One Piece is back again after a recap episode of Luffy’s Gear Fifth fight against Kaido last week, but now episode 1079 gives some story progress. The battle of Wano is finally over, and the sun is rising over the Flower Capitol again after a couple of days. Everyone is just waiting for their saviors to awaken while figuring out what’s going to happen to Wano in the future. So, is there anything important that goes down during episode 1079?
One Piece is available to watch from the beginning on Crunchyroll. New episodes premiere every Saturday night at 10 pm EST.
What Happens in One Piece Episode 1079?

Whereas last week’s episode was a recap, this week’s picks up as Kozuki Momo and the other samurai inform Wano they’re now free. Some time is spent showing the school children from earlier in the arc now learning about Kozuki Oden as the hero he was. Plenty of great scenes of Wano citizens enjoying their first taste of freedom in years or for the first time are scattered throughout the episode. Children tasting clean water for the first time and others seeing more food than they could hope to finish help to drive home just how bleak Wano was before the sunrise.
The other scenes catch up with Yamato and the Straw Hats. While Momo and Hiyori are getting used to each other again, Luffy and Zoro are sleeping off their battles. When they awake though, it’s an all-out brawl with whatever food they can get their hands on before settling in for a bath to clean them all. The episode leaves with a pan-out from Wano, showing a mysterious Marine arriving in the country via… flower helicopter.
Zunesha Leaves Wano

The episode begins with the Gorosei questioning the Marines ready outside Wano, all preparing to invade should the borders open. Until they realize that Zunesha hasn’t opened the borders to the country as they expect him to, which a surprisingly alive Joseph relays to them via Transponder Snail. The Gorosei mention that it’s definitely a surprise that Zunesha is turning around, given the situation, and remark that someone smart is obviously giving him the orders.
That someone is an eight-year-old that’s been magically aged up twenty years. This is honestly hilarious because this one eight-year-old made a single call that derails a government-led lead hostile takeover. Maybe children should be in charge.
Yamato’s Prayer

While everyone else prepares for a banquet when the Straw Hats awaken, Yamato is getting serious. He’s been staying away from food until Luffy and Zoro wake up, all in hopes that it reinforces his prayer. It finally works too, and many of the others are relieved since Yamato also gave up bathing. After that battle he smells really, really terrible too.
Luffy and Zoro both wake up at the same time, immediately calling for their favorite things- food and booze. The two use their powers to eat even quicker than normal, Luffy pinging his hands off walls to grab food. Meanwhile, Zoro uses his Demon Asura form to drink enough booze to give Kaido a hangover. Somehow Wano has enough, and they complete their recovery.
Straw Hat Party Time

Of course, the infamous bath scene comes after this. There are also a few other fun gags that bring back the humor of One Piece. It’s nice to finally have some of these lighthearted moments back where nobody is concerned about some overall fight. Everyone can relax together, plus it really allows the Straw Hats to interact and shine. Namely, Brook and Sanji finally feel vindicated in their contempt for Momonosuke. Now that he can’t hide from Nami, they relish his beatings. Then comes the reaction to seeing Yamato in the men’s bath. Sanji taking off from a nosebleed rocket wasn’t quite as bad as Fishman Island, but still, oof.
Now Wano is setting up for the party of the century with the Straw Hats. Everyone in the country is invited, except the Beast Pirates of course. It’s going to be a big one, and things are going to get even crazier afterward since Scratchmen Apoo just appeared with new bounties. There’s no confirmation if those will be revealed next week, but there’s a lot still to happen in Wano.
News From Outside Wano

The greatest news isn’t even the bounties, but that the new Four Emperors of the Sea have finally been declared. Of course, it’s not going to show in this episode, but manga readers already know what to expect. Shanks and Blackbeard still stand after Wano’s madness, but three pirates took down Big Mom and Kaido. Luffy’s been the unofficial Fifth Emperor for a while now, but who is the new one to round them out?
It’s going to be quite the reveal for whoever ends up in the position, but no spoilers here. It’ll take every anime-only watcher by surprise, but some will definitely see it coming from miles away.
An Admiral in Wano?

As the episode ends, a strange flower helicopter approaches Wano, the same voice that was on the Transponder Snail earlier. The mysterious figure is referred to as Ryukugyu, also known as Greenbull. He’s a current Admiral of the Marines alongside Kizaru and Fujitora. So what’s he doing running off into the recently liberated land? The Straw Hats may have a whole new battle on their hands despite just how soon it is after the raid.
Episode 1079 wraps on that note, but there’s plenty to come next week. A confrontation with Greenbull, an Emperor reveal, and more to round out Wano. This week was a great dose of comedy to wind things down though, especially the little moments between Sanji and Zoro. More importantly, Toei has confirmed that there’s no filler after Wano, so get ready to strap back in for a wild ride!