He’s the greatest pirate in the world, strong as a thousand men and a God among them. So he says, anyway, because Usopp doesn’t have all the bravery he claims. Despite all that, he does know how to hold his own in a fight, whether it be through his own sharpshooting skills or trickery. These are the best fights Usopp is involved in throughout One Piece, and just how they rank up to each other.
This article contains spoilers for One Piece through chapter 1099. Catch up on Viz or MangaPlus to avoid being spoiled before reading further!
Usopp’s Fighting Style

Although he’s not that strong, Usopp manages to fight relatively well in order to get his captain where he needs. Most of his fighting style uses his sniping abilities, though for many others he utilizes his master skills of lying. Using whatever he makes back on the Merry or Sunny, Usopp is often able to fool his enemies into submission. Although results can vary, of course, with attacks ranging from the Ten Ton Hammer and Rubber Band of Doom making huge impacts on some enemies.
After the time skip he gets more abilities based on the seeds he finds in the Boin Archipelago. These include things like inflatable plants, man-eating ones, and even some shrubbery that spit fire. Usopp becomes so much more dangerous after learning these abilities, and his Observation Haki makes sure everything works even better.

The first big one versus one that Usopp has in the series comes in Arlong Park. He’s being chased down by Chew, one of Arlong’s strongest subordinates. Having fireballs spit at him definitely wasn’t what Usopp was expecting when he goes up against a Fishman, but he spends more time dodging fire than he does water during this fight. Though he’s incredibly terrified and almost too frozen in fear to move
Chew is surprised when Usopp finally stands him down, pulling out a rush of rapid-fire attacks. Though they’re not necessarily useful, with the Usopp Ten Ton Hammer (a paper mache hammer) is shrugged off by Chew. Instead, it’s finally one of Usopp’s signature Pepper Stars that ends up doing the Fishman in. Usopp wins his first major fight as a Straw Hat, and solidifies his place.

Of course, the fight with Oars is a team-up battle between all the Straw Hats, but Usopp is a critical part. Oars can’t be defeated by normal means, being one of an ancient race of massive fighters bigger than Dorry and Broggy almost. He was so massive, that he was called the Continent Puller, and odds are he could have done it. The worst part is that he has Luffy’s shadow, which makes him even stronger as an undead weapon.
Salt is one of the only ways to get the shadows to separate from the body. This is where Usopp comes in, of course, taking an entire bag of salt and setting it up with a slingshot. Oars are distracted for just a moment, before the Straw Hats finally manage to get the hit in thanks to Usopp. Things might not be over since Moria can fight using Oars like he’s an EVA pilot. Still, Usopp plays his part, and it’s all about the teamwork for the Straw Hat Sniper.
Usopp/Chopper v Mr. 4, Ms. Merry Christmas, Lassoo

This is one of the first times Usopp really gets to show off how he works in a team battle. He and Chopper have to team up in order to take on Mr. 4, Ms. Merry Christmas, and the cannon dog Lassoo. All to save the kingdom of Arabasta, under threat by the sinister members of Baroque Works. While they at first find themselves outmatched, it’s a combination of their powers and craftiness that wins the fight.
As Ms. Merry Christmas is chasing Chopper through the Diggy-Diggy Fruit tunnels, Usopp is taking his time distracting Mr. 4. Eventually they get everyone in the tunnels, with Mr. 4 and Ms. Merry Christmas popping out of holes to attack. Usopp makes a game of Whack-a-Mole while Chopper makes their move. He switches places, with Usopp and Ms. Merry Christmas, ramming into Mr. 4 with Horn Point. Then, Usopp blasts the Ten Ton Hammer right from his slingshot, knocking out Mr. 4.

Was the fight between Franky and Usopp long or fruitful for the sniper? Absolutely not. That said, it is a critical part of the Water 7 arc, and shows just how devoted Usopp is to fixing the mistakes he makes. Franky steals the massive amount of treasure and Berries that the Straw Hats got from their time in Skypiea, all because Usopp took his eyes off it briefly. So, knowing who took it, Usopp sets out to take the money back, and finds the Franky Family Home just in time to face him down.
Franky beats the living crap out of the poor guy, throwing him out the door on his ass after. It doesn’t go well for Usopp by any means, and he loses the battle HARD, but it’s a crucial point to the arc that gives us the ultimate hero, Sniper King.
Sniper King in Enies Lobby

Enies Lobby is the arc in which Usopp gets all of his best character development. There’s no shortage of awesome moments that he goes through after taking on the Sniper King persona, making him a brave soldier from Sniper Island. While Usopp first takes on Corgi, a lower-tier government agent, his other fights in Enies Lobby are team up battles with the others. He and Zoro take on Kaku and Jabra, with both Straw Hats handcuffed together. This leads to the infamous move where Zoro holds Usopp like a sword while Usopp holds Kitetsu III.
It’s his fight that eventually leads to Usopp taking on Jabra, though he ends up handing him over to Sanji. Still, it’s the great lie-off between Usopp and Jabra that really takes the cake. There’s also when Usopp manages to get in a hit on Spandam, which is always satisfying. Finally, mid-fight, he gets the best moment pre-time skip – “Burn down that flag”.
Page One and Ulti

Another doubles fight that Usopp has alongside Nami, but the Raid on Onigashima. They end up on the run throughout the castle, delivering Otama’s millet dumplings across the area to the various Gifters in the battle. This ends up turning the tide immensely, letting the Straw Hats win in the end. Usopp gets his best moments from lying though, as usual, and takes advantage of the massive bursts of Conqueror Haki from the battle above. God Usopp’s massive Conqueror Haki knocks out his foes where he runs, further adding to his legend.
His fights with Page One and Ulti end up being a full team-up with Nami much like he and Chopper did back in Arabasta. Usopp uses his Pop Greens and fire to create a huge diversion, meanwhile, Nami uses the entire situation to her advantage and shocks the other two, bringing their foes down. It’s definitely more of a backup role, but it’s one of the best teams they have.

The Dressrosa saga is one of Usopp’s other big character development arcs, and his twofold fight with Sugar makes it. While it’s not necessarily a straight-up fight, Usopp manages to use his ridiculous looks to his advantage. Sugar is the one controlling everyone as toys, so it comes down to him to shoot a hot Pepper Star into her mouth that’s supposed to knock her out. Instead, she ends up foiling the plan and fighting back, and when Usopp makes the most ridiculous face ever while getting hurt, it scares her into unconsciousness.
That’s just the beginning of God Usopp though, because Sugar later wakes up and starts to turn people again. Usopp takes up position all the way across the island, using his newly developing Observation Haki to see Sugar. The impressive part is he rigs up a three-stage ballistic projectile right there on the battlefield, which knocks Sugar out again from across the country. God Usopp once again proves that he’s earned the title.

This might be Usopp’s funniest fight in the series just because of how ridiculous it is. Usopp and Perona go at it, fighting despite Perona sending dozens of ghosts at him. The other Straw Hats have been taken down by her Hollow-Hollow Fruit powers, unable to move because of their depression and self-loathing. Suddenly, a hero emerges on Thriller Bark, and the great Captain Usopp reveals his secret – massive self-loathing. He’s able to avoid every ghost Perona throws at him because, much like the rest of us, Usopp hates himself. Truly the most relatable character in One Piece.
He does more than that to take her out though, and gets Perona with the newly dubbed Thousand Ton Hammer. It’s literally just paper mache and a spring mechanism yet again, but when it comes down on Perona’s head, it knocks her right out. There’s no way it would’ve worked without the immense depression he learns how to weaponize, and it makes him even more of a Straw Hat MVP.
Usopp has been sticking to a support role in more recent arcs, which is probably best for him. He’s definitely not the best when it comes to close combat, but give him a good slingshot and he can do anything. Hopefully, he does get a good one one-on-one sometime in the Final Saga, especially with the legend of God Usopp growing much, much greater.