Mysteries are just growing more strange on Egghead Island as One Piece gets further into the arc with episode 1094. As one part of the Straw Hat Pirates faces off with a Pacifista, the others split off to explore the island with Lilith. There’s plenty to keep everyone busy on Egghead Island, but they’re going to discover plenty of danger along the way. Episode 1094 introduces a new Seraphim, Vegapunks, and a crucial reveal about Jewelry Bonney along with some new costumes!
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What Happens in Episode 1094?

Last week left Egghead Island and the Straw Hats to catch up with Trafalgar Law, showing his battle against Blackbeard. This week returns though, showing that Luffy and his crew manage to get away from the Pacifista that was attacking them. It’s not easy though, and Luffy is carrying Bonney wrapped up like a roll of napkins to get her away from danger. It’s only thanks to Jimbei’s massive strength that they’re able to hold it back. When they eventually run into an alleyway though, it looks like they’re trapped. Jimbei turns to fight. But, as the Pacifista is just about to attack Bonney uses her power, turning Jimbei into a child while Luffy and Chopper become decrepit and old.
Meanwhile, on the other side of Egghead Island, the Vegaforce makes landfall. As Lilith walks the Straw Hats in, they come upon one of the clothes fabricators that Luffy and the others found. Finally, with everyone getting a new fit and some awesome hover boots, they’re ready to go deeper into the lab. Lilith ends up leaving them behind though, meanwhile, another Vegapunk, Edison, leads them to a room with a mysterious, young version of Jimbei. As it begins to fire on them with a beam of light power like Kizaru’s, the Seraphim reveals its true power. In another part of the lab, a masked Vegapunk, Shakka, the Good of the doctor, is on a call with none other than Monkey D Dragon.
Pacifista Attack

When the Straw Hats were last seen, the Pacifistas were targeting a massive beam at them. It did huge damage too, destroying a ton of the main square in Egghead Island. The incredible destruction serves as a cover for Luffy and the others to run through, but turns out Bonney won’t move. She reveals that Kuma is her father, much to Luffy’s surprise. They don’t have much time to talk about it though, because the Pacifista is still on their tales. Even though she begs them not to, it’s time to face down the Pacifistas, so Jimbei and Luffy step forward. They tell Bonney to look away, readying themselves for the battle moving toward them.
Bonney shouts at the last moment for everyone to stop, begging her father to leave them alone. It’s a nice touch, especially considering it’s an added scene in the anime that wasn’t a part of the manga. The hand that reaches out during her plea is the real surprise though, and when the Pacifista suddenly lowers its weapon, everyone is in for a surprise. Bonney’s powers are revealed in full glory, showing exactly what she’s able to do to others with her Age-Age Fruit powers.
Bonney’s Powers

Jewelry Bonney holds the powers of the Age-Age Fruit, which allows her to alter her age or others at will. It’s a surprisingly strong ability in battle too, but she’ll show that off more later. For now, she’s shown that her power has some wild capabilities, turning Jimbei back into a child. The weirdest thing is that his hair was blonde at the time instead of the black seen in the current age. He still stands at the ready to fight, but the Pacifista walks away before he realizes what’s happened. It freaks him out even more when he looks back to see what’s happened to his other crewmates.
Luffy and Chopper are both old and decrepit, with Bonney’s powers aging them up instead of down. It’s not a pretty look either, as Luffy is missing most of his hair and Chopper looks like a light breeze will knock him out. It’s honestly impressive that such a simple Devil Fruit ability is able to subdue a current Emperor of the Sea. That’s not all it’s capable of though, because the Age-Age Fruit has quite a few other amazing abilities backing it up.
Kuma the Tyrant

When Bonney and the others finally get away and find a place to chill, it’s time for a few reveals. Jimbei says that all he remembers of Kuma is that he was a former ruler of the Sorbet Kingdom. Apparently, he was a tyrannical king, soon run out by the people of the country and forced into piracy. From there he helps to create the Revolutionary Army alongside Monkey D Dragon, but apparently, that’s not the whole truth. Bonney reveals he did offer himself up as a Warlord of the Sea afterward, but trails off before explaining more.
Kuma is a central focus of the Egghead Island arc, and his backstory will come to light in future episodes. It’s going to bring up a lot of emotions for people too, as his complicated past is marred by tragedy. Some familiar faces will show up, and the beginnings of the Revolutionary Army take shape. The focus in Egghead is really on the relationship of Kuma and Bonney, with incredible weight behind both characters.
Straw Hat Shenanigans

It’s nice to see the Straw Hats getting to play around like the pre-time skip days. Everyone’s various banter back and forth is always one of the best parts of the crew, especially when their personalities really come out. Brook and Zoro staying back on the ship to hang out, before unceremoniously kicking Caribou off on a government island, is hilarious. The other bits over on Egghead with Robin getting to be super grim were the other highlights of the episode. It’s always funny to see just how dark her predictions are, but the reactions from others like Usopp are even funnier.
Meanwhile, Sanji is having one hell of a grudge against the massive amount of science and technology around him. His scars from childhood still aren’t fully healed, and Vegapunk’s past friendship with Judge likely doesn’t help. Meanwhile, Franky is just in awe of everything, especially considering Vegapunk is one of his idols when it comes to technology. The Straw Hat’s shipwrights can’t help but marvel at everything around them, especially the escalator that they all end up taking a ride on. Before that though, they stop at the fabricators to get some new threads.
New Outfits

The outfits for each new arc are always the best part of starting out, especially considering how wild some get. They’re not quite up to the disguises like Dressrosa and Whole Cake Island had, but Egghead delivers a different aesthetic. Everything is futuristic, and everyone even gets a complementary pair of hover boots with their outfit! The real draw of the arc is seeing the evolution of creator Eiichiro Oda’s art though, most prominent when it comes to his drawing of the female form. Recently in the manga SBS Corner, Oda answered a question about the designs of costumes in Egghead, especially Robin and Nami’s newest.
Basically, Oda learned how to draw butts better and now it’s his favorite thing to do. Expect to see plenty more of Robin and Nami’s backsides according to the creator himself. Nobody can fault him for being honest with his intentions and motivations at least, considering he answered them truthfully. It’s official though, Oda has changed from a boob man to a butt guy.

The Seraphim have already gotten quite a showing in the Amazon Lily episodes. They’re massive weapons of destruction exceeding the level of the Pacifistas, with Lunarian DNA and Devil Fruit Lineage Factors. Even worse, they’re the clones of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Plus each of their major strengths implanted in them. This latest one, resembling a young version of Jimbei, is the first encounter for the Straw Hat Pirates. As is tradition, they have no idea what’s going on. Even worse, they don’t know that this version of their beloved helmsman is much meaner. He has a few tricks up his sleeve the real version doesn’t.
It won’t be the last Seraphim introduced in this arc, and we’ve already seen a few others. To this point in the manga, the only Seraphim that hasn’t gotten any play are Moria, Doflamingo, and Crocodile. That’s not to say they won’t happen, but they’re likely being saved as the big guns of the Seraphim forces. S-Bear, meanwhile, was shown with Cipher Pol 0 on the way to the island. It’s going to be interesting to see that in action considering the revelations about Bonney’s father.
Vegapunk’s Call

Well, that’s the last thing anyone expected from the Good side of Vegapunk. He was on a call with the Revolutionary himself. Monkey D Dragon is on the other line of the Transponder Snail, Vegapunk imparting some very, very bad news. Apparently, the good doctor knows that he’s due to die soon, although he won’t tell Dragon any of the specifics. It’s foreboding for the Egghead Island arc, as things aren’t nearly as bright on the futuristic land as they seem.
Dragon only gets a brief appearance at the end of the episode, but he’ll have plenty more in this arc. It’s probably the most we’ve seen from the Revolutionary Founder in his entire time in the series. With backstories on Kuma as a Revolutionary though, there’s some interesting insight into exactly what he was up to this whole time. Surprisingly, he’s not quite the terrible father that fans have thought he was for years. Turns out, he’s actually one of the better dads in One Piece, although nowhere near the other that gets the spotlight this arc.
What Does Vegapunk Know?

Vegapunk knows that he doesn’t have long to live, but why? It’s definitely one of the more mysterious questions in the opening of the arc, but has a more simple explanation than most think. Some might think that he’s in fear of the Emperor of the Sea who just landed on his island. Others are probably concerned knowing that Cipher Pol 0 is on the way, with Lucci and Kaku specifically on the mission. Either way, there’s danger surrounding Vegapunk on all sides.
It’s highly unlikely he would have any fear of Luffy though, considering he’s on a call with Dragon. No, it’s likely that Vegapunk found something out that the World Government doesn’t want him to know. For manga readers, the Egghead Island Incident is coming to the peak of the arc, but for the anime, there is still plenty to come. We’ve seen the product of forbidden research in One Piece before with Ohara, and before long we’ll be seeing something far too similar in the New World.
One Piece ends episode 1094 with even more questions than answers. The next chapter promises to give a few though, as the Straw Hats end up fighting the first of their Seraphim. The real fun is yet to come though, especially considering how much the rematch between Lucci and Luffy has been anticipated. One Piece is only gearing into the Egghead Island arc, and so far the animation and quality are really taking things to another level. The next episodes have nowhere to go but up, and we’ll see some major moments that One Piece fans will love.