For all the action, drama, heart, and emotion packed into One Piece, it can also be very funny at times. The humor and the laughs often come from the characters. Whether they are cracking jokes or getting into strange situations. One Piece also seems to have a lot of different types of humor. From slapstick styles, to misunderstandings, to dark humor. Even when characters act out of character, it can raise a laugh. While almost every One Piece character is funny in some way, shape, or form, here are the Top 7 Funniest One Piece Characters that manage to consistently bring the laughs!
7. Zoro

Yep, one of the most serious characters in One Piece manages to become a humorous character at some times. While he is mostly known for his serious attitude, sense of honor, and swordsmanship. Zoro has been known to get lost on occasion. Even with a map, help, and a straight line between him and his destination. There was even one point where he got stuck in a chimney! Seeing Zoro get stymied by his lack of directional sense is one of the funnier moments of the series.
Additionally, he also has the other tendency to be able to sleep through anything. It could be the nervous tension before a battle. Or he could nap through a massive storm that posed a real danger to the Straw Hats. Seeing everyone else freaking out while Zoro gets some shut-eye can cause you to laugh.
6. Foxy

Even in the real world, having lower than normal self esteem can be a bit funny. Watching someone’s entire personality change at the slightest bit of praise or criticism can be interesting. Especially, if you know the real personality beforehand. Foxy of the Foxy Pirates manages to focus on using deception and misdirection to confound his opponents.
He, and his Davy Back competitions that poach crewmembers, are dangerous. However, there is also a lot of humor that comes from his confidence issues. He can become overjoyed by praise and utterly incapacitated by criticism. Watching him bounce back and forth was something that caused viewers to laugh at his actions.
5. Lola

While the Thriller Bark Arc was a massive foray into horror for the Straw Hats, there was still some levity and humor. Mostly with regards to Lola. Lola was a zombie warthog who was obsessed with marrying Absolom. She continued her obsession, despite his clear affection for Nami. The one sided rivalry and later friendship between the two added some humor to the Thriller Bark arc.
Later when they find her true self, they discover that she does indeed have a marriage obsession. As Charlotte Lola, she does eventually manage to find love. She marries Gotti and the two actually have a loving and tender relationship with one another.
4. Queen

With as serious as the Wano County arc was for the majority of One Piece fans, Queen added some serious levity. He was a born showman who was also extremely delusional. That leads to some serious humor. For example, he believes that all of his fat is simply muscle in disguise. While he is a mad genius he frequently manages to screw his operations up.
Despite the humor that he adds to the Wano County arc, he is still a dangerous villain. He and King manage to cause the heroes some real trouble, and he even battles Sanji to a standstill. Granted he is eventually defeated. However, his actions on the screen certainly leave a lot to be remembered.
3. Brook

Brook has a lot of comedic value. Not only does he constantly make jokes about being dead and lacking some of the facilities that humans do, but he also has other character traits. He can be a bit of a pervert, loves to help the crew in any way he can, and always seems to have a smile on his face.
He’s added quite a lot of humor to the Thousand Sunny whenever he stepped on the ship. But don’t let his humor and slapstick comedy fool you. He’s still a talented and powerful swordsman, able to hold his own against various enemies. Just ask Big Mom, because he was able to land an ineffectual hit on her during their battle.
2. Luffy

As the protagonist of One Piece, Luffy has quite a bit of humor within him. He loves to laugh and seems to take on even the most dangerous situations with a smile. Whether he is involving the crew in his childish antics or mispronouncing some names, he manages to ensure that everyone is laughing.
Plus, there is something about seeing Luffy laugh even in the most dangerous of situations that have fans further cheering him on. Especially now that he has awakened his Gear Five ability that gives him the joy of the Sun God Nika. His powers are now able to turn whatever he interacts with into rubber. This allows him to take on some Looney Tunes levels of shenanigans. It’s very interesting and humorous, especially whenever he battles Kizaru or Kaido, who are more serious villains.
1. Usopp

Usopp is almost always funny. As a coward, pathological liar, and trickster in the world of One Piece, he’s woefully unprepared for adventure. His cowardice and willingness to talk his way out of any situation is something that always brings the laughs every single time he gets in over his head.
He might attempt to weasel his way out of a fight scene. Or he could bluff his way out with some well-placed lies, Usopp has his humorous moments. His cowardly nature allows for him to be the victim of all manner of slapstick gags. However, perhaps the funniest Usopp moments are when he does try to be brave and serious. Especially when he gets courage against a stronger opponent. Seeing him get angry, brave, or both is very funny as we attempt to watch him deal with the situation.