The world of One Piece has several islands made up of small villages. Other islands can be uninhabited or filled with strange people and creatures. It’s these islands that the Straw Hats and other Pirate crews tend to explore as they go on their adventures. But there are other islands too that have organizations on them. These countries are seeking power, influence, and treasure. Many of them are strong enough to get what they want! But which countries are the most powerful ones in the world of One Piece? There are a lot of different factors to consider. For instance, many of these countries have powerful characters and natural resources associated with them. Others have been around since the time of Gol D. Roger and have built their power bases over a long time. Here is our ranking of the most powerful countries in One Piece. Along with what gives them their power.
7. Arabasta

In One Piece lore, there was a great kingdom that battled several nations. Nations that would eventually become the World Government. Arabasta was one of those nations. It chose to return to its ancestral homeland rather than remain in Mary Genoise. It is the location where the poneglyph showing the ancient weapon Pluton is located. That gives it power, and gets all sorts of eyes on the country.
The army of the country is fairly strong when united. This was something that Crocodile tried to exploit. He was hunting for the secrets of Pluton, but when the Straw Hats got involved his plan failed.
6. The Mokomo Dukedom

One of the best standards of power is misinformation. For Zunesha, the country is always moving and that means that people can’t find it. At least until it appears in their path. The Minks are the race that lives in the country and they are extremely powerful fighters. The minks are strong, loyal, and rather tough despite their looks. They also have hidden powers that provide a shock to their attackers.
The first power is Electro, which allows them to use natural electricity to amplify their attacks. The second power is the Sulong transformation. This power has them turning into massive monsters with the full moon, increasing their strength tremendously. Plus, in Sulong form they can use Electro as well!
5. The Germa Kingdom

In addition to being a kingdom that can travel, it also has quite a lot of interesting benefits to it. For starters, it has a ton of technology. Tech that is used to advance the nation’s military. From the super soldier programs to massive cloning vats to powerful weapons, the Germa Kingdom is extremely powerful.
There was a reason why the Big Mom pirates wanted to secure a marriage alliance to secure that tech. Additionally, the defenses of the Germa Kingdom allowed the Vinsmoke family to fight Big Mom. They more than held their own against the Emperor of the Sea during the Whole Cake Island arc.
4. Totto Land

Speaking of Big Mom’s pirate kingdom, she is no slouch either. Her kingdom is actually a massive island network in the New World. All of these islands are both controlled and surveyed by the Big Mom Pirates. This makes sneaking into the islands impossible. Plus, Totto Land has an extremely powerful army and fleet.
Big Mom is also extremely powerful herself. With her Devil Fruit, her powers, and her massive size, she isn’t the type of foe you want to face down. Especially with the Sweet Commanders, she has on her side! Even though Big Mom suffered defeat in Wano, it isn’t clear if she is really dead. So it will be interesting to see if she comes back.
3. Amazon Lily

This nation might hate men, but they are extremely strong! Not only is the island of Amazon Lily protected by the Sea Kings, but every single woman is a warrior. The stronger you are, the more beautiful you are considered. Boa Hancock is the most beautiful of them all. She is the Pirate Empress and one of the former Seven Warlords of The Sea.
Additionally, every single woman on Amazon Lily knows how to fight. They can enhance their attacks with Observation and Armament Haki as well. This makes their island a very tough place to invade, and most men choose to stay away from there. At the very least, Boa Hancock is desperately in love with Luffy. So the Straw Hat captain has an extremely powerful ally as they go into the Final Saga.
2. Wano Country

Wano is a pretty strong country despite all that is happening to it. No one who is an outsider can enter Wano without being severely punished. No one can leave the country either. Despite the strict lockdown and almost no contact with the outside world, Wano is still very powerful.
The country has a fantastic army and there are plenty of amazing fighters who have been born in Wano. Additionally, Wano has received additional notoriety for being the site of several key battles. Battles that saw the rise of the Straw Hats and the fall of powerbases like Kadiou and Big Mom. Wano has a rich history with an amazing cast of characters, and that history is only going to get expanded. Especially as the Straw Hats continue their exploration.
1. Elbaf

We don’t know a ton about this country, but the Straw Hats are very likely to visit it soon. Elbaf is the giant homeland, and that makes it extremely powerful. One Piece characters have seen single giants cause a ton of destruction before. An entire nation of giants aroused to war would be a dangerous thing!
It will be very interesting to see this island, the people on it, and the culture that they respect and follow. Additionally, it will be cool to see whose side the giants end up being on. Giants are an extremely powerful race and having them as allies or enemies in the Final Saga can tip some scales.