The One Piece universe is packed with characters one could consider “crazy.” One has to tread lightly these days when considering anything or anyone crazy. To some, that just means that society deems them unfit to clock in and clock out. Let’s get a little realistic though. There are people that are totally unhinged. This doesn’t mean that we don’t love them or accept them. That goes double for characters in One Piece. How does one even stay sane in a world stuffed to the brim with sea monsters, literal superfoods, mad scientists, and constant warfare? Everyone is probably crazy in the series, so let’s just focus on those who best express it. So, without further adieu, who are the Top 10 craziest characters in One Piece? We’ll do our best to find out.
10. Sabo

Sabo, known as the “Flame Emperor,” holds the esteemed position of Chief of Staff within the Revolutionary Army, making him the second-in-command within the organization. He’s also ex-nobility and Luffy’s sworn brother, but there’s a catch. It appears that Sabo may have taken too many strikes to the head, and you can see it in the way he fights. Although typically comical and kind, it’s like he has multiple personalities. When he’s battling the enemy, there’s a significant change in behavior, causing many fans to think he might have snapped.
9. Wanze

Where does one start with Wanze? At first glance, he serves as an operative of CP7 and possesses culinary expertise, specializing in the art of crafting delicious ramen noodles. When you look closer, he’s like an onion or matryoshka of mental instability. For starters, his countenance never changes. Wanze smiles even when horrified or mad.
Speaking of “mad,” that’s the word on his jacket. Wanze’s unique specialty involves creating ramen using an unconventional method wherein he consumes flour, and kneads the dough within his mouth. He then uses his nose hairs to intricately cut the noodles, which are then extricated from his nasal passages. Then he wears it as armor. So yeah.
8. Monkey D. Luffy

Luffy had to make it on the list somewhere. A lot of young boys wish to become pirates and kings, but very few actually follow through. Let alone embark on the path to achieving both. Plus, he eats like 18th-century Frenchman Tarrare and enters the jaws of death all the time just to see how far he can get. His temperament often leads him into cataclysmic conflicts with veteran Marines and Yonko, always managing to wiggle free miraculously. He takes trauma on the chin and just moves on. There’s something crazy about that.
7. Portgas D. Ace

Some One Piece fans might be familiar with the tale of Icarus; the boy who flew too close to the sun. Ace fits the description perfectly. Most are aware of his qualms with Blackbeard. The Marines condemned Ace to death. This decision ignited the Summit War of Marineford, a full-scale confrontation pitting Whitebeard’s forces against the united strength of the Marines and the Seven Warlords.
Although Ace was ultimately liberated, his life was tragically forfeited as he shielded Luffy from the relentless assault of Marine Admiral Akainu before he could make his escape from Marineford. He took responsibility in the end, but it was his fiery ambition and madness that made him get involved in a conflict he was too young (and too inexperienced) to handle.
6. Eustass Kid

It shouldn’t come as a shock why Eustass Kid made it on the list. Unlike Ace, he spectated the Summit War at Marineford, but that doesn’t mean he’s stable. He challenged Shanks with complete disregard for the context of the situation and lost his arm. His assaults often ignore the potential for mass casualties and collateral damage. In fact, that’s what led to his eventual demise, when Kid used Kamusari to essentially wipe him off the face of the planet (at least for now).
5. Blackbeard

We’re getting into the heavy hitters now. Teach commenced his piracy journey as an apprentice within the Whitebeard Pirates and subsequently ascended to a position within the crew’s 2nd Division. Nevertheless, he turned traitor by committing the murder of Thatch, the commander of the 4th division, with the intent of pilfering the Yami Yami no Mi Devil Fruit. Like a virus, he infected the crew and stole a Devil Fruit. At the time this was virtually unheard of. He was so crazy that he chose to do what was thought to be impossible, and then he betrayed one of the strongest pirate crews in existence.
4. Big Mom

Charlotte Linlin, who is more commonly recognized as “Big Mom,” assumes the role of captain within the Big Mom Pirates and was previously one of the Four Emperors who governed the New World. As fans know, she is universally known for her mental instability. Big Mom has destroyed her environment during tantrums and kidnapped people like Sanji for the sake of diplomacy. We mention in Who Are The Giants In One Piece? that even the citizenry of Elbaf despises her to some extent. Essentially, Big Mom is notoriously reckless and puts everyone in danger for her own selfish desires.
3. Kaidou

If you are a fan caught up with the series, it’s almost like this portion could be left blank. In our previous article The Apex Predator: How Evil Is Kaidou in One Piece? we delve deep into the sadistic and experimental mind of “The Strongest Creature”. To put it briefly, he has attempted to test the limits of his resilience by committing acts of s****de. He grapples with sporadic carelessness, maintaining a pervasive sense of indifference towards a multitude of matters, including the fundamental state of the world and the lives of both himself and his subordinates.
Kaidou also never hesitated to give his army artificial Zoan powers via SMILE, often damming many to a life of abomination. As stated, all of this was done with a level of apathy that would make any level-headed person shudder. That’s why he earns third place in this twisted pecking order.
2. Donquixote Doflamingo

This puppet master needs no introduction, but we’ll give him a quick one anyway. Donquixote Doflamingo, known by the moniker “Heavenly Yaksha,” enjoyed the status of being one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, with a formidable bounty of 340,000,000 Berries. From actually executing his own father as a child, to doing the same to his brother later, to taking over a kingdom for his own sick amusement, this guy is deserving of every form of condemnation.
History will record Doflamingo’s presence as a stain on a stain. Using characters like Sugar, he stripped people of their identities and abused those he believed to be inferior. So, pretty much everyone with a pulse. All of this because the World Nobles wouldn’t accept him back after serving them his father’s head.
1. Baby 5

Baby 5 is a pirate who is married to Sai, the 13th leader of the Happo Navy. She previously served as a servant and assassin for the Donquixote Pirates and held the rank of an officer within the Pica Army. Baby 5 is often overlooked for lists like these because she isn’t the most popular of the bunch. That said, we’re talking about mental instability, and this character kind of takes the cake. Most fans would agree that her abandonment psychosis is so strong she bends to whoever shows the slightest bit of appreciation. We’re pretty sure she’d lead a school bus into a canal if somebody told her to do a good job. If that’s not crazy, it’s hard to determine what is.