The most mysterious character in One Piece aside from maybe Imu or Joyboy, Shanks is also one of the longest-serving One Piece characters. He’s been around since Chapter One just like Luffy, yet his motives still remain completely clouded over one thousand chapters later. So, with all of what’s known about him, here are some theories on what Shanks goal is for One Piece’s end.
Warning as this will contain spoilers for up to the recent chapter 1089 in the manga. So, if not caught up with the current story, definitely stop here!
Where was Shanks Born?

Shanks’ birthplace is a mystery, but it’s highly likely to be in or around God Valley. After their cataclysmic battle against the Rocks Pirates, the Roger Pirates found a baby in the battlefield ruins. Why was a baby on a battlefield? Nobody knows! Either way, he was taken in by the Roger Pirates and raised as one of their own. He looked to Roger as a father figure, and the other crew all kept an eye on him as well.
Did Shanks Sail with Roger?

Sometime after Roger found Shanks, Buggy joined their crew as well. They were both around the same age, so Shanks and Buggy became apprentices to Roger’s crew. That mostly means they got cleaning duty for everything, but they also picked up experience from the King of the Pirates himself. No doubt this is where Shanks began to learn the basics of Haki and train his now-massive strength.
While they sail with Roger’s crew, Shanks and Buggy actually miss out on the trip to Laughtale. All thanks to Buggy becoming ill right before the final voyage to obtain the One Piece. So, the two youngest members of the crew still have no idea what’s there, but Roger did tell Shanks something upon his return. Whatever it was hasn’t been revealed yet, but it made Shanks sob, heartbroken.
When Did Shanks Become an Emperor?

Shanks has been an emperor for quite some time, at least since he left the East Blue at the story’s beginning. When Roger died Shanks was still just a kid, and he had almost given up on being a pirate. Buggy even left him at Loguetown during the execution, saying he was going off to form his own crew. Shanks gets over the damage he feels from Roger’s death, and forms the Red Hair Pirates later. After some time in the East Blue, where he gives Luffy his straw hat and loses his arm, they return to the Grand Line.
It’s likely during this period of time that Shanks made his move to become an Emperor. Obviously, the others were much older than him with already established crews, so Shanks has to really make a mark to become one. They all know him as Roger’s old apprentice, but Shanks has become strong enough for equal skirmishes with them all. It’s insane how much of a power jump he has, especially since when Buggy debuts he’s still a total joke.
Shanks’ Power

There has been a total of one attack by Shanks in the 1089 chapters of One Piece as of this writing. Even then, it’s a move that originates from Gold Roger, the Divine Departure. It’s obviously a tribute to his Captain’s memory, but Shanks’ power with the move is stupidly powerful. He splits Eustass Kid’s ship clean in half with it, and ends the Kid Pirates’ attempt at his title before it barely begins. This is just one attack that’s been seen, while he was able to stop Marineford with his presence.
That’s only Shanks’ stature and physical strength. He’s a master of Haki, especially Color of Conquering Haki. When he enters Whitebeard’s ship before Ace is captured, the entire crew is brought to the floor by his Haki. He’s the Observation Haki killer because nobody can read him, and Silvers even believes Shanks is stronger than he is now.
What Did Roger Say to Shanks?

Nobody knows yet. There are theories that Roger may have told Shanks that he wasn’t Joyboy, or that he was going to die soon. It’s completely up in the air, but the one thing known is that whatever he said broke Shanks. The poor kid cried for hours, and he already knew that Roger was dying. It could be that the realization of everything finally hit him, but what if there was more?
Roger finds Shanks in a treasure chest after the God Valley incident, a baby in the ruins of battle. It’s possible he may be a Celestial Dragon, with some references to the Figarland family in One Piece Film Red. This could also explain how he got a meeting with the Gorosei, outside of his Emperor status. The other theory is that Roger possibly thought the Ponegliffs were pointing to a new savior in Shanks. It could be he realized when he reached Laughtale how wrong he was. It’s a feasible option, and could explain Shanks’ early interest in Luffy and the Gomu-Gomu no Mi.
Base on Elbaph

Shanks has been in Elbaph for quite some time now into the story’s second half. On the Isle of Giants, he appears as a hero more than an Emperor. The people will rush to defend him at the first moment, and they all show healthy adoration for the Red Hair Pirates Captain. Considering his base of Elbaph, Shanks holds very high power and standing with the giants, who have all been strong but relatively helpful allies to the Straw Hat crew. Hell, he even has Dory and Broggy under his command when Kid attacks the island.
The one thing Shanks has made clear is that he doesn’t expect anything in return for protecting territories he claims as his own. He simply wants to help those unable to help themselves, and stand up for the weak. Shanks after all this time still appears as the kind, gentle pirate that gave Luffy the straw hat all those years ago. The gentleness is only the surface though, as he has a deep-seated fire to protect all those around.
Time to Move

After he destroys Kid’s ship, Shanks makes the big announcement to those on Elbaph with him. It’s time they go after the One Piece, and they’ll be taking Kid’s Road Poneglyph sketchings to do it. Since they’re on Elbaph, that means they’re already close to Laughtale. Now, it’s just a race between Shanks, Buggy, Blackbeard, and Luffy to see who reaches the One Piece first.
What is Shanks’ Endgame?

It’s not hard to keep motives a mystery when the character has had less screen time than most. Shanks plays things closely and doesn’t let others in on what he’s thinking. Just that he’s finally making the call to go after the One Piece is huge. Shanks has obviously been waiting the twenty years that Roger said he was too early for, and now that time is finally upon them. So much information is still unclear about what Shanks means to do or how much he’s known this whole time. Hell, did he know that the Gum-Gum Fruit was something more when he stole it from Whose-Who and the Navy?
There are so, so many questions everyone still has about Shanks’ past and future. No doubt he’ll get the One Piece flashback history treatment in the final saga. Until then, it’s just back to the theory board with all kinds of conspiracies. No matter who ends up taking the One Piece, it’s assumed that Shanks will at least be involved with the big final fight.