It’s happening! It’s finally happening! One Piece finally hits a big moment in the Egghead Island arc in chapter 1103. Bartholomew Kuma arrives on Egghead in the midst of the showdown between the Straw Hats and Saint Jay Garcia Saturn. Everything is about to pop off in the most chaotically badass way possible, but let’s see what’s on the board and what could happen next.
Warning! This article contains spoilers for the latest chapters of One Piece. Catch up on Viz or MangaPlus before reading further to avoid spoilers!
What Happens in One Piece Chapter 1103?

Chapter 1103 picks up right in the heat of the Egghead Island Incident. Bonney has just seen Kuma’s memories in a semi-flashback. Vegapunk knows he’s instrumental to the tragedy this poor girl is experiencing, and knows that nothing can make up for it. Despite that, he wants to do all he can, urgently pulling her from the lab to escape with the Straw Hat Pirates. The bad thing is, that Bonney’s powers have been affected by seeing Kuma’s memories and what the future may hold. Her faith in Nika is shaken
Saturn takes advantage of the moment to explain Bonney’s childhood and how she got her powers. Bonney didn’t actually eat the Age-Age Fruit, but was an experiment of Saturn himself. As was her Sapphire Scale disease, which was a side effect of the experiments on her pregnant mother. Really, this chapter just speedruns showing that Saturn is effectively the opposite of everything Bartholomew Kuma stands for. Kuma arrives just in time to save Bonney too, and just before the chapter ends, leaps at Saturn with the most malice he’s ever shown.
Bonney’s Heartache

While chapter 1102 left off with Bonney in a crying heap on the floor of an Egghead lab, 1103 comes in a few moments after. Vegapunk finds her. She’s crying her eyes out over the entire life of Kuma she just lived through in moments, realizing all this man gave for everyone. It’s a moment that’s been echoed by fans for weeks now, with Kuma’s backstory quickly rocketing him to the top of best character lists. He’s become the pinnacle of what being a good father is, and even being a better person.
Bonney always knew that he was a great man, but seeing everything in just a few seconds was overwhelming. She knows now everything her father did, and everything in the world isn’t enough to help with the realization he’s effectively dead. As far as Bonney knows, he’s dead in every sense without his free will or sense of self. It shakes her confidence, especially when she gets into the fight with Saint Jay Garcia Saturn in the current timeline.
Vegapunk’s Regret

It seems that Vegapunk is finally realizing just how much he’s contributed to the deaths of innocents. His revelations that Kuma having free will would have been better for everyone than anything he’s done, alongside his guilt over Bonney is immense. Then when Saint Saturn drops the bomb that he was the one who infected Bonney with Sapphire Scale, it just enrages him. He’s unable to do anything about it of course, but it’s definitely going to lead to some more introspection for Vegapunk when he sees peace again.
Not that it’s going to be easy. Whether it’s from Saturn’s Devil Fruit power or a Conqueror Haki, almost nobody can move. Even Sanji is stuck, with the other Straw Hats and Vegapunks watching Saturn crush Bonney helplessly. Meanwhile, Luffy is in his weak post-Gear Fifth state, aged and limp on the ground like an overstretched rubber band. He’s begging for food, but things look hopeless as Saturn looks to finally kill Bonney after letting her go years ago.
Is Kizaru Helping Luffy?

Okay, Atlast says that she wasn’t able to run food to Luffy, so who the hell suddenly dropped a ton beside him? Franky, Sanji, Vegapunk, and other present Straw Hats are incapable of moving thanks to Saturn. The only people strong enough to move in his presence are Luffy, who’s too weak, and Kizaru who appears defeated. Kizaru might actually be working with his insanely fast speed to help Straw Hat under the radar though.
There’s really no other way that the Straw Hats could have gotten food to Luffy. Plus the flashbacks in Egghead have shown Kizaru as a friend to Vegapunk and Bonney, especially viewing Sentomaru as a nephew figure. This chapter gave him a moment to show his seeming regret over his friend’s pain, hinting he may turn against the World Government. It would be fitting to have another Admiral turn against the World Government in an incident that’s known around the world as the ‘second Ohara’.
Bonney’s Powers

By far the greatest revelation in the chapter is that Bonney’s powers weren’t given from eating the actual Devil Fruit. Instead, the powers of the Age-Age Fruit were given through experimenting on her DNA through Inheritance Factors. They’re able to give her the abilities of the Devil Fruit with limited issues, but Saturn does note that there’s a particular weakness the Age-Age Fruit has. If the user knows something for certain that will be in the future, they can’t imagine a Divergent Future ability so easily. Bonney is greatly weakened thanks to seeing her father’s memories, with her faith in Nika now shaking.
Saturn notes that she hasn’t put together Nika and Luffy’’s Gear Fifth power just yet. It’s only a matter of time though, because Bonney is pretty sharp for a twelve-year-old kid. She’s going to figure out that Luffy has the power of Nika soon enough. It may give her more reason to follow him as a Straw Hat. She’s definitely going to have another revelation coming up though, with Kuma arriving on Egghead Island before the chapter ends and rampaging toward Saturn.
Saint Saturn is the Worst

Holy crap One Piece has built up the Celestial Dragons as awful, but this is just a new level. Saint Jay Garcia Saturn is more than evil- he’s evil just for the hell of it. There’s no motivation behind it other than “I’m bored, might as well screw with someone’s genetics and a fatal virus”. He’s the one responsible for Ginny’s deadly Sapphire Scale, and as a result, Bonney’s too. It’s essentially a reveal that Saturn negotiated Kuma giving himself up as a weapon in return for fixing something that HE broke. That’s pretty evil, even by anime standards.
There are a lot of running theories that are ever closer to confirmation saying that Saturn is Bonney’s biological father. It’s getting really hard to ignore the signs too. He mentions something about her being the eighth woman of the Holy Land and a few other things. Not to mention how he was close enough to Ginny so as to arrange her and Bonney’s DNA. That’s usually not a good sign. It’s very likely that Saturn saw her as nothing more than a useful lab rat.
Kuma Arrives

Finally, the moment everyone has been waiting for, Bartholomew Kuma finally arrives at Egghead Island. Seeing his history in the past dozen or so chapters has built him as one of the supreme One Piece characters. He’s not only strong in body, but in spirit as well. All thanks to his views on freedom and liberation through Nika. Kuma is everything opposite of Saturn. He’s constantly proving that there is good in the world to balance out the mass of evil that Gorosei represents. Now the revelations that Saturn has been the one to destroy Kuma’s life piece by piece permanently add a hell of a lot more emotional weight to this battle.
Kuma deserves to Ursa Shock Saint Saturn through the atmosphere and into the void of space. It’s a popular sentiment too, because this guy has done nothing but make himself the most evil jackass on earth. Kuma putting all of his pain and anger into one giant attack, leaping right toward Saturn, goes hard as hell. He’s even more angry now too, considering he just barely saved Bonney from death while taking Saturn’s attack head-on. The next chapter is going to be their battle just beginning, and Kuma has plenty of pain to channel into his attacks on the one who’s responsible.
Chapter 1104 Theories

Obviously, the fight between Kuma and Saturn is center stage in One Piece right now. Hopefully, this isn’t just another tease by Oda though, because we also thought God Valley would be the focus a few weeks ago. Egghead is likely going to end in 2024 though, so it’s a foregone conclusion that this is going to wrap up the big climax with a former Warlord attacking a member of the Gorosei. That’s going to make big news, even by Big News Morgans standards. It would be fitting too, especially if the first act of open rebellion against the Celestial Dragons and not just the Navy is carried out by Kuma.
He’s long been a Revolutionary, and knows that true freedom isn’t possible until everyone is free on equal standing. Kuma represents everyone who has ever made the world better, stomped down by the world at every turn instead. It’s going to be cathartic as hell to see him punch out a Celestial Dragon. He’s not only getting due justice for his suffering, but sparking a true revolution uniting pirates and Revolutionaries. Kuma is a lifelong prophet of Nika, and now that Nika has is here, he has to send a message. Just like in Sabaody Archipelago, he’s coming in at the last second to help the Straw Hats survive.
One Piece really just keeps getting better with each chapter of the Egghead Island arc. Chapter 1103 finishes out one of the best flashbacks in the series. Then quickly returns to the in-progress action of the modern day. That’s not something easy to pull off, let alone this far into a story like One Piece. It’s going to be an explosive finale to the story though, with Kuma due to beat the Drums of Liberation for himself soon.