One Piece’s story hits a fundamental change in the Enies Lobby arc. Water 7 was more of a precursor to set the stage for everything to happen here at the Gates of Justice when CP9 try to finally arrest Nico Robin. The Straw Hats won’t let that happen though, and with their raid on the CP9 agents also comes a world-changing declaration.
As a note, this article is going to focus on the story ramifications in Enies Lobby. For a ranking of all the Enies Lobby fights, check out this article where those are explored. Now, on to the lore drops and consequences of the events here.
Combined Forces of Water 7

Enies Lobby brings out everyone from the previous Water 7 arc that set it up, from Galley-La to the Franky Family. Franky himself fights alongside the Straw Hats and faces down a CP9 agent before he officially joins the crew. This is the culmination of every story thread in the past few arcs, and it goes all out to prove it.
The Franky Family and Galley-La crew all get small moments throughout the initial raid, but the Straw Hats as always end up ahead of the others. Luffy slingshots himself off and over the walls while the others rush to catch up. Meanwhile, the Family and workers take opposite towers in an effort to lower the bridge between the islands They make it in by sheer force of will, and manage to make a way through for the others as the clash begins.
Sniper King Arrives

After the fight between Luffy and Usopp in Water 7 it doesn’t need to be said that they’re not on great terms. Usopp wants to help in the situation with Robin but doesn’t want to face Luffy and let the captain know he regrets his decision. So, Usopp solves the issue as only Usopp knows how to do it. He picks up the persona of Sniper King with a mask and cape that do absolutely nothing to conceal his ridiculously long nose. It’s a hilarious non-disguise that nearly everyone sees through immediately.
Except for Luffy of course, since he’s the perfect idiot. They fight alongside each other multiple times, and when Sniper King still appears on occasion (Usopp keeps the mask) it still makes for a fun gag as the more gullible characters don’t understand. It’s become a classic bit from Usopp and gave him MVP status in this fight.
Stupid Devil Fruits

Kalifa and Kaku both get Devil Fruits for their performance in Enies Lobby while Lucci drops some critical lore. It won’t be important for a while yet, but anyone who eats two Devil Fruits will inevitably die from it. It’s a revelation that will have a massive impact on Marineford as the idea is brought to the test.
Kalifa meanwhile takes the first of the unknown fruits. She discovers it’s the Bubble-Bubble Fruit that allows her control of just that, bubbles. Kalifa can even turn her enemies into smooth, slippery bubbles as she demonstrates when Sanji is incapacitated.
Luffy’s Determination

Luffy goes all out to get Robin back as the Rocketman nears the island. He has no patience though, and slingshots himself from the train to the island, bypassing the soldiers waiting below. Luffy does the same thing almost immediately once more, and catches up to CP9 enough for his fight with Blueno. It’s here that the Gear Two transformation is introduced, and Luffy gets his first real power-up of the series.
He can now move faster by moving oxygen through his rubber limbs, and steam comes off of him in clouds. He can dart through the air faster than CP9’s Shave technique allows them to dodge! Luffy defeats Blueno with relative ease after he activates Gear Two. Then he just moves on like it never happened toward Robin as the other Straw Hats try to catch up.
Robin’s Tragic Past

Ohara was an island known for scholarly pursuits as some of the greatest historians gathered there. The vast tree that made their home was full of books and translations. Much of it was also secretly devoted to discovering the truth of the Void Century. This is also the home of a young Nico Robin, the daughter of another scholar of Ohara, Nico Olivia. Robin one day finds a man washed up on the beach, a massive Navy Vice-Admiral named Jaguar D Saul. The two become friends before Saul realizes where he is though, and fails to warn Ohara.
The Navy is on the way to eliminate Ohara for its study of the Void Century. They arrive with Nico Olivia as their prisoner, and begin taking all the books from their library to the lake. As they finish up Saul tries to push Robin off in a boat to escape but is stopped by Aokiji. The Admiral acts with a hint of mercy toward Robin, sending her on her way with a path of ice. She floats off in her boat as Ohara is bombarded by the Buster Call.
This call can only be carried out with the permission of an Admiral or higher in the Navy. So for some awful reason, Aokiji allowed one to Spandam. The idiot CP9 leader manages to activate it accidentally too, and the Buster Call is gen for Enies Lobby as well. This is how the Navy removes whole islands from history, by obliterating them from it.
Robin’s Plea

One of the most emotional and character-defining moments in the story of One Piece is right here in a single scene. After the flashback to Robin’s past the Straw Hats line up on the outer wall of Enies Lobby to face her as she’s captive. Luffy screams at her to say she wants to live after the reveal that she left to protect them. Robin has an emotional flashback to all those she meets in her journeys. This is the moment that the former Baroque Works member officially joins the Straw Hat crew.
Then her answer changes everything. The loud proclamation “I want to live!” sounds out across Enies Lobby as the Gates of Justice open. Robin’s tear-filled eyes and closeup as she screams for life is a solidifying moment for the whole crew, and finally vanquishes any doubt they had about her before. She’s now one of them, and they’re going to protect her or die trying.
Declaration of War

It’s really not fair how many iconic moments are in this one arc. Between Luffy’s new powerups, plus the ridiculous fights and lore drops, the pivotal moment where the Straw Hats declare war stands tall. There’s a brief moment after Robin’s plea for help when Luffy simply nods in affirmation, all the Straw Hats lined up on the outer wall. Then come the other most famous words this arc gave.
“Sniper King, shoot down that flag.”
Luffy’s command gets an immediate confirmation from Usopp, who aims high at the World Government flag and lets loose a Fire Star. The flag bursts into flames, signifying the Straw Hat crew’s declaration of war on the World Government. One pirate crew has decided to take on the entire worldwide system that commands the Navy and Seven Warlords, without a second thought. All of this, just to get one of theirs back.
Lucci’s Background

Wild as Robin’s backstory is, Rob Lucci’s is even more ridiculous. The CP9 agent and strongest member has been with the World Government since he was a child. There’s a story about a pirate standoff where hostages were taken, all ended by one kid. For so long the government couldn’t get the pirates to give in, until one lone boy was sent.
That boy was Rob Lucci, and he tore every pirate limb from limb. They found him atop a pile of dead bodies, without a hint of regret or fear on his face. He’s always been a cold-blooded killer, and it’s only gotten worse since he was given amnesty for his actions by the government. Although Luffy pulls out a Gear Three attack to defeat him, it’s not the last time he’ll be giving the Straw Hats trouble.
World Government Atrocities

This arc brings to light all the horrendous things the World Government has perpetuated. Their coverup of the Void Century almost eight hundred years earlier is only the beginning, as they kill anyone capable of revealing it. They’ve gone to the point of genocide, wiping out entire islands and countries. All with the push of a button at the order of the Gorosei. The Navy is just the enforcer of the World Government. Even the Fleet Admiral must heed their every order no matter the ethics.
They kill people for less than what Luffy did in Alabasta, so they’re already pretty angry at the crew. The Celestial Dragons are going to debut in the later arcs, but they’re the ones enabling all of this. They’re also the ones ensuring that the secrets of their history don’t come to light. For good reason too, as those secrets look like they won’t reflect positively on the world’s nobles.
Enies Lobby is the arc that changes One Piece for the entire story. This marks the change from a lighthearted cartoon about pirates and strange powers. Now, One Piece enters the era of rebellion against fascist dictators of the world, pitting pirates against elite players who are more powerful than they can imagine. The Straw Hats’ declaration of war means a declaration on the world rulers themselves.
Merry Goes Once More

After Luffy’s fight with Lucci and Buster Call’s first round rains hell down on them, things seem bleak for the crew. Was there any point in getting Robin back if they were all just going to die when they can’t get off the island? Something moves them into a leap of faith though, some voice that says it’s going to be okay for them. They all hear it, and all make the jump from Enies Lobby into the waiting water far below. That’s when the biggest reveal of all is made.
The Merry Go, previously seen beached just outside Water 7, manages to make it all the way across the seas to Enies Lobby on its own. The Straw Hats land right in their faithful ship, and despite their disbelief, it takes them swiftly away. Thanks to Sanji’s sabotage of the Gates of Justice, they close and the natural whirlpools re-emerge from the water. The Straw Hats have the best navigator alive though, and Nami rides the whirlpool currents right out. It’s only more impressive as Navy ships are crushed behind them.
Goodbye, Merry

The Merry gets a final goodbye monologue and thanks the crew for letting her help them just once more. She’s been a faithful member of the Straw Hats since she was crafted, and though her time has come to an end, her spirit goes on. Her final wish was that she could have carried them the rest of the way, but she sails on with the Thousand Sunny.
Now that the major events of Enies Lobby are over it’s time to move in and unpack things as the world goes into a free fall afterward. The Straw Hat’s ferocious attack on the forces of the government and Navy, as well as the defeat of CP9, will earn them plenty of infamy among the worst pirates. There’s more to come in One Piece, and major world powers are going to play their hands in the upcoming Post-Enies Lobby arc!