Devil Fruits might be what One Piece made its name with initially in the story, but now it’s all about the Haki. Things are different now, and the powers introduced as they enter the New World are offering more power than ever. Some rely on all three forms, while others are only able to use one, maybe two at best. So what exactly is Haki in the world of One Piece?
In essence, Haki exists much like Chakra in Naruto or Spiritual Pressure in Bleach. This is a life energy that runs through all people and used by those that learn how to. it’s an incredibly powerful ability to master, and one of the only ways anyone can make it through the second half of the Grand Line with all the dangers involved. Many of the Straw Hats have mastered at least one form, and if not are mildly proficient in one or the other. Many enemies are currently capable of using the three colors though.
Three Varieties of Haki
Haki comes in three varieties: Conqueror, Observation, and Armament. Not everyone is able to use Haki, but most who make it into the New World use one in some form or another. Occasionally characters will coat their entire body in Armament Haki for armor or to reinforce hits. Others will use Observation to foresee an enemy’s moves and counter. It all depends on the user and their unique fighting style.
Color of Conquering

Color of Conquering is the rarest type of Haki, and is only granted to those destined for power. This is a strange one that’s still being explored, initially shown as the ability to knock lesser enemies out in seconds. There’s no standing up to a Color of Conquering user unless the fighter is either also a user themselves, or at least as strong as a Straw Hat. Even then, it has to be stronger than the weakest Straw Hat, which at this rate is probably Usopp. Chopper may make a close second case, but it’s very close if so.
Notable users of the Color of Conquering are usually only those that have massive, massive power. Shanks was one of the first to show the power off, and Luffy has followed in his footsteps with the ability to tame monsters as he did. Then others like Kaido and Doflamingo infuse it into their attacks, which Luffy later learns to do. Usually when strong attacks with Conqueror Haki collide, the sky splits in two above.
Color of Armament

Armament Haki is the most common and easiest type for anyone to use. By focusing the Haki in their body towards a certain area, a user can make a layer of hardened Haki armor on their skin. This is somewhat similar to the Six Powers Iron Body technique that Cipher Pol 9 uses. It turns the user’s skin dark black wherever it’s applied to. Most characters that have access to Haki can use Armament. Many of the Straw Hat Pirates even incorporate it into their everyday fighting style.
Luffy and others have found that using Armament Haki during an attack can increase the damage it deals. While he incorporates his into attacks in Gear Three, it goes to another level in Gear Four where he focuses on the Haki. This concentrates the Haki where he needs it to form the Snake-Man and Bounce-Man forms he uses. Others like Sanji and Zoro infuse the Armament into their attacks as well, Sanji reinforcing his legs and Zoro pouring his into his swords.
Color of Observation

Of the three Haki, Observation proves to be one of the most troublesome depending on the skill fighters have with it. There are two different applications of the Color of Observation, with the most common being the ability to sense others. It’s something that’s seen first in the Mantra of Skypiea. Enel can keep tabs on the entire island through this skill. Later it’s through Koby as he hears voices extinguish around him in Marineford. Quite a few Straw Hats have also mastered this part of the ability, namely Sanji and Usopp.
The second phase of Color of Observation brings the power of future sight. When trained diligently, users can see a few moments into the future of what could happen. Katakuri takes out most threats before they appear, and he’s particularly good at it. This makes him a nightmare when Luffy goes against the first son of Charlotte. On the other hand it trains the Straw Hat Captain’s Haki quickly. Now, Luffy is able to peek into the future so he can avoid danger before it happens.
There are other Straw Hats this ability has emerged for recently, namely Zoro and Usopp. Usopp used his in Dressrosa with both forms of Observation to hit Sugar during the battle of Dressrosa. His ability to sense others through the Haki combine with his sniper ability in Dressrosa. He takes out a toy maker in a surprisingly hilarious way thanks to his engineering and Haki. No doubt he’ll be one of the Straw Hats to master Color of Observation to the fullest extent.
Advanced Color of Conquering

While the regular Color of Conquering Haki is overpowered as is, this Advanced form is far more deadly. It’s first used by Kaido, but Luffy later learns to take advantage of it. Big Mom also utilizes it but not to near the extent as those like Kaido or Yamato. The essence of this Advanced form takes a fighter’s Conqueror’s Haki, usually released in bursts around them, and concentrates it. Kaido mixes it in with his massive club for his Thunder Bagua move.
Luffy eventually figures out the ability, and turns that into his newest move to fight Kaido, Gum-Gum Red Roc. It’s a lot like the Gear Three move Gum-Gum Giant Pistol but infused with both Color of Conquering and Armament Haki for extra effect. Luffy lands a decent hit on Kaido with it too, and masters it further when he enters Gear Five later in the battle.
These are the three Colors of Haki, as known so far in One Piece. That’s not to say there will be more, but this series always has some kind of strange new power up its sleeve in case of emergency. In the meantime, Luffy is still in the process of fully mastering all of his combined abilities, but he presses forward. The Straw Hats have overcome more than any pirates since Roger’s, and they’re going to use everything they have to make it.
One Piece is available to stream on Netflix and Crunchyroll in the United States.