There are quite a lot of scary characters in One Piece. Not all of them are bad guys, but Oda doesn’t hold back when fully designing them. These characters are pretty scary to try to face head-on, but Luffy and his crew do it anyway. They put their powers against creepy characters, creepy powers, and other forms of creepiness. There are plenty of different characters that are extremely creepy. Some are designed to be creepy with looks, and others are creepy based on how they act. Here are some of the creepiest characters in One Piece.
7. Gecko Moria

One of the seven warlords of the sea, Gecko Moria is armed to the teeth with creepiness. He does own the biggest ship in the world with Thriller Bark. He also has a lot of different creepiness there. From zombie servants to terrifying henchmen, to a massive undead giant, Gecko Moria just exudes creepiness.
But the creepiest issue that he has is just how calm he can be. By using shadows, zombies, and his servants to battle for him, he can separate himself from the stress of battle. When fighting Luffy, he simply allowed his shadow to do the majority of the fighting for him. He laughed and mocked Luffy’s efforts, but when the battle turned against him that was when he snapped.
6. Absalom

Sticking to Thriller Bark for this next one, we have one of Moria’s subordinates. Absalom was once a human who got various body parts attached to him from different animals. However, the main reason that he is creepy is because of his Devil Fruit abilities and how he chooses to use them. He possesses the Suke Suke no Mi (The Clear-Clear fruit) which allows him to become invisible at will.
However, the main fear is how he uses his invisibility. Absalom has a deep lust for human women, and he stalked Nami and Robin. He licked Robin while invisible and also attacked Nami while she was bathing in the bathroom. Eventually, he kidnapped Nami and wanted to marry her, despite her being unconscious at the time. It’s just creepy, and watching him get kicked by Sanji felt really good.
5. Blackbeard

Blackbeard seems like just a normal pirate captain, and to be fair he is. However, he possesses a cruel streak that makes everyone around him nervous. Additionally, he possesses the Yami Yami no Mi (The Dark-Dark Fruit), which allows him to create and control darkness. But the real creepy factor comes in when he touches another Devil Fruit User. With his power, he can nullify the powers of another person’s Devil Fruit.
This becomes a massive problem whenever you realize how many people use Devil Fruit powers. Blackbeard is going to become a massive character in the Final Saga. His ability to cancel out the powers of other Devil Fruit users is something that will make everyone afraid.
4. Donquixote Doflamingo

Doflamingo is a terrifyingly creepy villain. He not only has a very evil laugh, but he knows how to pull the strings behind the scenes. He can control people with the powers of the Ito Ito no Mi (String-String fruit), and can turn strings into weapons. This is far creeper than it sounds because he was able to control people and even an entire nation like puppets.
Doflamingo might look pink and flamboyant, but he is instead someone who is very creepy. His very presence makes One Piece much darker and more dangerous. The worst part was, until the Straw Hats arrived, no one knew they were living under a tyrant.
3. Big Mom

This massive woman isn’t just creepy because of her size. She is also creepy because of everything else! Her Devil Fruit allows her to manipulate and in some cases even steal the souls of people around her. She also has a roulette wheel of death that she can spin to take the ages off of those who displease her.
But perhaps the biggest and most scary thing about Big Mom is the fact that she has an appetite. An appetite so massive that when she gets hungry she will eat anything around her, and will go on a rampage to get what she wants. The constant tension of not knowing when Big Mom will get angry and destroy everything around her is certainly creepy!
2. Caesar Clown

This mad scientist makes all the others look quite tame by comparison. Caesar Clown is driven by a desire to cause all sorts of suffering to those around him. He will torture and experiment on everyone, even children, simply to see what happens. Lacking any empathy for his actions and no limit, he lives only to destroy.
Plus, with the Gasu Gasu no Mi (Gas Gas Fruit) he can turn his body into various chemical gases and poisons. He’s even been able to remove oxygen from the air in order to asphyxiate his opponents. He can even change his size and shape and merge with other gas clouds. Every single opponent he fights needs to breathe at some point, so he has a great advantage during battle.
1. Magellan

Speaking of very creepy villains, this guy was terrifying. As the main warden of the prison Impel Down, he was Luffy’s main antagonist. He has the Doku Doku no Mi (the venom venom fruit) and was able to produce and control various poisons from his body. He was easily the deadliest foe that Luffy had faced yet because Luffy couldn’t hurt him.
He was able to nearly kill Luffy with his powers and put all the Impel Down escapees on the back foot. Luffy survived and managed to defeat Magellan with the help of his allies. Still, the warden was very creepy and caused every scene he was in to get a bit scarier. Especially with the fact that no one could really hurt him. Even at the end of it all, the prisoners had to escape, rather than beat him in a fair fight.