Led by the incredible destructive power of Kaido, the Beast Pirates are some of the most fearsome in the New World. The crew of an Emperor has to be, of course, but these hold more devastating power in just a handful of members than others do in a whole fleet. Sure, the strongest of the Beasts might be obvious, but how do the others rank up? Let’s find out who are the Strongest Beast Pirates in One Piece.
This article contains spoilers for One Piece through the Wano arc. Catch up on Crunchyroll or Viz before continuing further!

Also known as the Lead Performers, the Tobiroppo are the enforcers that back up the All-Stars King, Queen, and Jack. These are all strong pirates on their own, making big names for themselves either within the Beast Pirates or on their own before joining. While they’re all incredibly strong and dedicated to Kaido, they often find themselves sidetracked by infighting and arguments amongst themselves.
10. Sasaki

A master swordsman and holder of the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Ancient Model: Triceratops, Sasaki is a fierce fighter. He’s just one of the early Beast Pirates who joins after running with his own pirate crew for a time, but he works his way up the ranks quickly. He’s also an idiot though, and yet again nobody knows how dinosaurs work in the Beast Pirates. His Triceratops form uses the horns and frill around the neck to spin, creating rotation for him to fly with. It looks as stupid as it sounds.
In the end, Sasaki is one of the last Tobiroppo standing during the battle of Onigashima. He’s finally taken down by a Hail Mary strategy of Franky leaving the General Franky to take a hit. All to keep him distracted while he shoots Sasaki with a Radical Beam. It’s the last time the Tobiroppo is seen in battle, and he’s still beaten up pretty badly in Udon later.
9. Black Maria

By far the most powerful of the Tobiroppo, and one character with the biggest hot/scared ratio in One Piece. Black Maria is a regular woman who ate the Spider-Spider Fruit, Ancient Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli. This allows her to take on a usually hybrid form of a spider. Maria keeps the lower torso of eight legs while maintaining her upper form as a human. She’s one of Kaido’s most loyal followers, running the pleasure hall in Onigashima castle for the Beast Pirates.
Black Maria laughs at Sanji for being unable to fight her. Then she laughs at Robin even more when he calls her to take his place. It’s her downfall though, as Robin embraces the Demon Child epithet and uses Demonios Fleurs, attacking Black Maria viciously. This is her downfall in the battle, and she’s with the rest after their defeat in Udon, cowering when Greenbull takes down the others.
8. Page One

Both Page One and his sister Ulti are members of the Tobiroppo, and are fiercely devoted to each other. Almost as much as they’re devoted to Kaido, bordering on creepy levels. Page One is overly protective of Ulti, while she’s far too proud of everything he does, trying to dote on him at any possible second of the day. Like the others, Page One also has a Devil Fruit in the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Ancient Model: Spinosaurus.
He’s a deadly fighter in hand-to-hand combat, but excels when in his dinosaur form, which gives him a massive speed and strength boost. Page one eventually comes up against numerous Straw Hat Pirates during the raid on Onigashima, but is ultimately felled by Big Mom in the end for messing with Tama. She knocks him out with one punch coated in Armament Haki, leaving him out cold on the floor.
7. Ulti

The bratty little sister who gets away with any and everything while Page One deals with the fallout. Ulti is overall just a spoiled brat throughout the entire arc. She will often call in Page One to fight for her even when she’s capable of doing it herself. She has the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Ancient Model: Pachycephalosaurus. Yes, it is just as much of a mouthful to say as it probably was to eat.
During the Raid on Onigashima Ulti lets her own ego get the best of her, and after seeing Page One knocked out by Big Mom tries to go berserk. She’s taken down relatively quickly by a combo effort from Nami and Usopp though, who subdue her with a newly acquired Zeus’ help.
6. Who’s-Who

One of the most interesting members of the Beast Pirates, Who’s-Who is also a former Marine. More interesting, he’s actually the former Vice Admiral that Red Hair Shanks stole the Gum-Gum Fruit from years ago. His failure to protect that Devil Fruit lands him in prison, and dismissed from the Marines, and when he eventually makes it loose he becomes a pirate. Now he’s a member of the Beast Pirates, serving under Kaido with the Cat-Cat Fruit, Ancient Model: Sabretooth Tiger.
The battle between Who’s-Who and X Drake reveals a lot, but the two fight to a near standstill. It’s poetic to see that Who’s-Who leads to the Gum-Gum Fruit landing with Luffy. Then he’s right there to see the Fruit Awaken to the true form in Wano.
5. X Drake

A former Rear Admiral of the Marines, X Drake holds the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Ancient Model: Brachiosaurus. This makes him a natural fit for the Beast Pirates of course! Though they don’t know is he has a different reason for loyalty to Kaido. Rather, Drake is working in the covert SWORD unit of the Marines. Officially, he’s off the books in all but spirit to appear as a defect. It’s his mission with SWORD that puts him in the Beast Pirates, keeping an eye on Kaido much like Corazon did for Doflamingo years ago.
Drake forsakes his mission during the Raid on Onigashima to help the Straw Hat Pirates. He sees something in Luffy that helps him believe that a new day is dawning. Especially because he’s seen enough at this point of the old world. Drake nearly dies in Wano, and his fate is still unknown, but it looks like he may be alive.
4. Jack the Drought

The first of Kaido’s Beast Pirates to debut in the One Piece story, and sets them up as a menacing threat. Jack invades the country of Zou atop Zunesha, torturing them days on end in an effort to find the ninja Raizo. He’s tenaciously terrifying, with seemingly no ends to his malice when it comes to how he hurts the Minks living on Zou. When he transforms into his Elephant-Elephant Fruit, Ancient Model: Mastadon, his already intense Fishman strength is multiplied several times. The Straw Hats are only saved from a tough fight at Jack’s return by Zunesha tossing his boats awash into the ocean.
Lucky (or unlucky, depending) for Jack, he’s still a Fishman and able to breathe underwater, despite being unable to move thanks to his Devil Fruit. Eventually, other Beast Pirates rescue him, but he’s taken out by Dogstrom and Cat Viper later at the Raid on Onigashima. Jack is seemingly still alive, but he isn’t anywhere near strong enough to fight against Greenbull at Udon.
3. Queen the Plague

The mad scientist of the Beast Pirates is also a former member of MADS, the scientific alliance led by Vegapunk. Queen is absolutely cruel when it comes to his scientific prowess though. He creates viruses that would make war criminals weep. Despite his use of the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Ancient Model: Brachiosaurus, Queen is even more powerful. All thanks to the cybernetic enhancements he’s installed on himself. He also has a really messed up idea of what dinosaurs actually functioned like, but he’s too funky to be concerned with historical accuracy!
Queen has his ass handed to him by Sanji during the Raid on Onigashima. Which is funny despite how much he tries to overcome the Germa tech. It only fits that he would lose to the ultimate failure of his former intellectual rival, Vinsmoke Judge. All thanks to his incredible hubris. Queen is still alive in Udon prison after the Straw Hats defeat them, but he has his ass kicked once more by Greenbull when he enters the country.
2. King the Wildfire

The last living Lunarian is also the second strongest natural warrior on Kaido’s team. He holds the Dragon-Dragon Fruit: Mythical Model: Pteranodon, which gives him incredible aerial strength and speed on top of what he already has. The flame on his back is a natural feature, something held by every Lunarian, and it adjusts size and intensity according to their needs in battle. King is Kaido’s most loyal subject, and is determined to see him through to becoming Pirate King, making him a natural foil for Zoro on the Straw Hats.
When he actually goes up against Zoro, King faces a fight he can’t win, despite how much he tries. One of the best battles in One Piece culminates in a huge swordfight atop Onigashima, where Zoro finally hones his King of Hell style. It’s only this powerful technique with Conqueror and Armament Haki imbued that his swords can finally slash King down. Despite all the damage, King is still alive after the raid on Onigashima.
1. Kaido: King of Beasts

The Captain of the Beast Pirates also holds one of the strongest Devil Fruits, Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Azure Dragon. Kaido is a belligerent drinker as well. He doesn’t think that Devil Fruits are powerful against the power of Haki. In turn, he’s trained his Haki to a level second only to Red Hair Shanks. He’ll use his own brute strength when needed to make his point, unlike Shanks, though.
While he seems like a tough and violent leader, Kaido actually cares for a lot of his close crewmates. He admires all of his All-Stars and Lead Performers, giving credit to many of the Tobiroppo for their strength. Still, Kaido’s mind changes depending on how many drinks in he is, so nobody is ever truly safe when he’s around. There’s no telling if he’ll be in a doting mood or the kind where he’ll destroy cities on a whim, and that’s what makes others avoid him out of fear.
Unfortunately for the Beast Pirates, Kaido isn’t strong enough. With Luffy’s Awakening and Kaido’s defeat, the Beast Pirates dissolve along with the old guard in The New World. Now, the gates are wide open and two new Emperors are in place, as the Beast Pirates disperse to chase their fortunes elsewhere. Kaido’s fate in the manga is still unknown, but the Beast Pirates for sure, are disbanded.