Finally, after nearly three years the raid on Onigashima is almost over in One Piece Episode 1074. The battle between Luffy and Kaido is approaching the end, and the floating castle of Onigashima nears the Flower Capital. Episode 1074 brings things to a climax, so time to get into it with this review!
Warning that this article contains spoilers for One Piece. The anime is available to stream on Crunchyroll, Netflix, and Funimation. New episodes stream simultaneously with Japan on Crunchyroll every Saturday at 10 p.m.
What Happens in One Piece Episode 1074?

First things first about Episode 1074, the new opening animation is a MASTERPIECE! Seriously, the team behind the opening and ending sequences has been knocking it out of the park every time. As far as the episode goes, it picks up right after Hiyori “kills” Orochi in the previous one, while Luffy and Kaido’s battle rages on above. This mostly focuses on their battle, but intercuts a couple of times to show Orochi coming back in his dragon form and flashbacks to Wano the night Oden dies.
The real meat of the episode comes in the Gear Five animations during Luffy versus Kaido. The animation team went all out, with Luffy using lightning bolts like bungee cords to bring some hurt to Kaido. While they go at it the palace continues to burn below, with Raizo and Jimbei doing what they can to extinguish the fire. Meanwhile, Hyogoro of the Flower rallies the remaining samurai of Wano inside to fight until the end helping Luffy.
End of Orochi

Orochi is such a tired character at this point. His stupid face deserves to burn in Onigashima, and the evil he perpetuates on Wano is disgusting. Seeing him beheaded by Denjiro was by far the best thing that could have happened there, and seeing Orochi’s dragon form squirm was satisfying. That said, it would be better with some better pacing, but it’s understandable considering the Gear Five resources going to the battle above them.
Momo’s Resolve

The flashback to Momonosuke and the samurai on the night Oden is executed was fantastic. Kin’emon’s tearful plea to Momo that he allow them to fight and die as samurai was heartfelt, really showing the gravity of the situation. Momo’s goodbye to Hiyori and their mother was heartbreaking as well, with the young child desperately trying to hold back his fear. It was a great way to show how far Momo has come since the events of twenty years ago, although it’s only been weeks for him.
With Yamato’s urging he makes thunderclouds to keep the island afloat. His resolve is great to see, and gives Momo a nice turnaround from the whiny kid character he’s been for a while.
Celebration in the Flower Capital

Another sequence that got some fantastic, minimalistic animation that made it all work. The Flower Capital putting on its yearly festival while Onigashima looms closer is both beautiful and horrifying. The image of hundreds of paper lanterns floating into the sky while Tama gazes on, crying tears of laughter thanks to her SMILE Fruit. All of Wano’s citizens write their hopes and dreams on these paper lanterns, with many of them holding prayers for better conditions. Everyone just wants to live like they did before, with enough food and essentials to live instead of toiling in poverty and hunger every day. Their prayers are about to receive an answer courtesy of the Straw Hat Pirates alliance.
Luffy’s Final Gear Five Attack

The best part overall of this episode was the fight between Luffy and Kaido. The animation was smooth and bouncy, just as it should be when showcasing the Gear Five abilities. Luffy swinging himself around on rubber lightning, only to fling it all at Kaido was fantastic. Adding in the little squeeze on the clouds to blast more lightning was hilarious too, which is just the slapstick essence of Gear Five. Kaido still has a good counterattack in him with the Death Cry though, and knocks Luffy high into the clouds above them.
This is the moment fans of the manga have been waiting for, Luffy’s last big move in Gear Five. His all-or-nothing, the new Gum-Gum Bajrang Gun. While he keeps one stretchy arm on Kaido to keep him in place, the storm clouds above Onigashima suddenly reveal his plan. A fist the size of Onigashima sits in the clouds, with Armament and Conqueror Haki coating the entire thing.
The episode ends as everyone beholds the ridiculous sight and Luffy prepares to strike. Next week’s episode looks to be the big finale of Wano, and it’s going to be an earth-shattering end to this battle. One Piece Episode 1074 gives a fantastic animation to the Gear Five fight with Kaido, and fits a surprising amount of content in to bring things to a close with a bang next week.