There are plenty of great fights in One Piece, where warriors of all genders battle one another for various reasons. Whether fighting for friendship, fighting for honor, or battling for the sake of the plot, One Piece has plenty of amazing battles. However, One Piece also has several battles of the sexes, where men and women battle one another. These are some pretty good fights between the opposite sex in One Piece. Each fighter brings their powers and abilities to the forefront during these fights, so let’s see which one reigns supreme.
7. Sanji Vs Kalifa

This might not be a very interesting fight in terms of who wins. That said, it is a fight that showcases who Sanji is. When faced with battling Kalifa for the key that could unlock Robin’s shackles, Sanji found himself unable to kick her. He stated that his chivalry and respect for women would deny him the ability to harm her. Eventually, he was handed a defeat.
While he would later reappear and redeem himself later in the fight against CP9, this battle allowed the audience a look into Sanji’s point of view. It showed off a side of the previously woman crazy and perverted straw hat that we hadn’t seen before. Allowing for his character development to shine through.
6. Brook Vs Big Mom

Brook has been called one of the weakest of the Straw Hats, armed only with his blade, music, and the powers of the undead. However, while he has shown himself capable in combat, his biggest test was fighting Big Mom.
Brook was able to stand up to Big Mom, using speed and swordsmanship against her weather homies. The most interesting thing about this fight was that Brook would continue to get up, fighting the hopeless battle. He managed to even land a hit on Big Mom and slash at the fire homie Prometheus. Despite his defeat, he was also able to complete the goal of transcribing her road poneglyph.
5. Zoro Vs Monet

Monet was a harpy like woman who served Doflamingo and battled the Straw Hats during the Punk Hazard arc. She was able to turn her body into snow as well as control snow with her Devil Fruit powers. Zoro initially refuses to battle Monet, only fighting defensively until she attempts to kill Tashigi.
Then Zoro slashes her body in half with one swing. Thus leaving her both paralyzed and terrified until Tashigi finishes her off. Much like with Sanji and Kalifa, this fight was interesting because it showed a different side of Zoro (being unwilling to cut a woman until there was no choice), and that development would continue into later parts of the story.
4. Brook, Usopp, and Chopper Vs Baccarat

This opponent from One Piece Film: Gold, took on the three weakest Straw Hats in a very comical fight. Baccarat had the powers of the Raki Raki no Mi, which allowed her to steal the good luck of others for herself. Using these powers, she was able to hold the trio off with only one coin and a massive amount of bad luck.
Until Usopp rushed off and stole a massive bundle from the casino, launching it towards Baccarat and intercepting her thrown coin. The bundle was revealed to be a massive slot machine for the jackpot, which she had won… and had used all her luck to do so. This allowed Usopp to take her down in a very fun fight!
3. Chopper and Usopp vs Ms. Merry Christmas and Mr. 4

This fight is interesting because it is from one of the earlier arcs, and the powers and abilities that Usopp and Chopper have are nowhere to be seen. The two Straw Hats struggle against Mr. Four’s baseball themed arsenal and Ms. Merry Christmas’s Mole-Mole devil fruit powers. Before they manage to use their enemies against one another to pull out a win.
The reason this fight makes the list is because of how much you see both Chopper and Usopp not only grow throughout the series compared to this fight, but also that the two heroes kept fighting. They aren’t known for their strength, but they were able to take on two powerful villains and come out on top despite the odds!
2. Law and Kid Vs Big Mom

The Wano arc saw many epic battles, but none so interesting as two members of the worst generation taking down an emperor. Law and Kid were able to use their powers against Big Mom, who fought back with everything she had. The battle was amazing because of the sheer power on display as neither side was willing to hold back. There were a lot of interesting attacks and tactics on display as each fighter pulled out all the stops.
Additionally, it was very interesting to watch someone as powerful as Big Mom actually bleed due to Law and Kid’s actions. Additionally, she fell through Wano County and vanished in an explosion, but that doesn’t mean she is dead. It will be very interesting to see if she comes back and seeks revenge on the people who handed her a terrible defeat. Because she might still have a role to play in the final saga.
1. Nami Vs Absalom

This battle in the Thriller Bark arc saw Nami battle Absalom, who was obsessed with her and wanted to make her his bride. Nami wasn’t about to take this unwanted request, and battled Absalom several times to drive him off. Eventually, with a little help from Sanji, she managed to defeat him during the final battle.
Despite the fact that Nami did eventually get kidnapped and forced to be a bride, it was cool to watch her fight back at every opportunity and eventually land the finishing blow. It allowed the audience to see her strength and her power of will. Plus, it showed everyone what would happen if you messed with the navigator of the Straw Hats!