Wow, One Piece Chapter 1094 really came out swinging after the break week with a Gorosei’s Devil Fruit reveal. The Egghead Island Incident has been a huge tease since it began, with notes about a world-changing incident. It seems we’re about to see that happen now with the first Gorosei Devil Fruit, but what could the other Elders have as theirs?
This article does contain speculation and spoilers for One Piece through the most recent chapter, 1094. The manga is available to read in full on MangaPlus and Viz, so catch up before reading on!
The Devil Fruit Basis

Everything here is driven off the idea that the Gorosei each have a Devil Fruit based off of a Yokai. A yokai, for anyone that may not know, is a Japanese ghost that can embody some sort of folklore. These range from demonic creatures of mass death to just odd annoyances, but some are much more malicious than others. There’s even one that kills people on the toilet based on what color toilet paper is used. It kills the person either way though, so they really have no logic.
This is taken from the appearance of Saint Jay Garcia Saturn in chapter 1094, as fan speculation is in effect. Most are under the assumption that he resembles a yokai, and this will further explain both his and the possible Devil Fruits of the other Gorosei.
Saint Jay Garcia Saturn

The only one so far in the series, Saint Jay Garcia Saturn has one of the most terrifying Devil Fruits. Fans speculate thanks to his appearance with massive horns, spider-legs, and terrifying pincers that he is the Ushi-Oni. These are terrifying creatures, savage to the end with the head of an ox and the body of a spider. Oh, and they’re known for eating humans just for the fun of it. That sounds pretty on point for a Celestial Dragon, as they usually have no issue with killing humans. Even when they don’t need to.
The form will probably give Saturn other powers, as the yokai was known for spitting poison. This is already the Awakening for this Devil Fruit too, so there’s a very intense fight ahead on Egghead Island.
Saint Marcus Mars

Marcus Mars is another of the Gorosei, more reserved and blunt than some of the others. He’s the Godhead of the Environment for the Gorosei, looking over the various natural aspects of the Grand Line. His Yokai is likely to be the Itsumade, a terrifying bird in Yokai legend that brings ill omen. It’s one of the more mysterious ones to exist though, and this is one hundred percent based on the shape he takes in Sabo’s flashback.
Saint Topman Warcury

Warcury is the Godhead of Justice, and observes that justice is near absolute black and white. Although not quite like Akainu. He’s a smaller man, with a massive mustache that will no doubt play into the features of his transformation. This leads to his yokai likely being the Baku, a deity of the woods that eats human nightmares. Though he’s a bit more of a nightmare himself, considering the elephant head, bear body, and tiger legs he has.
This is one hundred percent a crapshoot based on the tusks of an elephant looking a lot like Warcury’s mustache. There is always the possibility they could actually be wings and the silhouette just throws off the perception. Time will tell though.
Saint Ethanbaron V Nusjuro

The Elder of Finance, Nusjuro is exceptionally callous, even among the Five Elders. He saw the extermination of Lulusia Kingdom as just another opportunity for research! Worse, he is especially interested in how often the Mother Flame can work. Nusjuro is also the one that has the most information on Wano, which leads many to believe he may be a native from long ago.
His likely yokai is called the Kurobozu, which is a black monk enveloped in darkness. Nobody can make out the true form, but it lurks at night around human dwellings. It’s pretty gross, and loves to feast on their breath when sleeping. Legends say it carries a foul odor, and is known to lick people during their sleep. Nusjuro is definitely a little freaky, if you catch my drift.
Saint Shepherd Ju Peter

The youngest of the Gorosei is also one of the coldest, as he gives the order to kill Professor Clover in Ohara. Then he even is about to pull the trigger on Nefertari Cobra, almost ending the ruler of Arabasta’s life. He’s definitely not afraid of being the bad guy in all this, and his monstrous form when Sabo attacks is able to take a full blast from the Flame-Flame Fruit powers.
His Yokai would most likely be the Hanzaki, which is a massive salamander in Japanese folklore. They’re monstrous, frequently appearing in rivers and streams as well as terrorizing small villages. The salamanders are so big they’re able to swallow a horse in one gulp, and even when killed, are said to curse those that slay them.

The one overall that the Gorosei bow down to, Imu is still a huge mystery but definitely has some sort of power similar to the elders. During Sabo’s flashback to his rescue atop Marijoa, Imu is crawling down in a giant darkened form from the Throne, and looks absolutely horrifying. This opens up two possibilities for the immortal ruler when it comes to their Yokai Devil Fruit.
The first would be the Yaobikuni. This was supposedly a nun who lived for eight hundred years after accidentally eating the flesh of another yokai. The immortality for eight hundred years, especially considering that’s the time since the Void Century, lines up a little too well. The Yaobikuni was a rather kind and benevolent yokai though, which brings the question to the other option.
The Umi Bozu were priests in life, tossed into the ocean by angry villagers and cursed to wander the seas for eternity. They appear as giants in the ocean, smashing ships and whipping up storms whenever they suddenly emerge from the sea, standing shoulders above the water. This one is more backed by the name ‘Umi’ being ‘Imu’ backward, but also because of the massive shadows in Thriller Bark that are still unknown.
Of course, these could all be complete asspulls and Oda is going to pull off some strange religious pastiche. Who knows when it comes to this kind of storytelling, as Saint Saturn’s Fruit name hasn’t even been revealed yet. Speculation is half the fun of One Piece though, so hopefully the Gorose get some cool Devil Fruit reveals in the future!