It’s a short chapter this week for One Piece, which usually means we’re on the cusp of something major. Chapter 1105 shows the devastation of Egghead Island in full effect as Saint Saturn finally makes his intentions clear. Everyone who ever worked on Egghead or was there before the Marines arrived is damned, and there’s not a thing that Vegapunk or the Straw Hats can do. The situation looks hopeless, but Chapter 1105 of One Piece is going to just be the start of something bigger.
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What Happens in Chapter 1105?

For a short chapter, 1105 packs in some major information. As things open, Saturn and Kizaru dismiss all the soldiers on the island, telling them to start the Buster Call while they remain. They’re definitely not playing around, and while it’s known that Kizaru can flash out in a second, Saturn just might have the power to withstand a serious Buster Call. If not, it’s very possible he could just teleport away like how he arrived at Egghead a dozen chapters or so ago. If anything Saturn establishes himself as even more evil by revealing that he’s already taken measures against Egghead’s survivors.
Meanwhile, the Straw Hats are split around the island. Sanji runs Bonney and Kuma over to Franky and Atlas, who take them in one of the Vaccum Rockets up to the Labophasae. Or, they try to anyway, before Kizaru and the Pacifista come in to interrupt things. It starts to look bleak when the other Straw Hats check-in, showing an injured Robin and a still fighting Zoro. Good thinking ahead on Nami’s part though, as she sends Jimbei after Zoro to keep him from getting lost.
Time to Run

At this point, there’s really no telling what could happen, but the Straw Hats have realized they may be outmatched here. With the safety of everyone in mind, they team up with the remaining Vegapunks to get Bonney and Kuma out of there, though Vegapunk himself stays behind. Sanji takes off to meet Atlas and Franky, who are both getting a Vaccum Rocket ready to take them up to the Labosphere. They’re planning to reunite with others on the Sunny right at the rear entrance, but with Vegaforce One out of commission, that plan is going to need to change. At least Brook and Lilith have found a way to get the Sunny moving again.
Back on the ship, Lilith is steering while Brook freezes the cloud roads ahead of them, allowing Sunny to glide right across. They’re getting close to the Labosphere when Brook realizes he doesn’t have a plan to stop it though, so there’s another problem. Meanwhile, Jimbei is tracking down Zoro to separate him from Lucci, and prevent him from getting too lost on the way back. Usopp, Nami, Chopper, and Robin are in the Labosphere waiting now, though it’s unclear what injuries Robin has gone through. Sanji is the only one still on the battlefield alongside the others though, racing around to try and help whoever he can.
Another Buster Call

Well, this marks the third Buster Call for Nico Robin and the second for every Straw Hat except Brook and Jimbei. Usopp seems to be really tired of going through Buster Calls too, while the others are just as indifferent as usual. Honestly, a Buster Call is kind of a small blip on their radar for the Straw Hats after everything they’ve faced until now. Considering they were able to take down an entire two Emperor alliance on a floating island, things don’t look too terribly bad for them here.
The Marines are all being evacuated from Egghead Island, so that’s a plus they have here over Enies Lobby at least. The absolute balls that Kizaru and Saturn have to stay on the island while it initiates can’t be understated though. Now though, if every Marine and innocent is off the island, that will leave Luffy full reign to become Nika however he wants. Earlier in the arc he was kind of holding back against Rob Lucci in the first place for fear of destroying too much, but now he’s unbound. There’s a lot more a fully powered Gear Fifth Luffy can do during a Buster Call than he could over two years ago.
Kizaru’s Status

Theories of Kizaru becoming a turncoat to the World Government have been everywhere for the last few chapters of this arc. Now though, it looks like we’re at a final decision and Kizaru is staying a cog in the World Government machine. He decides to stay back with Saturn, fighting the Straw Hats and even picking a good fight with Sanji. Now, it comes down to the fastest of the Straw Hats to fight the fastest of the Marine Admirals. Though that may not happen at all with the way Egghead keeps going.
Kizaru makes himself enough of a nuisance though, slicing the Vaccum Rocket tube in half and sending Atlas and the others flying out. It’s going to be a tough battle for Sanji to keep him off their backs while they escape. Especially because Saturn was hoping for Vegapunk’s worst nightmare that’s now coming true. After Kizaru breaks the tube, the Pacifists below get ready to fire full force at Bonney. The ultimate disrespect to Kuma’s legacy would be ending the life of the daughter he loves so much. That sounds about right for the amount of evil Saint Jay Garcia Saturn has shown so far.
Where’s Luffy?

Somehow Luffy got moved a ways across the island from where the battle was going down, but nobody knows how. When Saturn first saw him eating back at the main area, he quickly brought an end to the feeding and Luffy’s recovery in the process. Naturally, if Luffy isn’t able to eat then he’s not going to be able to fight, already pulling out Gear Fifth three or four times in the arc’s brief period. Something manages to get him over to the food fabricator in Egghead’s main square though, and it looks like Luffy wastes no time in stuffing himself full. He’s already a massive round ball by the time the focus finally shifts to him, with Marines discovering his still-gorging self.
Something like the food fabricator is like an unlimited power cheat code for Luffy at this point. With as much meat as he could want, along with all kinds of other food, he’s going to come back stronger than ever. Despite being totally worn out just minutes ago in battle-time, now he’s almost ready to get back into full Gear Fifth. No doubt Saturn wants to end things before they get that far though.
Zoro v Lucci

Well, this battle is still going after all this time somehow. Zoro and Lucci have been flying around the outer Labosphere for a while at this point, with blades clashing against Awakened Leopard claws. It’s a testament to Zoro though that he’s holding off an Awakened Zoan with relative ease, and his only weakness is going to be getting back to the Straw Hats before he gets hopelessly lost. Thankfully, Nami has taken her own precautions to make sure that doesn’t happen and sends Jimbei out after them.
Jimbei is probably going to get a full idea of how much power Zoro holds now, especially since he didn’t see much at Wano. It’s time for Lucci to get his ass handed to him though, especially after his treatment of Kaku earlier in the arc. He’s established himself as ruthless no matter who he may be dealing with, but throwing away his oldest teammate without a care in order to still get at the Straw Hats was another level. Lucci is really proving his own evil at this point, and it’s not going to end pretty.
Saturn’s Cruelty

So as it turns out, Saturn decided to take a few precautions before they even arrived for the Buster Call. Vegapunk sent an evacuation ship out with everyone the day before, ensuring that nobody would be hurt because of his insistence on studying the Void Century. Unfortunately for them, Saturn doesn’t believe that anyone is innocent when it comes to closeness with the Void Century. He sends a Marine ship after the fleeing evacuees, intending to destroy every last trace of Egghead just like Ohara long ago.
Except there’s someone who decides to cut that off before it can happen. The chapter ends with a panicked Marine calling toward Egghead, letting them know that “they” are on the way to Egghead Island. That’s all we get as everything closes out, with no answer on who or what they could be exactly. Although theories are currently swirling all over the place as to who in the world it could be. Some are a little more likely than others though.
Who Sank the Marines?
The number one idea of who could be showing up at Egghead is the Revolutionaries. However, that seems a lot more unlikely seeing as Dragon, Iva, and Sabo were all back at Kamabakka Kingdom when Kuma fled. With how long it took him to get there even with his Paw-Paw Fruit powers, it’s not likely any Revolutionaries would get there quite in time. Granted, if Dragon has some really intense hidden DEevil Fruit like there’s been theorized, he could feasibly show up a lot faster than the others. It would be fitting for Dragon to come in and save Bonney just like he did with Kuma years ago in the Sorbet Kingdom. There’s also potential for a meeting finally between father and son with Dragon and Luffy.
Other theories include SWORD units, mostly those of us hoping that Smoker will appear somewhere to be useful. It’s a long shot, but he deserves a chance to shine finally after all that. Koby isn’t likely to let something like this slide either, so it could be him. Otherwise, there’s a slight, slight chance that the interference is coming from a real dark horse in the race- Cross Guild. Is it likely? Absolutely not, but it would be one hell of a twist to have Buggy and the others come in to save the day for another Emperor crew.
Either way, it goes, we’re setting up for the big climax at Egghead Island. One Piece chapters have a tendency to shorten when things are getting heavy, and with this one being almost eight pages shorter than usual, that’s a good sign. So, with chapter 1106 on the horizon next week, expect something big in store as One Piece plays its big cards in the Egghead Island arc!