracy, and as soon as Luffy is ready from Sabaody. Brook is one of the most solid members of the Straw Hat Pirates when it comes to keeping up with everything, and he always makes sure to complete whatever mission his captain gives him, seniority be damned.
1. Jimbei

- Pre-Time Skip: 44
- Post-Time Skip: 46
Jimbei looks really young for such an old Fishman. At least, we think he looks young, because there’s no real telling with him. He has wisdom beyond his years when he first debuts at forty-four years old, guiding Luffy through the Paramount War and keeping him alive despite all. This is only where the seeds of Luffy joining the Straw Hat Pirates begin, and he quickly makes up his mind over the next two years as Luffy trains to join them.
Post-time skip Jimbei is even wiser, realizing that Luffy may be the one to put his weight behind in the coming tumult. He brings a sense of calm and sensibility that was missing from the Straw Hats though. Jimbei will often indulge in their shenanigans but keep serious when times call for it, making sure that his crew mates live to realize their dreams.
There may be another Straw Hat joining the crew soon, but until there’s official confirmation nobody will know for sure. The group has come a long way from being a scrappy group of youngsters from East Blue, and expanded to cover the last century of piracy almost. There’s no way they don’t continue to add some diversity to that age range, as the Straw Hats seem to just keep getting older.