For all the numerous villains the Straw Hats face over the years, there have been awesome henchmen supporting them. From the beginning arcs to the most recent in Wano, each pirate crew or World Government team has a supporting member that stands out. These characters are minor villains, but they make their impressions on audiences and are still talked about today, no matter the age of the arc. It’s time to reveal who are the Best 13 Supporting Villains in One Piece!
This article contains spoilers for One Piece through the end of the Wano arc. If not caught up, the arc is finished in both the anime and manga, available from Crunchyroll or Viz online, respectively.
13. Mr. One/Daz Bones

Daz Bones doesn’t get a higher spot simply because he hasn’t had more development yet. He’s an awesome supporting villain for Crocodile, with a great fight against Zoro that unlocks some crazy new abilities at the time. The Edge-Edge Fruit he has makes him into a living sword, which is probably one of the coolest Devil Fruits to appear in the earlier arcs. He’s just a stone-cold badass one hundred percent of the time, never faltering in the face of major danger.
Hell, even when he becomes an ally to Luffy by way of his loyalty to Croc, he’s a stone-cold killer the entire time. The only hint of emotion he even shows is a smile when Crocodile tells him about the battle about to go down. Daz Bones is only in it for a fight, whether it’s as Mr. 1 for Baroque Works or for himself as a mercenary, and the deadlier the better for him.
12. Jack the Drought

Okay, so he didn’t play too much of a part in the actual Wano arc, but Jack is an absolute terror when he debuts in the Zou arc. Seriously, he comes to Zou, starts out by asking for Raizo not so nicely, then when the Minks insist they don’t know Raizo, goes into a different approach. That approach is fighting them in a vicious battle for days as the Minks switch out armies, until reinforcements arrive for Jack and things get worse. He wins, and crucifies the Minks of the island to torture them all, whether men, women, or children, and leaves them in bloody heaps.
It’s bad enough that he goes home after doing that the first time, as the Minks are all on the verge of death and only barely saved by Chopper. Then he turns back to come for Raizo again because Kaido isn’t convinced, and this time he plans on killing everyone that’s there instead. His Elephant-Elephant Fruit, Ancient Type: Mastodon, makes him a terror in battle too, though it does negate some of his Fishman advantages.
11. King the Famine

Speaking of Kaido’s supporting villains, King is really a well-done supporting character. He has a lot of lore packed into a very small amount of time, all. coming to light during his big fight against Zoro. When it does show though, it gives a backstory that makes his relationship with Kaido a great parallel to Zoro’s relationship with Luffy. Both were saved from torture and inevitable execution by their captain and would fight the devil himself if it meant bringing them to their dream.
King has the other advantage of a rather tragic backstory. He’s one of the last surviving members of his race, called the Lunarians. They once were a proud tribe of people that lived atop the Red Line, with wings and a flame that burns on their backs. It seems they’ve been wiped out, but King’s DNA was taken by Vegapunk for the Seraphim he creates, so there may be hope for some.
10. Kaku

Rob Lucci is a cold, quiet killer with no mercy, and Kaku makes the perfect support to him as a loudmouth with an anger issue. He’s also just really defensive of himself, especially when it comes to his nose and his Ox-Ox Fruit, Model: Giraffe. After he eats the Devil Fruit originally, some of the other Cipher Pol 9 members tease him about his new form, and Kaku doesn’t appreciate it much. Instead, he doubles down on how cool giraffes are, and then gets a chance to show off his new powers in a fight with Zoro.
When he returns recently in the Egghead Island arc, he has some development where he seems taken aback by Rob Lucci’s actions. Kaku always seems like a more well-intentioned member of Cipher Pol, believing he was doing things for the protection of the world. Perhaps this will be the moment he takes as a wake-up call to what the World Government will do to him once they’re done using him.
9. Bellamy

The Hyena is a fitting epithet for Bellamy, as he’s always smiling with a maniacal look and laugh following. There’s no telling what’s going on behind his wild eyes, and he’s incredibly violent with no warning. While he starts out on his own as a captain, his crew is quickly murdered by Doflamingo in a show of punishment for failing to defeat Luffy. To add insult to injury, Doffy makes Sorquiss, Bellamy’s former first mate, stab his captain using his Human Puppet ability.
Then Bellamy seems to become locked into a Stockholm Syndrom bond with Doflamingo. He believes that this is how the New World functions, and that he just wasn’t strong enough to make it. Bellamy finally seems to find peace for himself even after all the trauma, and settles in as a flag dyer after the events of Dressrosa. He has plenty of flags to make too, because the Straw Hat Fleet is going to need a lot.
8. Mr. 3

Little Garden might not have been a huge arc in the grand scheme of things, but Mr. 3 was a surprisingly effective villain here. Sure he’s a friend to Luffy later in the Summit Wars Saga, but initially he makes a decently strong foe working under Crocodile. The Wax-Wax Fruit powers he has to make him a menace to the giants once they’re down, and he even has Zoro accept death at one point. He even chooses a pose to freeze in, making Mr. 3 have an even more boosted ego.
There’s a lot of development that goes into him though, as Crocodile is quick to dispose of subordinates that don’t serve him well. When Mr. 3 is discarded by the former Warlord, he ends up in Impel Down alongside Buggy before choosing to risk his life for Luffy. It’s kind of surprising, but he may become a lead of the Straw Hat Fleet if the opportunity arises.
7. Doctor Hogback

Hogback was a strange character for sure, initially appearing as a batlike man with strange, horror-ish features. Even still, he was a hero of Chopper, who says he was on the same level as Doctor Vegapunk in the past. Hogback was known for doing major research in the medical fields, even more so than Vegapunk at one point, but that was before he seemingly vanished from the face of the earth. Chopper soon learns why when they meet on Thriller Bark.
Hogback is no stranger to human experimentation, and he’s been doing a lot of weird Frankenstein-level science. His assistant Cindry is a cobbled-together body of an actress he was in love with, reanimated with the stolen shadow of a young woman. Hogback won’t hesitate when it comes to experimenting on dead bodies, even having Gecko Moria rob the grave of Ryuma in Wano to bring the samurai back to life.
6. Hannyabal

The Vice-Warden of Impel Down is not only a fantastic supporting villain, but he’s a hilarious and relatable one. At the end of the day, Hannyabal is just trying to do his job and get a promotion when the time comes. He hates his boss, hates what he does, and hates the bureaucracy instead of just good, old-fashioned torture and punishment. He’s a relatively powerful fighter though, and manages to give Luffy and the others some trouble as they try to escape Impel Down. His apathy toward his job also helps Bon Clay take on his appearance, making an opening for Luffy.
In the end, though, it’s his sheer disdain for Magellan that makes him a memorable villain. He actually does have respect for his boss, and is a good employee, but Hannyabal wants his job. Hannyabal doesn’t want to just keep being the Vice-Warden, maintaining the torture status quo, he wants to change torture as we know it. A true visionary in his field.
5. Charlotte Perospero

Perospero, the oldest of Big Mom’s children, is just a dedicated son trying to support his mother’s pirate empire. Like any good son would do, he also helps his mother commit political marriages and subsequent murders if need be. He’s a villainous guy, and his tongue scarf thing is a little weird, but he makes a fantastic supporting villain during the Whole Cake Island saga.
Perospero and Pedro have a longstanding rivalry, as he took Pedro’s eye years ago. This leads to the heroic sacrifice from the Mink, but it’s not enough, unfortunately. Instead, Perospero gets the fun of trying to lead Big Mom across the ocean through Totto Land while she goes on a hunger rampage. He keeps his cool under all the pressure though, but still meets his end at the hands of Carrot in return for Pedro’s death.
4. Basil Hawkins

Hawkins starts out as a Worst Generation member before he becomes a Tobiroppo, earning his position by betraying Kid along with Scratchmen Apoo. His Straw-Straw Fruit allows him to create small straw dolls, which allow Hawkins to deflect damage to whoever the Straw Doll is set to. All he needs is someone’s hair or otherwise, and it’s all over as he has full control of their life. That’s not the worst of his powers though, as he also gets a Logia Form despite being a Paramecia Type Devil Fruit.
Hawkins becomes a massive, deadly scarecrow that terrorizes the people of Wano. He’s a minor supporting villain at the beginning of the Wano arc, but by the Raid on Onigashima, he takes the spotlight as a terrifying scarecrow. Unfortunately, he’s not enough to keep Killer from taking his arm in a genius move, and shows Hawkins relied too much on his predictions instead of his battle intuition.
3. Monet

While Monet serves Doflamingo as one of his crew, she’s only seen in Punk Hazard as an assistant to Doflamingo. She’s stone cold in both attitude and ability, with the Snow-Snow Fruit as her main power. It works as an interesting Devil Fruit though, and Monet usually uses it to make herself wings and talons while turning herself into snow. She leaps into action for Doflamingo at just his word, and she won’t hesitate to kill anyone who gets in her way to serve him.
Despite her short life in the series, she has some great fights and moments throughout the Punk Hazard arc. Her fights with Law and Zoro are both great, and Zoro shows off some awesome new abilities since the time skip. Unfortunately, Law’s trickery is her downfall, as the Surgeon of Dead switches his removed heart with hers, which Caesar stabs to try and kill Law. As Monet dies, the first glimpse of Devil Fruit reincarnation is shown while her only regret is not serving Doflamingo further.
2. Perona

She steals hearts and happiness from everyone she comes across. The pink-haired ghost-controlling goth girl of nightmares first shows up as one of Moria’s assistants during the Thriller Bark arc. She’s devious, ruthless, and not afraid to take people down in the lowest way possible. She barely even has to attack, as her Hollow-Hollow Fruit ability sends out ghosts that depress her enemies to death. Seriously, if a ghost passes through someone they become deathly depressed almost to the point of suicide. It’s a testament to Usopp that he hates himself enough to be immune to it.
When Perona is smacked away from Thriller Bark by Bartholomew Kuma, it leads to a tentative stay with Mihawk. The Muggy Kingdom is definitely her aesthetic, but for some reason, she decides she would rather go back to Gecko Moria than stay there. Hopefully, she doesn’t end up in the same situation as Moria, whose fate is still unknown after washing up on Fullalead Island.
1. Bon Clay

He’s not much of a supporting villain now in the story, but when Bon Clay came on board the Going Merry he was a friend in disguise. His status as Mr. 2 of Baroque works was nothing to laugh at either, with his Clone-Clone Fruit one of the best for covert missions. Bon’s greatest development though is finding out about the Straw Hats and how he now has to kill the ones that helped him. His fight with Sanji is great, and really shows the trust Sanji has for the rest of the crew along with Bon’s incredible tenacity and commitment to his friends.
Then he returns in the Impel Down arc and steals the show, becoming a savior to Luffy as they escape Magellan’s wrath. Bon Clay just keeps delivering the great moments throughout the arc, even making his own heroic sacrifice by staying behind to let Luffy escape. Side stories in the manga since have shown him as the new ruler of the New Newkama Kingdom inside the Impel Down walls.
One Piece is constantly bringing in a better and brighter cast of supporting villains throughout the arcs. The recent Tobiroppo had quite a few standouts, at least in character design, but unfortunately didn’t get quite enough time to shine. Still, some of these supporting villains are still around, and could rank among the Straw Hat Fleet very soon in the final saga!