One Piece is famous for telling character backgrounds through long flashbacks, and they always deliver. Whether it be a flashback to the tragedy of something like Ohara or just the brief show of Sanji’s time on the rock with Zeff, One Piece brings the trauma every time. These are the characters’ backstories that put every fan in their feelings and show just how deep One Piece’s characters can be.
Warning! This article contains spoilers for One Piece through chapter 1102. Catch up on Viz or MangaPlus before reading further!
11. Chopper’s Childhood

Poor Chopper has a rough childhood, his herd shunning him for his blue nose. Other than the Rudolph gag, it’s actually a pretty sad flashback seeing the young reindeer be an outcast before eating the Human-Human Fruit. He only wants to have friends and be loved like others are, but nobody will go near him because they believe him to be a monster. It leads to even more sadness as Chopper becomes disillusioned with humans, until Dr. Hiriluk steps in to befriend him. Chopper finds friendship for the first time, bonding with the old quack doctor.
Their bond growing as Chopper finds his calling as a doctor is one of the most endearing in a flashback. Until tragedy strikes of course, and Wapol’s forces execute Hiriluk after Chopper unintentionally poisons him. It’s really a hurricane of tragedy that leads to Chopper closing himself off from almost everyone, even Dr. Kureha. It’s only through the power of Luffy and the Straw Hats that he’s drawn back out of that shell, becoming an integral member of the crew.
10. Bellemere’s Sacrifice

Another critical backstory for a Straw Hat member, Bellemere’s sacrifice is a flashback for Nami’s story. When the Arlong Pirates arrive, Bellemere is none the wiser since she’s situated so far from Coco Village. The smoke from her dinner gives her away though, and the Arlong Pirates arrive before Nami can warn her. She and Nojiko hide, but are still the witnesses to Bellemere’s murder as she only has enough money to cover the tribute for her daughters. Arlong’s first act of savagery is to kill Bellemere, all for a hundred thousand Berries.
A Straw Hat since Shell’s Town, Nami’s seeming turn against the crew goes from devious to tragic in the span of a flashback. It shows that despite her seemingly selfish nature, Nami is truly as selfless as Bellemere was when she made her sacrifice. Like mother, like daughter, no matter if it’s through blood or not in some cases. Bellemere’s spirit certainly lives on through Nami, especially in her fiery sense of justice.
9. Oden’s Journeys

A lot of One Piece flashbacks rely on some sort of tragedy to develop the character. Oden’s journeys instead give a fantastic look at how the pirates of the old era operated. Seeing Oden go from Daimyo of Kuri to Division Commander for Whitebeard, all the way to translator for Gold Roger, is fantastic. It’s a condensed version of their adventures, but getting to see Oden sail with Gold Roger and find the Poneglyphs the Straw Hats did was fantastic. Especially seeing the Skypiea perspective where they wrote their own message.
Not everything has a happy ending of course, as Oden returns home to Wano after seeing Laughtale. It’s the first signature on his death warrant when he finds the country overtaken by Orochi and Kaido. Even worse happens through the following three years of Oden’s slavery, and many only see him as a fool by the end. Before Oden dies though, he reminds everyone exactly why he was so revered in the first place.
8. Franky vs. the Sea Train

Poor Cutty Flam was a promising young shipwright training under Tom, owner of Tom’s Builders and shipwright of the Oro Jackson. Until Tom was put to death for building the Oro Jackson, with no trial or reason other than being a friend of the Pirate King. While they have his death put off until the Sea Train is complete, it isn’t long before Cipher Pol stages an attack that seals Tom’s fate. Cipher Pol loads him on the same Train he just built for them, with the pure desire to revolutionize travel, and take him to his death. Cutty Flam, in total grief over his master’s fate and his creations being used to attack Water 7, does the unthinkable.
He and Yokozuna, the giant frog, both attack the Puffing Tom to try to save their master. Yokozuna is able to survive much better when he’s hit, but Cutty Flam isn’t so fortunate. He’s taken out hard by the Puffing Tom, presumed dead by all his friends, and nearly is dead all things considered. Thankfully, he’s really good at cybernetics, and takes on the persona of Franky the Cyborg. It’s an incredible flashback that does more to set up a current character than most series do in entire arcs.
7. Death of Fisher Tiger

The flashback to Fisher Tiger’s life and death doesn’t only mirror many of the American Civil Rights leaders, but real life themes. The fear Fishman feels every time they dare tread near the surface is very real, as even those strong as Fisher Tiger can be taken for slaves. Seeing him come back from escaping the Holy City of Mary Geoise, before founding the Fishman Pirates to help newly freed slaves, is amazing sincerity. This is a man who saw what the worst in the world has to offer, and realizes that Fishmen and humans are in the same plight, made by the elites without care.
Tiger’s willingness to transport Koala home, despite his seeming disgust for many humans after his ordeal, is the other side. He shows the Fishman crew that humanity isn’t outright hateful of Fishmen, and the generational cycle can be broken if we try. Unfortunately, he can’t see past his own prejudices though, as it ends up resulting in his death at the Marines. Bleeding out, he refuses to take human blood, even though it would save his life. The legacy of Fisher Tiger is kept though, with Jimbei shouldering his mission.
6. Sanji’s Entire Childhood

Someone needs to give Sanji a break, and soon. The poor guy has had a rough childhood, with his first appearance showing the trouble he went through to end up at Baratie. Marooned on an island with Zeff, he eventually gets hungry enough to attempt killing the pirate before realizing what happened. Zeff has eaten his own leg in order to save a child he doesn’t know. That says everything about their bond and why Sanji stays to help. His next flashback shows just how great Zeff is in hindsight though, and another reason Sanji trusts him so much.
Sanji’s childhood was tragic as hell, suffering abuse at the hands of his father and brothers daily. He was the only one to not get powers from his dad’s experiments. Then with his mom dead, Sanji is on his own to defend himself. Vinsmoke Judge eventually locks him away, an iron mask on his face so nobody can see Judge’s ultimate shame. It’s only through mercy from his sister Reiju that Sanji escapes, finding his way to Zeff.
5. Three Brother’s Bond

The three brothers that One Piece centers around are the core of the story, showcasing the bond they all share. Luffy would go to any lengths to save them, and the flashbacks show why only reinforce that bond. They start out with Ace and Sabo avoiding Luffy. Until he proves himself by saving Sabo from a bandit trying to kill them. It’s the moment that truly cements them as brothers. Then, not long after they all go to live at Dadan’s training to become pirates.
The other part of the flashback doesn’t happen until Dressrosa, much later. It’s here where we see how Sabo dies as a result of his parent’s greed for power as Celestial Dragons. When the Dragons arrive, Sabo is trying to flee from his family and their tyrannical reign. Unfortunately for him though, the Goa Kingdom learns firsthand the brutality their rulers are capable of. As Grey Terminal burns around them, Ace and Luffy watch Sabo be blown from the water by their cannons. They believe him dead, resolving to further their training and become stronger, not knowing he was saved by Luffy’s own father.
4. Law Finds Family

Dressrosa is full of amazing flashbacks, with Law and Rochenante’s being the best of the bunch. Sure, Senor Pink might follow pretty close, but the incredible tragedy that Law faces as a survivor of Flevence gives this an edge. When Law is young, White Lead disease wipes out his parents, doctors in Flevence. Before the city is erased from existence Law manages to escape, though the disease has already taken him. With only years left to live, he ends up as part of the Donquixote Family with nothing to lose.
Here, he meets Rochenante sees something in the young Law and decides to cure his disease. The two steal away, running from doctor to doctor, island to island, just trying to find some hope of a cure. It finally comes down to finding the Op-Op Fruit and stealing it from under Doflamingo’’s nose. While he hides Law away, Cora takes the brunt of Doflamingo’s rage, holding out after being shot so that Law can escape unharmed. It sets up Law’s entire revenge tale, and as flashbacks in One Piece go, is one of the more tragic.
3. Destruction of Ohara

Ohara was the first instance of the World Government’s sheer brutality in action. The entire island is made into a firing range after the Ohara Scholars are finally caught, now fated to die thanks to their studies of the Void Century. Seeing the young Nico Robin learn about the world from Jaguar D Saul before seeing her mother and home ripped away from her is incredibly tragic. It’s one of the darkest moments in One Piece as the Buster Call is brought down on the citizens. Bombing the entire Tree of Knowledge with thousands of years of research out of existence.
Through the benevolence or whatever other reasons he has, Kuzan sets Nico Robin free. All on her own, away from the refugee ships. Good thing too, as Akainu deems that the refugees are just as guilty. He doles out judgement, bombing them out of the water with his Magma-Magma Fruit powers. It’s a duality of fire and ice that plays out through the rest of the series between the Admirals. Even more importantly, it sets up Nico Robin for a life on the run. All this before finding peace with the Straw Hats.
2. Brook’s Long Journey

Out of everyone on the Straw Hat Pirates, Brook and Robin are neck and neck for the most tragic flashback. Brook only wins thanks to the incredible length of time that his takes place over. That’s really driving home just how much the poor skeleton goes through. He sets out with the Rumbar Pirates as a young man, sailing through the seas and eventually befriending a young whale with their music. Naming him Laboon, they become great friends, and Laboon is basically a part of the crew as they sail around singing. Until they enter the Grand Line, and Laboon has to stay back at the Reverse Mountain lighthouse as he’s not ready to take on the seas there.
While the Rumbar Pirates make their promise to return, they’re quickly dead thanks to the Grand Line’s conditions. It’s one of Brook’s seeming last actions to record the crew singing and playing for Laboon. He comes back to life years after he dies. He wanders, his soul roaming the seas for ages before finding his now-wasted away body. Only a skeleton now, Brook lays his friends to rest before being trapped in Thriller Bark, with his shadow stolen by Moria. At least he gets a note of hope, finally able to continue with his promise thanks to Luffy.
1. Kuma’s Entire History

Even after a thousand chapters One Piece keeps up with the stellar character writing it’s known for. Bartholomew Kuma is the last of the Buccaneers, enemies of the Celestial Dragons. While he’s taken as a slave during his youth, he quickly regains his freedom in the early flashback alongside some future Revolutionaries. Though he settles down in the Sorbet Kingdom with Ginney, the Revolutionary life soon comes calling for him. The ‘Tyrant’ fights alongside the others for freedom. All while worshiping the Sun God Nika as he fights to help others know peace through liberation.
He helps so many throughout his journey, but none more than Bonney. When Ginny is a slave to the Celestial Dragons, Saint Saturn does terrible experiments on her. Ginny has a daughter, Jewelry Bonney, and after escaping Mary Geoise brings her to Kuma. Kuma goes through hell for this precious child, even becoming a Warlord in exchange for life-saving medical treatment for Bonney. The entire flashback lasts around ten chapters. Yet, it shows that Kuma is quite possibly the most honest, caring, and idealistic character in One Piece.
No doubt Eiichiro Oda will be continuing with the flashbacks as One Piece continues. Every character gets a little development sooner or later, and many like Shanks or the Celestial Dragons are coming due for one. It’s going to be a sight to behold once they do too, because One Piece has only been ramping up the action in the past years. The series is racing toward The Final saga, with Egghead Island reaching a huge conclusion soon, adding more to the One Piece rollercoaster.