The current story of One Piece seems to finally be heading toward a country that’s been hyped up for nearly two decades. Elbaph, the land of the Giants, is the next destination for the Straw Hat Pirates in the series. It’s a massive island, confirmed as one of the bases of the Red Hair Pirates, and there are a lot of reveals waiting to happen. Elbaph is a special place with knowledge of the Void Century that’s unknown outside of the country, and so much more.
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Where is Elbaph?

Elbaph lay near the end of the Grand Line, in the second half known as the New World. It’s one of three options that can be reached after leaving Wano along with Baltigo and Egghead Island. While it’s unfortunately not the Straw Hats destination after Wano, someone else goes. It ends up being where Captain Kid and the Kid Pirates meet one hell of a match. The Giants of Elbaph stay out of the affairs of the greater Grand Line and World Government. That said, they do have some that leave the country and venture out. All while also having a few small settlements of humans on Elbaph as well.
Giants and humans on Elbaph are on surprisingly great terms, though it’s unknown if it was always that way. It’s the main home of Dorry and Broggy though, who are immediately friendly with the much smaller Straw Hat Pirates. Revelations they have a base for the Red Hair Pirates and providing refuge for Jaguar D Saul proves good intent. It’s no surprise that they give the keeper of Ohara’s knowledge a safe haven. Especially considering that the Void Century he has information on was only a few generations ago for the long-living Giants.
Land of Giants

Of course, Elbaf does have human settlements along with the native Giant Population. They often exist side by side. Some like Mother Carmel even starting an orphanage on the island as a refuge. The Giants themselves are jolly people, taking inspiration from the Vikings of history as great warriors and sailors. They fight with massive weapons bigger than any human, too. Giants can easily render an entire battleship in two with just one cleave. It’s kind of terrifying seeing how much damage they can do in just one swing. So good thing they’re usually more friendly than most.
There are some that have become smaller through generations rather than through interbreeding with humans (don’t question it) or just natural evolution. That said, the smaller ones like Jaguar D Saul are still pretty massive compared to normal humans. All giants are incredibly gentle with humans though, knowing the size and power they hold over the smaller people. That’s often why they don’t mind them living close. Especially knowing that any trouble is going to be immediately swiped away usually.
Giant Warrior Pirates

Dorry and Broggy, co-captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates. They’re some of the first of the strange encounters Luffy and company have in the Grand Line. On the island of Little Garden when the Straw Hats arrive, they’re locked in a century-long grudge match. One that they can’t even remember the reason behind. Thankfully, the Straw Hat Pirates are there to help them during an attack by Baroque Works Mr. Three. In time, they’re able to return the favor in kind. As they tell Usopp all about their homeland and promise to meet him there one day, the co-captains defeat the massive Sea King blocking their exit from Little Garden in one massive blow.
They manage to reconcile their grudge thanks to the Straw Hats help. Eventually, they decide to return to Elbaph at some point in the time skip. They’re there in time to see the Kid Pirates arrive, picking a fight that they definitely weren’t prepared for. With the help of Dorry and Broggy’s Hakoku Sovereignty technique, Shanks launches toward Kid’s boat. One hit is all he needs to take it out with a massive Divine Departure. Now, the Giant Warrior Pirates have reappeared off the coast of Egghead Island. Coincidentally where the Straw Hats are facing Saint Jay Garcia Saturn. From what they say, they’re there for the Sun God Nika. That means it’s time for the Straw Hats to visit the Land of Giants.
Prince Loki

By far the most enigmatic figure behind Elbaph is Prince Loki, the current ruler of the country. Though he hasn’t been spoken of much, he’s known to be one of the most fearsome Giants to ever live. The question remains whether he’ll end up as an ally or enemy of the Straw Hat Pirates, but with the way things are going, it looks to be a good development. Luffy and friends are certainly going to need a big amount of help in the upcoming final wars that One Piece will see soon. It looks like he could even be the one who ordered Dorry and Broggy to go retrieve the Straw Hats.
The Giants are among the ancient races like the Buccaneers and Sky People who worship the Sun God Nika. With their resistance to the World Government and relative isolationism though, they haven’t had much of a chance to spread his gospel. Now that they know who Nika is with Luffy jumping around in Gear Fifth, it would make sense for the Giants to welcome him back as one of the few remaining races who remember. Prince Loki will likely be a part of that, and possibly pledge all of Elbaph’s might behind the Straw Hats.
Mother Carmel’s Orphanage

Carmel was one of the most devious characters in the history of One Piece, partially responsible for the monstrous Big Mom. She ran an orphanage, appearing to others as a good-hearted saint who looked over those that nobody wanted. A sweet woman on the outside, she harbors the dark secret of actually being a Cipher Pol agent in deep cover. The kids she takes in at the orphanage are vetted for how powerful they could eventually become before she sells them to the World Government. Some end up as future agents, but when she takes in Big Mom in her orphanage on Elbaph, things change.
Elbaph almost seems like a natural fit for Big Mom with her massive size and the appetite to outpace a giant’s. Unfortunately, the Giants of Elbaph are no match for even her hunger pangs, as she goes on rampages throughout the country when she’s hungry. They run out of Elbaph eventually, leading Big Mom to eventually try to befriend them and arrange a marriage later in life. After she eats Mother Carmel and takes her Soul-Soul Fruit powers, of course.
The land of Elbaph is one that still lies steeped in mystery, with so many questions surrounding it. There’s no doubt we’re going to get huge information from the island soon though, because the Straw Hats have confirmed it as their next destination. The Land of Giants is on the horizon, and with it Usopp’s dream of becoming a great warrior of Elbaph. One Piece is going to need all the big warriors it can get too, especially if Luffy will go up against Imu.