The Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe (or Ox-Ox Fruit Giraffe Model) is one of the more interesting Zoan type Devil Fruits. This fruit has a long history, an interesting group of users, and a very funny final form! This Zoan type Devil Fruit allows the user to go from their human form to a giraffe hybrid, to a full giraffe at will.
It is one of the more interesting fruits. First, because of the powers it grants. Also, because of what happened whenever the most prominent user of the fruit used it. We are going to delve into this Devil Fruit, so let’s get going!
What Is The Ox-Ox Fruit Giraffe Model?

For starters, the fruit actually looks pretty cool. It looks like a bundle of red bananas with spirals on them and a green stem. When peeled and eaten, the skin of the fruit is yellow and has the same swirls the outer peels do. It is a Zoan type Devil Fruit, which allows the user to turn into an animal species on consumption.
There are many users of the Zoan type Devil Fruit in the world, including Tony Tony Chopper! The Ancient Zoans let users transform into ancient or prehistoric creatures. Mythical Zoans grant transformations of myth and legend. Also, Artificial Zoans are non-natural Devil Fruits.
What Are The Powers Of The Giraffe Transformation?

Whenever you think of a battle animal, you likely aren’t thinking about a Giraffe. However, this fruit grants the eater quite a lot of interesting abilities. The first is a much longer reach when compared to many traditional transformations. The legs and neck of a giraffe can lead to much longer attacks.
The transformation comes with the standard benefits of every other Devil Fruit transformation. These include an increase in size and better strength and durability. The user also gets a fast running speed. Additionally, the long neck is used as a whip to strike at foes (much like how giraffes battle in real life).
The Weaknesses And The Awakened Form

The unique weakness of this Devil Fruit form is the long neck. Due to the neck being a very vulnerable area, having an elongated neck is a massive problem. Despite knowing this during his battle with Kaku, Zoro was unable to exploit this knowledge. Kaku used his neck to his advantage by improvising attacks.
Finally, the Devil Fruit does have an awakened form like the other Zoan Devil Fruits. The size increases, the neck grows much longer, and dark flames form a mane around the user. The awakening of the Devil Fruit should have taken control of Kaku’s personality. Kaku was able to keep control.
The First User Of The Devil Fruit

In the manga adaptation of the One Piece Novel A, called One Piece Episode A, the first user is an unidentified pirate in the New World. He starts out fighting Portgas D. Ace, using the height advantage to attack Ace from above. The first user was defeated by Ace and later killed by Blackbeard.
We don’t know much about him, though it seemed that Ace was able to overpower the user quite easily. He dodged the first attack from above, and then defeated the pirate before a second attack could happen. The killing by Blackbeard also happened very easily.
Kaku’s Experience With The Devil Fruit

Kaku was given the Ox-Ox Fruit Giraffe Model by Spandam. He powered Kaku up to even the odds against the attacking Straw Hats. However, (and very interestingly considering the previous usage of Devil Fruits), he had very little control over the form. He transformed into a giraffe instead of his hybrid form during his first battle. Plus, his moves were very repetitive throughout his forms.
He also created a lot of moves on the fly during his battle, Due to the fact that he was still learning the capabilities of his Devil Fruit. This ironically allowed him to circumvent the major weakness of his giraffe form. That weakness being the long neck. Despite his inexperience, he was still able to hold his own against Zoro in the form. Though Zoro was handicapped for a bit of the fight.
The Battle With Zoro

Kaku and Jabra ended up battling both Usopp (in his Sogeking identity) and Zoro. Jabra found the giraffe form hilarious and in the confusion the pair were handcuffed together. Despite the two CP9 agents offering and attempting to break the handcuffs, neither had the correct keys. So Zoro simply used Usopp like a sword and continued the battle.
Eventually, Nami came with the correct key. She was able to free the two from the handcuffs and Zoro and Kaku would continue their one on one battle. Zoro would unlock a new style called Asura and would use it to defeat Kaku. The key that Kaku had was the key to Robin’s handcuffs as well.
Post Enies Lobby

CP9 survived the battle and subsequent Buster Call on the island. They waited for Rob Lucci to recover from his injuries and used their talents to raise money. Kaku because a giraffe slide for children, which they seemed to really enjoy. Later they would battle the Candy Pirates in the defense of St. Poplar before going back home to Guanhao.
Eventually, they would come into conflict with the Marine Captain Very Good. They would fight him to defend their home. Later they attempt to go after their former director Spandam. The members of CP9 would appear in cameo appearances throughout the story, and play a big role in the Egghead Arc.
Kaku Makes The Giraffe Model Fun

Kaku is a very interesting character who deserves an article all his own. Giving him the powers of the Ox-Ox Fruit Giraffe Model just makes him much more fun. It was also very interesting seeing him grow as he used the Devil Fruit.
Hopefully, we will see more of him as well as this form in the Final Saga. Many fans are waiting for that!