Some of the most powerful weapons in One Piece, Black Blades are something that can’t just be made by everyone. These swords have truly been tested in battle, clashing with some of the strongest in the world. What makes them into a black blade though, and who has been strong enough to forge them in the world of One Piece?
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What Are Black Blades?

Not only limited to swords, but Black Blades can also be any weapon that’s been wielded by a powerful Haki user. These blades have been forged from what started out as regular weapons, forged into Black Blades in battle. When the sword has been imbued with enough Armament and Conqueror Haki throughout time, they eventually temper the blade black. Although there are only three currently confirmed in the series, they’re all the property of some of the strongest fighters to ever live.
Black Blades can’t be forged by just any fighters though. They require an amount of Conqueror Haki, or to at least come in contact with it. Those like Mihawk who haven’t been confirmed to have Conqueror Haki are only assumed to have been able to pour enough into their blade or fight enough users with it. As for the other two known Black Blade users, Gold Roger and Edward ‘Whitebeard’ Newgate, it’s well-known how strong their Conqueror’s Haki was in the prime of their lives.
A Sign of Battle

Black Blades themselves can only be truly forged in rigorous battle. Though swords like Gold Roger’s Ace or Mihawk’s Yoru have been through countless clashes, crossing blades with some of the strongest. Gold Roger does this by fighting others like Kozuki Oden, even going blade-to-fist with Garp at some points. This huge influx of stress to the blade, combined with what they’re putting into it, darkens the blade. Simply clashing blades with other strong swords and fighters will often help to hurry the development along, though. No, it requires a little bit more to turn the blade black.
The incredible strength and defense the blade gains come from a combination of Haki. As such, a Black Blade isn’t something just anyone can form. It requires a huge infusion of both Conqueror Haki and Armament Haki over a span of years. Some, like Mihawk, still imbue their blades with Armament Haki. There’s still no confirmation that he has the ability to wield Conqueror’s Haki. Even still, with the three blades known, having two that wield Conqueror Haki is a good sign of the requirement.
Haki Imbument

The imbuing of Haki into the blade isn’t necessarily new to the world of One Piece. Zoro first uses the trick back in Dressrosa, noting it was something he had been working on training with Mihawk. When he throws his full Armament Haki behind the blade, it’s strong enough to cut through the massive stone man known as Pica. If just Zoro’s is already that strong, then imagine what Roger or Whitebeard could have sliced through. Nonetheless, Mihawk himself has been shown slicing through entire glaciers on the battlefield.
Conqueror Haki is the second one involved, imbuing the massive force that can take out armies into the blade. It isn’t easy for anyone to do though. No, it requires a huge amount of the user’s own Haki energy to maintain a steady flow. Roger, Oden, and Whitebeard all had these abilities. Zoro has most recently figured this ability out. He imbues all three of his blades with massive amounts of Armament and Conqueror Haki. It forms the basis for his King of Hell Style. Certainly no easy feat for anyone, but Zoro is quickly making his way further into the ranks of these great fighters.
Will Zoro Get a Black Blade?

At the rate he’s going, absolutely. Zoro is going to gain a Black Blade by the time the Final Saga is over, though it may end up happening sooner than we think. He’s already shown the ability to throw both types of Haki into his blades, and Enma is the most odds-on favorite for fans when it comes to forming into a Black Blade. That said, it’s not nearly as likely as everyone thinks, and a different blade of his will likely turn black first. Wado Ichimonji, Zoro’s longest-serving sword and the former blade of his best friend Kuina.
It only makes sense that Wado Ichimonji would become the Black Blade of Zoro’s. However, that isn’t ruling the others out at the same time. The greatest requirement for the weapons that became Black Blades is a long history with their user. Considering this blade has been with Zoro since childhood, facing his most fearsome foes head-on. Although Black Blades are few in the world of One Piece, there are bound to be at least a couple more before the Final Saga finishes out the series.