One Piece is getting into the Egghead Island arc pretty hard, with surprisingly little filler as the anime hurtles forward. Episode 1092 starts bringing some of the arc’s main focus into the frame, showing the issues underlying the strange future island. Along with some new threads for the separated Straw Hats, there are quite a few other major reveals that One Piece gives the audience in this newest episode!
This article contains spoilers for the newest episode of One Piece. Catch up on Viz or Crunchyroll before reading further!
What Happens in One Piece Episode 1092?

While it’s a rather quiet episode, all things considered, 1092 sets up for a huge amount of things to come. Starting off with a flashback to show the separated Straw Hats, things quickly turn away to another ship heading toward Egghead. Except this one is crewed by none other than Cipher Pol Aegis 0, including Kaku, Lucci, and Stussy. They’ve got a lot ahead of them, including taking out Vegapunk who has seemingly found out too much about his World Government masters. Lucci seems pretty curious as to why they want him out of the picture, too.
Meanwhile back on Egghead, Luffy and his gang have had their fill of the food fabricator machines. That said, they end up getting on the wrong side of a small robot named Recycollie, who doesn’t appreciate their littering. As they decide to go their separate ways, a police-outfitted Kuma shows up to arrest them for stealing both food and the new wardrobe they just got. Kuma begins charging a massive laser burst, only for Bonney to make a world-changing reveal seconds before the blast fires off.
In another part of the New World, the Polar Tang crew is sailing along when a massive fog rolls in. Turns out, the Blackbeard Pirates have found them, and it’s time for a showdown. The episode ends with their ships circling each other, sizing each other’s crew up for a fight.
Seven Vegapunks

The ship carrying Cipher Pol 0 is heading toward Egghead quickly, with Rob Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy all on board. Other than the new all-white wardrobe, Lucci seems to have gotten a little change. Mostly with a new beard that swings like a cuckoo clock. Strange, but who’s to judge? During their ride, he explains to the others about Vegapunk, revealing that the genius doctor of the World Government is actually one person split across seven bodies. Vegapunk has made himself separate bodies known as Satellites, with each one containing a different part of his personality.
Cipher Pol doesn’t have information on what each contains, but they do know outside of Vegapunk they’re pretty strong. Shakka, Lilith, York, Atlas, Pythagoras, and Edison all have their own specialties. Although it’s going to be a bit before they can reveal them. In the meantime back on Egghead, Atlas reveals that she was made to be violent. Then proves it by punching out the massive dragon brawling with a robot above the island. Also, it seems like rocket boots are a regular thing on Egghead Island which is… really cool!
Comedic Bits

This episode is some of the last bit of lighthearted One Piece we’re going to get for a while. This arc is already making a reputation with manga readers as one of the darkest in the series. It’s for good reason too, so the little comedic bits in this episode were nice to have. Jimbei coming in for two episodes straight with the funniest moments in the episode was great. But especially his comment about always looking full enough to burst. The man knows he’s just a big blue blob, and we all love him for it.
The new threads they along with Bonney pick up are some of the best parts of this arc. One Piece has always set itself apart with different outfits for each arc, with Egghead being no exception. The more futuristic look for everyone, with the rocket boots and Chopper’s helmet, is a fantastically bright fit that makes a nice departure from Wano’s traditional look. Of course, the real test is going to come when Robin and Nami get their new outfits. All because the collective world is going to have a nosebleed seeing them.
Seriously, Oda has really upped his uh… artistic abilities with this arc in the manga. Toei animators are already known for improving on his proportions too, so expect some bounce.
Kuma Arrives

Well, this could be a problem. As the Straw Hats are finishing up with their outfit changes, including Jimbei getting a spiffy new dad-inspired Hawaiin shirt, an old frenemy appears. Bartholomew Kuma, in full Robocop costume almost, walks into the city square where the group is speaking. Luffy is already helping himself to another helping from the food fabricator too, showing how he’s just an ever-expanding void of hunger. Kuma begins to scan the scene, and Luffy jumps up with the warning of Future Sight and begins to look out for the danger.
He goes right in too, spotting Kuma and realizing the danger that he poses. Luffy has already had his run-in back on Sabaody. But even though he can tell this one is a regular Pacifista, he’s not messing around. It looks like he was getting ready to Gum-Gum Red Roc the Pacifista, jumping toward it with full Armament Haki. Of course, he gets knocked on his ass by Bonney right before he can make contact with the former Warlord’s clone. She stops him, but not for any kind of reason anyone expects.
Bonney’s Father

Yeah, that’s right. The ‘Tyrant’ Bartholomew Kuma, former Warlord and World Government weapon, is Jewelry Bonney’s father. Everyone knew something was up when she was spying back at the Reverie, but now it’s clearer than ever. There’s even a small flashback of Kuma just being a good dad, smiling and tossing Bonney while she laughs. Remember how people are calling this One Piece’s darkest arc? There’s a lot of tragedy hidden in those smiles and laughter that will be revealed soon.
For now, even just seeing the Pacifista has Bonney almost immobile with tears flowing from her eyes. She knows it’s a Pacifista, but still. Just seeing the image of her father charging up a laser to shoot her with takes a toll. Bonney is on her knees, in tears while watching the weapon made by her father prepare to kill her. Just as the laser discharges, Luffy jumps in front of her, blocking the blast. Unfortunately, it looks like Egghead may have suffered a lot of damage in the process. Especially as the blast is much bigger than anticipated. There’s no word on the fallout though. Instead perspective goes across the New World to check in on another infamous pirate.
Law vs. Blackbeard

There are a lot of great fights in this arc but this is the one that really kicks them all off. As Shachi and Penguin are trying to clean the Polar Tang’s deck, Bepo is being lazy while Law is staring off into the distance. There’s a fog rolling in, and out of it sails the Blackbeard Pirates. Teach, along with Van Augur, Burgess, and Doc Q look like they may have been tracking the Heart Pirates, probably after the rare Op-Op Fruit that Law carries. The ships circle each other, with captains staring daggers into their foes while awaiting their moment to strike.
The episode ends there, and it looks like next week will be a recap episode to catch everyone up on Law. Probably a good thing, seeing as he first joins up with the crew back in Punk Hazard which was almost ten years ago. After the recap episode though, 1093 is going to come in swinging. Toei has confirmed that the same director behind Zoro and King’s big fight is in charge of Law vs. Blackbeard, so expect it to look REALLY good.
Although it wasn’t nearly as action-packed or well-paced as the first episode of the arc, 1092 does give One Piece a good spot to pick up from. The battle between Law and Teach is set, with nobody ready for what’s about to happen. Meanwhile, back on Egghead, we’re getting ready to see a reunion of old friends and old enemies, with some surprising alliances that will be made. Egghead Island is chugging along, and the best is still yet to come as the arc gets underway.