After analyzing the Slip-Slip fruit, it kind of makes sense to talk about the Kiro Kiro no Mi.
There are a lot of powers in anime that will remind you about video games you look back on with fondness. In the world of One Piece, that can be a bit of an understatement. Culturally, this anime and manga act as a massive snowball rolling down a frosty mountain, collecting detritus before meeting its climactic conclusion. Personally, the Kiro Kiro no Mi makes that impression. Without further adieu, let’s address what makes the Kiro Kiro no Mi a memorable devil fruit in One Piece. Here we go!
What Does The Kiro Kiro no Mi Do ? The Basics

On its face, like the Slip-Slip devil fruit, this can be a rather simple ability. The Kiro Kiro no Mi or “Kilo-Kilo” fruit is categorized as a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit, granting its users the unique ability to alter their weight within a range spanning from 1 to 10,000 kilograms. Now, to clarify, it is able to do this while the user is maintaining their original physical size. This particular Devil Fruit was consumed by the former Baroque Works agent known by her alias, Miss Valentine. Her real name is Mikita. Let’s give her a shout-out before moving on.
Who Is Miss Valentine in One Piece?

Mikita is a tall, youthful woman with short, blonde hair and deep, dark eyes. Possessing an air of overconfidence, she rarely takes her adversaries seriously and often approaches any situation with a carefree, hearty laugh. Typically, she leaves the task of communication to her partner, Mr. 5. As an officer agent of Baroque Works, she exudes a strong sense of self-assuredness in her abilities.
Her attire is as distinctive as her personality. She sports a bright yellow and orange hat, which complements her vibrant yellow dress adorned with a lemon-like pattern. Her outfit is completed with white high-heeled shoes. This adding a touch of elegance to her overall appearance. Almost invariably, she is on display carrying a vivid green parasol, adorned with striking blue stripes. In a way, her look is pretty ironic considering the nature of the Kiro Kiro no Mi.
The Unique Look of the Kiro Kiro no Mi

Personally, the aesthetic of this devil fruit is among the most pleasing. The Kiro Kiro no Mi is a pink cylindrical fruit featuring the classic swirl pattern on its skin. At its apex, it boasts a substantial T-shaped green stem that gracefully curves upward at one end. Interestingly, the fruit’s form also bears a faint resemblance to balancing weight, although it remains uncertain whether this likeness is deliberate or coincidental. If we had to guess, almost every devil fruit design has at least slightly reflect the ability it grants the consumer. That said, how does one use it in combat?
How Does Miss Valentine Use The Kiro Kiro no Mi?

Back to what we mentioned about video games in the intro… Mikita’s abilities are more often than not enhanced by her partner, Gem. Since Gem can generate powerful explosions, Mikita frequently capitalizes on the force of these blasts to propel herself into the air. Her primary method involves adjusting her weight to a mere one kilogram, rendering her extraordinarily lightweight, and allowing her to leap to considerable heights with the assistance of her umbrella. Subsequently, she dramatically increases her weight, causing a devastating impact when she descends, effectively crushing her adversaries. This has Super Smash written all over it; a total Kirby float-and-drop move. So, what are the applications?
10,000 Kilo Guillotine

The 10,000 Kilo press is already on display in the previous paragraph, but this next one is a doozy. Much like the 10,000 Kilo Press, Mikita executes a maneuver aimed at her opponent’s head or neck, descending with a single extended leg in an attempt to crush her adversary’s skull. One would imagine that this might be a preferred way to go out for some, but let’s avoid something so gauche for the sake of substance. This technique is known as the “10,000 Kill-o-Guillotine” in the Viz Manga. Jokes aside, this sounds like a horrific way to die. It brings back memories of when GoT’s Mountain turned the Red Viper into a red grape on a stick.
Torture: Usopp vs. Miss Valentine

Remember that one time Usopp almost got crushed? No? It’s time we remind you. It is known as the “Crescendo Stone” in English; Mikita employs a method where she sits atop her adversary and incrementally elevates her weight. This typically occurs in increments of 100 kilograms. This gradual increase in pressure serves to slowly subdue or potentially lead to the demise of her opponent. This isn’t always the most effective form of torture though. Let’s dive into what makes the Kiro Kiro no Mi a little less special.
Weaknesses of the Kiro Kiro no Mi

To begin with, this fruit is often seen as less potent than the Ton Ton no Mi, primarily because the latter can amplify the user’s weight to levels exceeding the maximum capacity of this fruit. Furthermore, it appears that the Kiro Kiro no Mi does not alter the user’s density or provide enhanced physical resistance against external forces. This was evident when Mikita while weighing about 10,000 kilograms, was knocked away by Nami and Vivi before she could descend upon Usopp.
Going back to the Kirby effect seen in Super Smash. In situations where the user aims to plummet from a significant height with immense weight, a nimble opponent with enough speed can simply evade the attack, allowing the user to crash into the ground without causing harm. In the world of One Piece, mobility is more important than a good meal.
An Addition To The One Piece Fruit Basket
Let’s be real. The Kiro Kiro no Mi is far from being the most epic devil fruit. That said, it has an oddly nostalgic quality to it. The power is something that you see all over pop culture. It’s both comedic and entertaining while presenting that slapstick display that just makes fans laugh. That in itself makes the Kiro Kiro no Mi worth remembering.