Admiral Borsalino, better known as Kizaru, is a marine admiral who has proven to be a thorn in the side of the Straw Hats and various other factions in the world. He is one of the members of the World Government’s “Greatest Military Force” and his vice admiral status gives him a lot of power in the military.
Kizaru is a very tough opponent who not only has raw strength and durability on his side but also Devil Fruit powers. He ate the Pika Pika no Mi Devil Fruit which allows him to create and control light. He can also turn his body into light. Using his powers, he is able to enhance his natural skills of swordsmanship and marksmanship. Let’s find out who can defeat Kizaru in One Piece!
A Very Dangerous Foe

Kizaru is a very dangerous enemy for anyone to face in One Piece. His very presence is enough to cause pirates to flee, and he fought various opponents at the Summit War and afterward. His foes included Marco, Whitebeard, and Luffy, with all the fights during into a draw.
With his natural abilities, Devil Fruit, and his rank in the World Goverment, he is a dangerous opponent. He’s also someone the Straw Hats will likely come into conflict with again as their journey ends. But that does beg the question, who can defeat Kizaru?
A Powered-Up Luffy

For starters, Luffy and Kizaru dueled once before during the Egghead arc. Kizaru was able to hold his own against a Gear 4 Luffy during the battle. When Luffy unleashed Gear 5, the fight was still back and forth between the two. Despite the tough battle, it eventually ended in a draw with neither able to damage the other.
Kizaru might be one of the most powerful opponents Luffy has faced. He’s someone who can stand toe to toe with Gear 5. He was even able to draw blood from Luffy in that form and the fight was inconclusive. Still, if Luffy powers up enough, the rematch could go differently.
Diamond Jozu

This is Devil Fruit vs Devil Fruit! Diamond Jozu was a division commander for the Whitebeard pirates, and he possessed the ability to turn his flesh into diamond. Not only does this give him some serious durability and defensive power, but it also counters Kizaru’s Devil Fruit.
In the real world, light is reflected and will always pass through a diamond. So the light-based attacks that Kizaru relies on would be useless against Jozu. The offensive and defensive abilities granted by a form of diamond might give Jozu the edge in their fight.

The best weapon against the Devil Fruit of light is the Devil Fruit of darkness. Blackbeard has consumed a fruit that allows him trap foes in the dark. He can also nullify other Devil Fruits simply by touch. This gives him several tremendous advantages while fighting Kizaru.
With Kizaru’s Devil Fruit nullified and his fighting abilities countered by Blackbeard’s massive tolerance for pain, the fight between these two might be closer than anyone expected!
Vice Admiral Garp

The Hero of the Marines vs the current Vice Admiral is a fight that will shake the world! Monkey D. Garp is one of the strongest navy officers in history and he also has control over all three types of Haki. If the pair were to ever clash, it would certainly be a very interesting fight.
While the light abilities of Kizaru might give the current vice admiral an advantage during the battle, Garp is simply stronger and tougher and would likely outlast his replacement in a fight. Additionally, his command over all three types of Haki is something to be feared and respected.
Sengoku (The Budda)

The Buddda vs Kizaru, Sengoku vs Borsalino. This battle would be very interesting because Sengoku is an admiral who has fought the enemies of the past. He’s battled Gol D. Roger, Whiteboard, and Skiki and come out on top. Additionally, he knows how to use all three types of Haki.
But his true power comes into play with the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu. This is a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that lets him turn into a golden Budda statue at will. The shockwaves from his attacks as the Budda are strong enough to overcome Luffy in his Gear 3 form. Plus, they can also evenly match Blackbeard’s devil fruit. This would also allow him to overcome Kizaru if needed.

Whitebeard’s right-hand man before the events of the Sumit War, Marco has been shown to have immense physical strength. This allowed him to stand up to characters like Big Mom and various marine admirals. He’s also stood up to Kizaru before and has taken several blows from him. In fact, while Kizaru was easily battling Whitebeard’s captains, he did admit that Whitebeard and Marco were the ones he needed to worry about.
With the power of the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix devil fruit on his side, Marco could probably win in a rematch. He has the ability to move as quickly as Kizaru does, the powers of healing, and strength and speed to match. If these two ever clash again, it will be very interesting to see which one comes out on top.
Can Any Of The Straw Hats Defeat Kizaru?

So far this list has mostly been made up of admirals and pirates, but what about the Straw Hats? Well, it is telling that Luffy in his Gear 5 form was an even match for the admiral, and so the rest of the Straw Hats would likely fall behind if they tried to fight him one on one. However, if Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji worked as a team they could likely overcome him.
If Luffy was able to hold him in place, Zoro and Sanji could test their blades and kicks against the vice admiral and perhaps as a team, they could take him down. We will have to see what happens when that battle comes!