One of the most overpowered Devil Fruits in One Piece, the Op-Op Fruit of Trafalgar D Law makes him one of the best Worst Generation. This Devil Fruit, in conjunction with his immense medical knowledge, gives him the name ‘Surgeon of Death’, but what is the Fruit itself? His Op-Op Fruit is special in the world of One Piece, and it may play a huge part in the final saga.
This article contains spoilers for One Piece through chapter 1099. Catch up on Viz or MangaPlus before continuing on, or be spoiled forever!
What is the Op-Op Fruit?

A Paramecia Type Devil Fruit, the Op-Op Fruit gives the user something akin to telekinesis. When used by Trafalgar D Water Law, it manifests as a massive, bluish bubble around his immediate area. This is the ROOM, where the Op-Op Fruit can operate freely with next to no restrictions. Here, the user of the Devil Fruit has total control, whether it be over the environment or the bodies of others. Law can move anything within freely, though it does require higher stamina for heavier objects.
The other aspect of the Op-Op Fruit is that it can bisect anyone on an atomic level. Law is able to go into the bodies of the kids from Punk Hazard and take out the remaining drugs in their system like this. Meanwhile, he’s also able to totally bisect anything within, separating people into pieces that can move independently of each other. Kin’emon manages to run all around Punk Hazard as just a pair of legs, which means the Op-Op Fruit leaves the user’s body perfectly intact. It’s like when a magician sees the assistant in half, and there’s a perfect board keeping everything in.
Trafalgar D Water Law

The current owner of the Op-Op Fruit, Law came into possession of it at a young age, stealing it from Donquixote Doflamingo. However, in the process he loses his adoptive older brother, Donquixote Rochinante, also known as Corazon. This makes Law devote himself to learning to master the Fruit, learning any medical science he could as he grew older. Eventually, the Op-Op Fruit accomplished Corazon’s wish of curing Law of his deadly White Lead disease.
Now, Law uses his power to help others around the seas, gathering his crew from some he helped along the way. Shachi and Penguin in particular were saved by his powers, and would give their lives to protect him. It’s also his great medical knowledge, power, and drive to do right that helps to free and save many of the people of Wano. Especially when he defeats Big Mom, ending an entire lifetime of cruelty.

The main ability of the Op-Op Fruit, ROOM creates a visible, massive dome or sphere in Law’s immediate vicinity. This sphere allows him to manipulate anything within, and he can move any objects with free will. He is able to cut anything into pieces, small or large, and most people he can just throw around if he wants to. ROOM is able to lift even the heaviest of people too, and Law is even able to manipulate Big Mom when she’s within his space.

This is Law’s move to manipulate his environment with the Op-Op Fruit. He can move inanimate objects, whether it be weapons, nearby structures, or even the ground below however he pleases. Most of the time, Law will use Tact to take away his enemies’ weapons, redirecting them on their users. Other times, Law uses his powers to make the ground erupt from beneath his enemies, creating huge spikes from dirt and rocks beneath to make a massive impact on his foes.
The best part that Tact has to it is that if Law uses it on a moving object, the object will stay in motion wherever he directs it. This is great for turning projectiles back at enemies, and he’s able to do it with just a flip of his fingers.

One of Law’s signature attacks is also one of his most iconic. Shambles is when Law encompasses his enemies in ROOM, twisting his wrist and switching out enemies with different items or each other’s body parts. Whereas Tact involves Law just moving or redirecting whatever is within his ROOM, Shambles actively switches places of whatever he pleases. The first time he pulls this one out in Sabaody Archipelago, a whole group of Marines manage to have their heads replaced with bombs. Meanwhile, their heads took the place and momentum of the cannonballs, flying forward at a wall.

One of Law’s deadliest attacks, and if he uses it, the fight is essentially over. Law gets in close enough that he can minimize his ROOM into a concentrated area, requiring him to actually touch the enemy. When he’s finally in contact, he’s able to push the opponent’s heart straight from their chest while keeping it perfectly intact in a cube. The owner of the heart is still alive, breathing just fine. Except now Law holds their heart, and life, literally in his hands.
When Law is feeling extra disdainful or just wants to make a little chaos while he gets away, he can switch hearts. While there’s no explanation for it, switching peoples’ hearts also switches their minds. This ends up in some weird Freaky Friday-ish situations. The Op-Op Fruit also gives the funniest moment ever using this method, as Franky and Chopper have switched bodies. When Franky speaks out of Chopper’s body, Robin coldly tells him to not talk again while he’s in Chopper’s body.
Counter Shock

One strange side-ability of the Op-Op Fruit is that Law can produce electrical shocks of varying degrees. Usually, though, he has to make some sort of contact with the foe. This means he has to risk his usual long-distance fighting style through ROOM and get in close to his enemy. In turn, though, he’s able to deliver a high-voltage shock right to his foe, stunning them in the process.
Gamma Knife

Utilizing his Counter Shock, ROOM, and trusty sword Kikoku, Law is able to essentially separate his enemies and stun them at once. He uses the normal Amputate move, slicing his sword through everyone in the room, cleaving them in half with the Op-Op Fruit while doing no damage internally. This time though, he imbues Amputate with the electricity of Counter Shock, creating a Gamma Knife that slices his opponents in half while shocking whatever Kikoku touches.
While this only seems to do an amount of shock damage to the enemies it hits, there’s the added advantage that it stuns foes. This prevents them from pulling themselves together quickly, allowing Law more time to get done whatever he needs.
Injection Shot

When Law uses Injection Shot, he stabs right at his enemies with Kikoku, much like he was giving, well, a shot. Instead of his sword leaving a wound though, it instead pierces the enemy cleanly thanks to ROOM. Law can then manipulate them easier, or grow Kikoku’s blade using ROOM to further drive enemies away. It allows for a more refined use of the Op-Op Fruits abilities, with massive damage potential.
Shock Wille

Taking an Injection Shot and giving it a little buzz, Shock WIlle requires the use of Law’s Awakening. With this move, he applies ROOM directly to the blade of Kikoku, coating it in the thinnest, nearly invisible layer. Then, he pierces through his foe, extending the blade further and further while still not doing internal damage. Law will keep expanding the sword as far as he needs to, only stopping when he deems they’re far enough away or he’s run through enough targets.
Before retracting the blade, he lets loose a massive burst of electricity through Kikoku’s blade. This ensures the foe is totally stunned, with the electric shock usually enough to knock out most. It’s enough to take down Big Mom at least, crushing her through the ground and into hell in the process.
One interesting thing to note- despite how potentially deadly Law’s attacks could be, he makes sure to never kill his enemies generally. All a part of his main occupation as a doctor, vowing to do no harm (to an extent)
Op-Op Fruit Awakening

For the Op-Op Fruit’s awakening, Law is able to assign his ROOM to different objects or people entirely. This basically negates the only weakness that the Op-Op Fruit has, allowing him to essentially project the Devil Fruit’s power onto others. This also allows him to be more stealthy than he could otherwise, and operate on people or objects from a distance.
Law hasn’t used it very much in the story so far, only pulling it out for the fight with Big Mom in the Wano arc. Still, there’s room for improvement on it, considering Law’s mastery of medical knowledge and the Op-Op Fruit so far. Unless he’s made to do something that could kill him, and fulfill the ‘ultimate technique’ of the Op-Op Fruit.
What is the Immortality Surgery?

First mentioned by Donquixote Doflamingo, this was his original intent for getting the Devil Fruit. Initially, he was going to make his brother Donquixote Rochinante eat the Devil Fruit, then force him into performing the surgery on Doffy. This involves doing some unspecified procedure to the recipient that grants them eternal life. The limitations of this eternal life are unknown though, and it’s unsure if it makes them totally impervious to injury or not.
The drawback to the Immortality Surgery is that the user of the Op-Op Fruit will die. No specifics are given as to what causes it, but it’s a typical shonen ‘equivalent exchange’ trope that ends in life given, life taken. There’s every possibility this will lead to Law’s death by the end of the series, and nobody is ready.
While he’s not going anytime soon, Law is going to be set to make a big, drastic choice with the Op-Op Fruit soon. This Devil Fruit, long held as one of the most valued and powerful for any medical expert or fighter, will decide the world’s fate. Time may tell, but the Op-Op Fruit may have more of a part than anyone knows now, even in the distant past for someone like Imu.