One Piece is one of the longest-running manga series ever. At over 1000 manga chapters (1092 at the time of writing this), and over 1000 episodes in its anime adaptation (1073 as of writing this). Many folks who want to get into watching One Piece are intimidated by the number of episodes the anime holds, and they all ask the same question.
One Piece Filler Episodes

As mentioned One Piece filler is different from other anime; filler is usually broken up into arcs, but not all filler quantifies an arc. Some consist of alternate stories or crossovers.
Filler Episodes:
54-60, 98-99, 102, 131-143, 196-206, 220-226, 279-283, 291-292, 303, 317-319, 326-335, 336, 382-384, 406-407, 426-429, 457-458, 492, 542, 575-578, 590, 626-627, 747-750, 780-782, 895-896, 907.
These episodes are entirely filler; can be skipped in their entirety, and you won’t miss a thing main narrative-wise. However, you will miss out on some very goofy, and out-there ideas involving the Straw Hats.
To name some episodes 279-283 are mostly recap episodes but skipping to the end has some silly short stories. Like Chopper being a superhero, Luffy as a mob boss, and the Straw Hats as monsters living on a monster island just to name a few. Also, episodes 291, 303, 406-407 introduce Boss Luffy in the Feudal Japan Historical Specials.
Do I Have To Watch Every Episode of One Piece?

The short answer; no. The long; yes, if you’re looking for a good time. The One Piece anime is no stranger to filler, like most adaptations. Unlike most anime however, One Piece is less than 10% filler episodes dispersed throughout the anime.
What Episodes of One Piece are Mixed Canon/Filler?

What’s canon/filler you ask? Canon/filler are events that only have a few panels in the manga, but when adapted to anime a lot of narrative padding is placed to meet the runtime of a standard episode.
One Piece has mixed canon/filler as well. In One Piece’s case canon/filler is usually after a canon arc where we get to check in on the inhabitants of the islands and or ships the Straw Hat’s resided before starting their maiden voyage. Some flare is added to increase the episode’s runtime.
Should you watch the episodes that have mixed canon/filler? The answer is yes, it’s still canon.
Mixed Canon/Filler Episodes:
45-47, 61, 68-69, 101, 354, 421, 489, 520, 574, 625, 628, 633, 653, 657, 679, 690, 731, 738, 751, 777-778, 789, 803, 807, 878-879, 881-885, 887-890, 924, 988-989, 991
One Piece and Anime Canon.

Before you ask, Anime Canon episodes are parts of the main Canon Story that you won’t find in the manga. Now before saying, “I don’t have to watch it then if it’s not in the manga.” You still do if you haven’t read the manga. Otherwise, if you’ve read it’s up to you.
For Example:

A good example of anime/canon, In the manga, Zeff voluntarily cuts off his own leg after the shipwreck. In the anime; he is trapped forcing him to severe it. This does not change how the main story plays out though.
Anime Canon Episodes:
50-51, 93, 213-216, 418-420, 453-456, 497-499, 506, 737, 775, 1029-1030
In Regards to Uta’s Past.

Episodes 1029, and 1030 are episodes detailing Uta’s past to introduce her for, One Piece: Film Red, so they are filler, but Uta is canon confirmed by Eiichiro Oda. Aside from the beginning of episode 1029 and the end of 1030; everything in between is confirmed canon. So just to play it safe they are both, anime canon and filler.
Toriko and Dragon Ball Crossovers.

Episodes 492, and 542 where Luffy has a crossover with Toriko. A Shonen character with a manga and anime of the same name. Fun fact, the first episode of the Toriko anime is also episode 492 of One Piece.
Another really out-there filler episode is episode 590. Toriko and his cast return for another crossover, but this time Goku and the Z Fighters from Dragon Ball Super join the fray. Luffy, Goku, and Toriko are fired up to participate in a random martial arts tournament. This episode is absolutely bonkers. Trunks and Goten’s reaction to Chopper, and seeing Chopper interact with Gotenks and his reaction to fusion will put a grin on your face. Zoro meeting Vegeta, which watching the dub makes this interaction a bit funnier since Zoro and Vegeta have the same voice actor. Not to forget, Master Roshi meeting Nami.
Romance Dawn.

The most fascinating of them all is episode 907, which follows the original version of One Piece called Romance Dawn (sound familiar). Reading the manga prototype of the same name, it’s so cool seeing this piece of One Piece history animated so nicely. In Romance Dawn, Garp, Luffy’s grandma is a peaceful pirate called a Peace-main. Also being the one who gave Luffy the Gumo Gumo no Mi Devil Fruit and his straw hat. Aspiring to be a Peace-main like his grandfather. He meets Silk, she’s a mix of Nami and Vivi. It’s honestly inspiring from a storytelling perspective to see how far One Piece has truly come. This is also the last filler episode that isn’t part of an arc.
To Be Continued.

With One Piece coming to a close, and how grandiose the animation has been in Wano; anticipating Gear 5. It is very likely there will be more hiatuses in the near and not-so-near future. Meaning we will get more filler. This might sound absolutely agonizing to people who focus on canon, but because One Piece filler is different. It’s exciting to see what will be produced.
One Piece is currently streaming on Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Netflix in both sub and dub.