While they’re not usually the flashiest types of Devil Fruits, Paramecia Fruits are the essential introduction to One Piece. These give powers for anything from changing faces to making bubbles, and everything in between. So, with all the various abilities granted by Paramecia-type Devil Fruits, these are the strongest ones to show up in One Piece.
Fair Warning! This article contains spoilers for One Piece through the current Egghead Island arc in chapter 1090. The manga is available to read on MangaPlus and Viz online. Catch up or proceed with caution!
20. Love-Love Fruit

- Eaten by: Boa Hancock
Boa Hancock, the Pirate Empress of Amazon Lily, holds the best Devil Fruit for her. The Love-Love Fruit turns all who show attraction to Hancock into stone, so naturally the most beautiful woman in the world can use it well. Hancock doesn’t take any mercy on those who fawn over her, and she’ll turn entire armies into a garden of statues if she chooses.
The only drawback to Hancock’s Fruit is that it doesn’t have any effect on those who aren’t attracted to her. People like that don’t come around very often, but Luffy is the greatest exception to her rules. The Straw Hat Captain is totally immune to her Love-Love powers, and it only makes Hancock love him more.
19. Hollow-Hollow Fruit

- Eaten by: Perona
Perona’s Hollow-Hollow Fruit isn’t quite what its name implies. This ability lets Perona summon ghosts that assist her in battle, flying through her enemies to subdue them. The ghosts have no physical ability to damage the target, but they do high-level emotional damage that usually wins Perona’s fights for her. The ghosts will bring out the most depressing thoughts in whoever they hit, throwing them into a hopeless despair that takes them out of the battle.
Drawbacks are few, but on occasion, Perona finds those like Usopp that are already so negative the ghosts have no effect. Turns out, self-loathing is the only surefire protection against the Hollow-Hollow Fruit, and that’s something that Usopp has enough to spare.
18. Dice-Dice Fruit

- Eaten by: Daz Bones (Mr. 1)
The Devil Fruit eaten by Mr. 1 of Baroque Works, the Dice-Dice Fruit lets Daz Bones turn his entire body into a cutting edge. Any part of his body will become a blade at will, reinforced as hard as steel and capable of slicing whole buildings at once. Daz Bones is an accomplished assassin, and it’s no wonder since this Devil Fruit ability lets his body become his weapon.
Bones only found his match in Zoro, who hit a massive learning moment during their fight. When he learns to cut through something as hard as steel, it’s all over for Mr. 1 as his body can’t reinforce further at the time. In the New World, he’ll likely see some upgrades with Haki, which will probably put him back into the fight with a little more power.
17. Flower-Flower Fruit

- Eaten by: Nico Robin
Robin’s Devil Fruit might not be the most conducive to battle, but it definitely has advantages that others don’t. No, her powers are more fit for Robin’s time as a spy, allowing her to get information from unsuspecting victims. Her Flower-Flower Fruit lets Robin grow limbs wherever she wants, whether it be on another surface or even someone’s body. In battle, Robin hits multiple enemies at once by making hands sprout from the ground to restrain them, or even creating hand butterflies that slap opponents as they pass.
After Robin comes back from the two-year skip, she’s even more powerful. She improves her Devil Fruit ability to allow even larger limb growth, making massive fists to pummel enemies or sprouting tree-trunk size legs to stomp them. Robin’s most terrifying improvement so far though is her Demonios Fleurs, in which uses her powers to take on a demon form reinforced with Armament Haki.
16. Clear-Clear Fruit

- Eaten by: Shiryu, formerly Absalom
A lot of the Clear-Clear Fruit’s power is dependent upon the user, with Absalom primarily using his for less-than-decent things. Still, it’s enough to let him conceal weapons all over his body and send enemies scrounging in fights when he disappears. After he’s eventually slain by Shiryu of the Rain though, the Clear-Clear Fruit goes to someone who can make use of the invisibility for more deadly means.
A master swordsman, Shiryu uses the Fruit’s power to strike his enemies before they know he’s there. When Caterina Devon fools Gecko Moria by pretending to be Absalom, Shiryu slices him from thin air. The reveal that the former Impel Down Vice-Warden now has a Devil Fruit that improves on his deadly ability is just another ace up Blackbeard’s sleeve.
15. Straw-Straw Fruit

- Eaten by: Basil Hawkins
The Straw-Straw Fruit doesn’t seem like much at first, but Basil Hawkins uses it to amazing effect. While he can use the powers to become a massive strawman, almost looking like a Scarecrow that can shoot out needle-sharp hay. That’s not even the most dangerous ability of the Straw-Straw Fruit, as Basil Hawkings puts his own spooky spin on it with some straw voodoo dolls.
These straw dolls allow Hawkings to assign others that take damage for him, essentially using their lives instead of his own. It’s a great ability for keeping enemies at bay, and it’s even more debilitating since Hawkins isn’t afraid to use the lives of his own men to keep himself going. It’s only foiled thanks to quick thinking by Killer, who cuts off Hawkins’ arm since he is using Kid as the doll.
14. Hobby-Hobby Fruit
- Eaten by: Sugar

Sugar doesn’t seem like the most powerful character, but it can’t be overstated how much strength it must have taken to maintain the country of Dressrosa. She was able to turn hundreds if not thousands of ordinary people into living toys in the span of days when Doflamingo took over. Not to mention she has a pact that can be put on those that she transforms, causing everyone around to forget who they are. It’s devastating not just because of how it takes peoples’ wills away, but any trace of their existence.
13. Press-Press Fruit

- Eaten by: Fujitora (Issho)
Fujitora’s Fruit is so stupidly powerful that it’s constantly being misused by him to disastrous results. Issho uses the powers of the Press-Press Fruit to control gravity, which allows him to do everything from float to summon meteors. It’s insanely overpowered, and could have easily taken out the Straw Hat fleet as he picked up the ruins of Dressrosa to smash them. The only thing that held him back was his resistance to hurting innocents as all the people of Dressrosa defended their saviors.
His Devil Fruit still has a lot of growth to come from it, which will probably be seen in the final arc. During Sabo’s raid on Marijoa he Fujitora almost took out the entire area of the Red Line, though crisis was averted at the last second as usual. It remains to be seen if all these attempts at mass destruction are intentional or just bumbling best intentions.
12. Venom-Venom Fruit

- Eaten by: Magellan
The warden of Impel Down is his own worst enemy thanks to the Venom-Venom Fruit. While it allows Magellan to create deadly venom that he secretes in his body and can use on any of his foes, it’s a double-edged sword. The Venom he creates also gets into his food, as it transfers on contact with touch, and leads Magellan to spend over half his day in the bathroom. The poor bastard can’t eat anything without intense stomach pains, unfortunately not immune to his own venomous powers.
When he uses the upgraded version of his powers for the Venom Hydra though, it displays just how dangerous he is. Magellan already put Luffy through heinous torture thanks to the massive amount of venom pumped into his system, but this massive dragon was over the top. It splashes everyone around whether friend or foe, and leads to a massive amount of death during the prison break.
11. Chop-Chop Fruit

- Eaten by: Buggy the Clown
The second introduction to Devil Fruits in One Piece, the Chop-Chop Fruit has been here for the long haul. Initially introduced in the Orange Town arc when Buggy shows just how useless Zoro’s swords are against him, it’s only improved since. Buggy uses his abilities to levitate his body parts around the battlefield. These limbs are usually holding knives or concealing Buggy Balls to shoot at enemies. It makes him an incredibly dangerous enemy. He’s recently incorporated it into his fashion to make him look like an even bigger threat.
It’s going to be interesting to see Buggy Awaken his Devil Fruit, just to see what it’s capable of. There have been theories that the Chop-Chop Fruit also has something to do with Buggy’s luck at falling upward, but that remains to be explored.
10. String-String Fruit

- Eaten by: Donquixote Doflamingo
A Devil Fruit that controls string can’t be that strong, right? Not unless it’s eaten by an egomaniacal fascist with dreams of becoming a god. Then it gets a little dangerous. The String-String Fruit is Donquixote Doflamingo’s primary weapon. He uses it to keep the people of Dressrosa under his thumb like marionettes. Not only does it allow him to use string to control people like puppets, but also to slice foes into ribbons as he uses them like razors.
Nobody realizes that the Birdcage he puts over Dressrosa isn’t even the String-String Fruit’s Awakening. No, this massive cage of string strong enough to crush a country is achievable with basic Devil Fruit ability. His Awakening turns the land itself into string, sprouting massive tendrils from every surface around Doflamingo.
9. Mochi-Mochi Fruit

- Eaten by: Charlotte Katakuri
In any other hands, the Mochi-Mochi Fruit would probably just make great desserts for friends and family. In the hands of Katakuri though, mochi becomes a deadly weapon. Katakuri uses the powers of his Devil Fruit to fire bullets of mochi dough. He can also turn his body to mochi as his is one of a special class of Paramecia. His Fruit not only allows Katakuri to create and control Mochi, but also turns his body into it at will like a Logia Fruit.
The Awakening of this Devil Fruit makes it even more dangerous, with Katakuri able to change the terrain. Mochi volcanoes erupt from the ground to blast enemies into the air. If that isn’t overkill, they come down on spikes made of the dessert. It’s quite the way to go, but such a sweet end.
8. Arms-Arms Fruit

- Eaten by: Baby 5
Baby 5’s Devil Fruit is the epitome of America all in one small package. She’s able to sprout weapons from her body, turning her limbs into guns or whatever she may need. This includes everything from tiny pistols or knives to full-on anti-artillery weapons. She’s got some explosive firepower, and a fiery attitude to go with it. Good thing that Baby 5 is on the Straw Hat’s side now since her marriage to Sai of the Straw Hat Fleet.
7. Tremor-Tremor Fruit

- Eaten by: Blackbeard, formerly Whitebeard
The Devil Fruit that shakes the heavens and earth, the Tremor-Tremor Fruit is a threat to everyone. This Devil Fruit let Whitebeard take out hundreds of enemies over the years just by causing earthquakes. The Emperor would grab hold of the air in front of him, tearing it clean as air cracks and tremors quake. He was able to create faultlines in Marineford with his tremendous power before his death.
Since Blackbeard has taken the Devil Fruit’s power, it sees even more destruction. Teach uses it in conjunction with his Dark-Dark Fruit, which allows total control over darkness. It’s a terrifying combination that earns him the Emperor of the Sea title in short order.
6. Magnet-Magnet Fruit

- Eaten by: Eustass Kid
Control of magnets already puts Kid on the level of powerful supervillains like Magneto, but takes it to another level. Kid uses his magnetic abilities to maintain his own prosthetic arm. He accrues various amounts of scrap metal to make huge weapons for pummeling enemies. He fights loudly, and his control of metal-based structures is just the beginning of how he beats enemies down with magnets.
The Magnet-Magnet Fruit’s Awakening allows Kid to assign both a North and South magnetic pole. They can be assigned to the same person or object, but it doesn’t matter. Whatever is the target for the assignment, metal will fly toward it until they’re entombed. Kid’s Awakening was key to his and Law’s defeat of Big Mom during the raid on Onigashima.
5. Shadow-Shadow Fruit

- Eaten by: Gecko Moria
Gecko Moria is basically a horror movie villain, and the Shadow-Shadow Fruit is the perfect weapon for him. This Fruit allows Moria to steal the shadows of his enemies. He can manipulate the shadows of himself and his surroundings at will. Moria uses his powers to pillage shadows from any who go near Thriller Bark. From here he puts them into the various Frankenstein experiments created by Hogback. It probably would be a strong Devil Fruit for assassins or spies, but Moria uses it to break ethics in science.
When he gets serious in a fight he can draw every shadow under his control back to him. This creates a massive shadow creature out of Moria, which he calls the Shadows Asgard. It gives him a huge buff in strength and defense, but takes a massive toll on his stamina. It’s unknown if Moria is still alive, as he is last seen a prisoner of Blackbeard’s crew. The Fruit could very well change hands in the coming chapters of One Piece.
4. Dark-Dark Fruit

- Eaten by: Marshall D Teach (Blackbeard), formerly Thatch.
Originally held by Thatch, commander of the Whitebeard Pirates First Division, Teach kills him for it. Teach’s murder of Thatch is actually what sets the events of Marineford in motion. He steals Thatch’s Fruit before going on the run from Ace, breaking Whitebeard’s code. Blackbeard takes to it quickly, learning that he can use the Fruit swallow enemies in pools of black. He’s an absolute menace thanks to the destructive capability of the Fruit, along with his wildcard and madcap nature.
3. Op-Op Fruit

- Eaten by: Trafalgar D Water Law
Held as one of the most powerful Devil Fruits in existence, the Op-Op Fruit earns the reputation. Law uses it to great effect as both a fighter and doctor. Whether dissecting enemies on his battlefield or patients on his operating table, he’s a master surgeon. The Fruit is able to switch around anything that’s within the user’s operating radius, making instant changes perfectly. Law is able to switch out enemy heads for cannonballs flying at him. Hell, he can even just pop them in the path of their own bullets.
The Op-Op Fruit’s real value lies in the Immortality Procedure. This is only legendary at the moment, and can only possible with a capable doctor using the Op-Op Fruit. The drawback to it is that the Op-Op Fruit user dies on completion, but renders the patient immortal. If anyone has the skill to do it, Trafalgar D Water Law is the one. This is also the current theory as to how Imu has been alive since the Void Century.
2. Paw-Paw Fruit

- Eaten by: Bartholomew Kuma
Still an incredibly mysterious power, the Paw-Paw Fruit is probably one of the most under-estimated powers in One Piece. When Kuma first appears he’s able to just swat enemies away, sending them flying to other continents he chooses. Then came the infamous “nothing happened” moment on Thriller Bark, where he shows the ability to extract emotions and feelings. Kuma has continually shown the Paw-Paw Fruit as one of the most versatile and ever-growing powers in the story.
The ability to extract emotions and memories is going to play into the long game of the story. Zoro experienced all of Luffy’s pain from Thriller Bark this way. Bonney recently did the same with her father’s memories, experiencing the pain of his transformation. It’s possible this plays a part in Laughtale, with many believing it to be the emotions of Joyboy.
1. Soul-Soul Fruit

- Eaten by: Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom)
Big Mom is a terror, and the Soul-Soul Fruit is the cherry on top of the entire scary cake. This Paramecia Devil Fruit allows Linlin to control the souls of those around her, whether they be people or animals. She can use these souls to extend her own life, or even insert them into others to do the same. The souls will also strengthen her, as she can expend a certain amount at once to either heal or just boost her own attack power. That’s only the first benefit to her of the Soul-Soul Fruit though, as it grants Big Mom godlike ability.
She’s able to create life in a sense this way. Linlin can take the bits of soul she accrues and put them in inanimate objects. This is how Big Mom creates the Homies that live throughout Totto Land. Homes, trees, and other features with souls that answer to her. The strongest of them all, made from Linlin’s own soul, are Zeus, Prometheus, Napoleon, and Hera. Made from her own soul, these have even more power than the regular homies, capable of more damage. With Big Mom’s ability to invoke fear, and the Soul-Soul Fruit’s ability to steal the souls of those in fear, this makes it the strongest Paramecia type without a doubt.
Those are the strongest of the numerous Paramecia Devil Fruits in One Piece, but definitely not all of them. There are over eighty types in the canon story right now, and many more are probably to come in the final saga. In the meantime, there are still Logia and Zoan-type Devil Fruits to check out too, and they have their own major strengths in the world of One Piece!