One Piece is a masterclass in story weaving, world-building, and foreshadowing. The Drum Island arc was no stranger to this. Blackbeard, Ace, and The Levely (Reverie) to name a few. However, in Movie 9 or, One Piece: Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter Miracle Sakura rewrites the arc altogether. What would the arc be like with or without a few key characters?
Those who have watched or read the Drum Island arc already know. But many newcomers to the series may have pondered on a question.
Where Were Robin, Franky, and The Sunny During Drum Island Arc?

At Drum Island with the rest of the crew of course! Well, in the 9th One Piece Movie, they were.
Movie 9 retells the story of the Drum Island arc. However, Vivi, Karoo, and Merry Go are replaced by Nico Robin, Franky, and The Thousand Sunny. With the addition of King Wapol’s older brother, Masshuru. This doesn’t change the series canon, but it makes for an entertaining movie to watch.
One Piece: Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter Miracle Sakura aka Movie 9

If you haven’t seen Drum Island arc, go watch it, then come back. Seemingly taking place after Water 7, somehow. One Piece: Episode of Chopper Plus, begins where episode 79 of the anime does.
Arriving at Drum Island, on The Sunny (Merry Go in the anime). Luffy begs The Drum Kingdom Citizens for help from one of their doctors to aid an ailing Nami. Seeing his humility they allow them on the island, but Dalton the acting chief informs them that there are no doctors. However, there is a rumor of a doctor in a flying sleigh.
The only thing is that she supposedly lives in the former King of Drum Island’s abandoned castle. Which is on top of the island’s tallest mountain. Luffy accepts to save his crewmate. However, the evil former king, Wapol along with his older brother Musshuru return to Drum Island. Attempting to poison the island using poisonous spores Masshuru controls with his Noko Noko no Mi Devil Fruit.
What Separates Movie 9 From Canon?

Since Bloom in Winter Miracle Sakura is just one long what-if scenario. A lot of things were changed from the original Drum Island arc to better fit Movie 9’s narrative. The obvious main differences are that Nico Robin, Franky, and The Sunny are present during these events. As well as, the addition of Wapol’s older brother, Masshuru.Chopper’s backstory stays exactly the same, this version tells his story the best, however.
Making it easier to follow Dr. Hiriluk’s motivations and reasoning. Coupled with beautiful expression-filled animation, this version’s retelling will pull the emotion out of you. Events also sort of play out the same. Where Vivi would be in the story Robin takes her place, and Franky sort of replaces Karoo but has more screentime and relevance to this storyline.
Wapol’s men, Kuromarimo and Chess play a much smaller role in this movie to make room for Musshuru. Wapol’s character personality aside from Chopper’s flashback is very different. He is much less confident and submissive with his older brother around. Doing a complete 180 of his character in the anime.
What Are The Major Differences?

As said before, Movie 9’s narrative has made adjustments for the replacement and inclusion of characters. There are plenty of major differences between Movie 9 and the canon. Some are more major than others. Here is a compilation of the differences between the movie, and the canon events from the anime/manga.
Luffy is shot instead of Vivi

When the Straw Hats first arrive on Drum Island when they have their first encounter with Dalton. One of the civilians shoots Vivi, grazing her. But she still bows before them asking for help. Here she shows Luffy about diplomacy for the sake of others.
In Movie 9, Luffy is the one shot, and he bows before the citizens without being told to. Which doesn’t really make sense in the context of the canon. Since Vivi explains to him the importance of showing humility and that not every fight is worth starting.
Zoro Stays On The Ship With Franky, Then Get Lost

In the anime, Zoro and Karoo stay on The Merry. Zoro trying to condition his body jumps into the ice-cold water. Karoo jumps after him thinking he is drowning. Zoro gets lost, and the Karoo is frozen for the whole rest of the arc. He also leaves his winter clothes and katanas on The Merry which forces him to use the enemies’.
In the Movie Franky is fascinated by Wapol’s ship and takes the Shark Submerge III to investigate. Zoro got lost on the ship and ended up taking a nap in the sub, which the two of them take to investigate Wapol’s ship, where they encounter Wapol’s crew for the first time.
Franky finds and fixes a special snow vehicle. Throughout the duration of the film thereafter they are lost due to Zoro of course. Letting him drive them end up further from the coastline and up the mountain where they rejoin everyone in the movie’s finale.
Wapol and Musshuru Cause The Avalanche.

In the anime, Luffy and Sanji encounter Lapins who chase and attack them relentlessly as they scale higher up the mountain. During their pursuit, the Lapins cause an avalanche that ends up snowing in the village. Affecting everyone involved in the arc, not just Luffy and Sanji. After his encounter with Chess and Kuromarimo, a gravely injured Dalton is left under the avalanche. Usopp and Vivi are snowed in as well. And also the reason Sanji ended up hurt.
Movie 9 has Wapol being egged on by his brother to fire the canons to strike fear into the citizens. This results in Dalton being trapped in the avalanche saving civilians and not fighting Chess. The events with Luffy and Sanji are the same, with Sanji getting hurt. The parts with Usopp in the avalanche are the same just with Robin doing the slapstick instead of Vivi.
Docterine Never Comes Down The Mountain.

Dr. Kureha, or Docterine. Comes down the mountain to aid anyone in the villages ailing for a price in the anime. She is said to ride a sleigh pulled by a flying reindeer. She is sought after, the Straw Hats are referred to her by Dalton while she was on her stops through the villages.
Doctorine is more of a rumor in Movie 9. It is stated that she took up residence in the castle once Wapol left. And that she almost never comes down the mountain, but when she is seen she rides in a flying sleigh.
Snow Vehicles.

In the anime, Drum Island’s primary forms of transportation are the Drum Ropeway, the main way up and down the Drum Rockies. And White Walkies, the creature that Wapol is riding when he is introduced. There are no snow vehicles on Drum Island, these were added to Movie 9.
Chopper VS Chessmarimo.

In the anime, Chopper fights Chessmarimo on top of the mountain after Chess and Kuromarimo are fused together. This fight displays Chopper’s versatility as a doctor and combatant. In Movie 9 he fights the fused form of Wapol and his brother Musshuru the form just called, Musshuru. While having great animation, and being better choreographed. The fight in the movie tries to hold that same energy as the original but happens too quickly.
Gear 2, 3.

One of the biggest differences between the anime and Movie 9. Luffy knows Gear 2 and 3. Two techniques that he learns to increase his ability in a fight making full use of his body’s rubber properties. Neither technique he doesn’t know in the Drum Island arc but during and after Water 7. Three whole arcs after this Drum Island. In Movie 9 he uses Gear 2 and 3 during his fight with Musshuru, after he was poisoned by his Devil Fruit abilities.
Is Movie 9 Worth Watching?

The addition of Nico Robin and Franky does nothing to the plot. And the addition of Musshuru muddies the character of Wapol, Chess, and Kuromarimo.
One Piece: Episode of Chopper Plus Movie 9, is an entertaining piece of One Piece media. Has great animation to couple with the emotional narrative. It’s a good alternate story, that will keep one occupied for an hour or so.
You can watch One Piece: Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter Miracle Sakura on Netflix!