In the vast world of the One Piece series created by Eiichiro Oda, where character development is a central theme, there is a character whose transformation is very surprising, to say the least. From a spoiled, cowardly brat who had his way because of his father’s position and the corruption in the Marines to a character who fights against that very same corruption and takes action for what he deems right. This character is Helmeppo.
Now a Lieutenant Commander in the Marines and a close friend of Koby, Helmeppo initially appeared as a snotty little brat in Shells Town. Undergoing arduous training with Koby after facing defeat and joining the Marines, he leaves us viewers speechless with his glow-up. Not only transforming for the better morally but also physically, he is a character that depicts amazing character development, which sets apart One Piece as a timeless adventure.
Who Is Helmeppo In One Piece?

Son of ex-Marine Captain “Axe-Hand ” Morgan, Helmeppo was once but a civilian who shamelessly exploited his father‘s status against anyone who dared cross his path with threats of arrest. Beneath this attitude, however, was a hint of sentiment and small acts of mercy. When this method isn’t effective, he becomes an absolute coward desperate to do anything to survive, at least till his father’s status becomes usable again. After Morgan faced defeat at the hands of Luffy, he was relieved of his rank and sentenced to execution. Since Helmeppo had nothing to hide behind, he became a chore boy in the Marines and lost his lavish lifestyle, shedding tears before his father’s execution.
However, Morgan escapes and takes his own son hostage. At this point, Helmeppo lost all respect for his father and even disowned him, changing his personality from then on. After this, Helmeppo underwent intensive training alongside Koby under the strict tutelage of Vice-Admiral Garp to become a full-fledged serviceman and skilled swordsman, currently holding the position of Lieutenant Commander, holding the fastest promotion in two years behind Koby in the Marines. He became a close friend of Koby along the way. He is also a member of the secret group: SWORD.
Helmeppo’s Powers And Abilities

After the intensive training under Garp, Helmeppo changed from the typical weakling hiding behind his father’s status to a character with great physical powers. If not anything, you should not take his title of Lieutenant Commander for granted. He is even able to overpower an entire Pirate crew with ease. Helmeppo is also a considerably skillful swordsman, being able to force Zoro to go on the defensive for a while before facing defeat. After the time skip his swordsmanship skills increased greatly as he was able to deliver considerable damage to a pirate submarine that launched a torpedo, which Koby stopped.
Helmeppo uses a pair of weapons called Khukuri, which he keeps on his belt. Prior to becoming a full-fledged Marine, he was a collector of weapons but never showed proficiency in any of them, except for a single pistol. He also implies that he is able to use Kenbunshoku Haki. He recognizes how Koby’s Haki is better than his own when Koby is able to detect an underwater attack on the ships of the Dressrosa and Prodence Kingdoms, and he cannot. Helmeppo is also able to use Soru.
Romance Dawn Arc

As the son of Captain Morgan, Helmeppo lived a luxurious lifestyle, controlling Marines of less rank and the townspeople of Shells Town. He had an unfortunate encounter with Zoro, who had killed his pet Soro for attacking a young girl called Rika. Furious, Helmeppo exploited his father’s status and had Zoro arrested and his swords seized. He then promised Zoro that he would let him go if he could survive a month without food. Zoro, not in a position to contest, agreed to this condition. After the ninth day, Helmeppo – not pleased that Zoro was not broken by this time – decided to execute Zoro. Coincidentally, Luffy, who was searching for a map to the Grand Line while trying to recruit members for his crew, was also in this town alongside aspiring Marine Koby. Hearing of Zoro’s arrest, Luffy decides to recruit him.
Upon seeing how Helmeppo treats the Onigiri that Rika brings for Zoro out of guilt, ordering his guards to toss her out, and announcing Zoro’s execution, Luffy punches him. Humiliated, Helmeppo runs to his father to seek revenge. Meanwhile, Luffy begins to look for Zoro’s swords, runs into Helmeppo, and uses him to get past other Marines. Helmeppo, the coward that he is, had already fainted. When he wakes up, he sees Luffy overpowering his father and tries to use Koby as leverage but Luffy punches him back to unconsciousness. After the Marines arrest Morgan, Helmeppo becomes a chore boy in the Marines alongside Koby, who had always wanted to be a Marine. Morgan later escapes and takes Helmeppo hostage in the process. After acknowledging who his father truly is, he escapes his father’s clutches and returns to the Marines, after which Garp trains him and Koby.
Post Enies Lobby Arc

After the Straw Hats’ successful rescue of Robin in Enies Lobby, Helmeppo and Koby confront Zoro and Luffy in Water 7, but the pair easily subdue both of them. While Zoro and Luffy are able to recognize Koby, they are not able to recognize Helmeppo until he explains who he was to them, and even at that, they remember him as the snotty brat from Shells Town, which hurt him. He was later shocked to hear that Luffy’s father was the man leading the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dragon. While Garp returned to his ship, Helmeppo and Koby stayed behind to talk with Luffy. Luffy offers them food, but they reject it because they believe they shouldn’t be too friendly with Pirates. Promising to get stronger and meet later in the New World, they part ways.
Marineford Arc

Helmeppo, along with Garp and Koby, reported to the Marine Headquarters at Marineford to participate in the upcoming war against the Whitebeard Pirates. Helmeppo and Koby, who tried to flee from the battle, witnessed the end of another Marine at the hand of Admiral Akainu, who had tried to do the same. They also see Luffy on his unusual arrival, which leaves them stunned. As Koby collapsed from the overwhelming emotions and voices in his head, Helmeppo tried to help him regain composure. Koby, who had had enough, decided to oppose Admiral Akainu so that the fighting would cease. Akainu, who was ready to clear anything in his path, was stopped at the nick of time by Shanks, although Koby had lost consciousness by then.
Post War Arc

Helmeppo decided to stay at Koby’s bedside at Marine headquarters after what happened during the war. When he heard about the Koby’s Haki, he began to feel jealous of him although Koby himself wasn’t even aware of it.
Levely Arc

Helmeppo and Koby were able to stop an attack against the convoy of the Dressrosa and Prodence Kingdoms on their way to the Levely. They were able to stop a Torpedo launched from a pirate submarine, subdue the pirates, and rescue the prisoners in the submarine.
Wano Arc
Helmeppo and Koby, along with other marines, went to Amazon Lily to arrest Boa Hancock after the abolishment of the Seven Warlords of The Sea system. Hancock, in the process of defending her hometown, turned most of the Marines, including Helmeppo, into stone with her Devil Fruit abilities and was later persuaded by Silvers Rayleigh to reverse the technique.
Egghead Arc
After Koby got kidnapped by Marshall D. Teach, aka Blackbeard, Helmeppo traveled to G-14 in the New World. Upon getting there, he and Hibari begged Marine HQ Rear Admiral and fellow SWORDS member Prince Grus to join them in rescuing Koby. Garp, who had already planned to rescue Koby, called Helmeppo and asked him to get on board.
Helmeppo Live Action Series

In the One Piece Live-Action series, some scenes differ from the manga as Helmeppo plays a more extended role in the Live action. In the manga, his meeting with Zoro is caused by his pet Soro attacking Rika, and later on, he tramples on the Onigiri that Rika brings him on the grounds, but in the Live Action, everything is merged together. Rika offered Zoro Rice Balls, and Zoro, being skeptical, declines it. Rika then bumped into Helmeppo, and the Rice Balls fell to the ground. Helmeppo, being a spoiled brat, stepps on the Rice Balls, which later on leads to a conflict between Him and Zoro.
In the manga, after Luffy hits him, Helmeppo goes to complain to his father, who also hits him. Later, Luffy appears and drags Helmeppo to find Zoro’s swords, which were kept in his room. In the Live action, Luffy never hit him, and Zoro finds his swords himself, catching Helmeppo playing with the Wado Ichimonji naked. Also, instead of meeting Garp on a Marine ship, Garp comes to Shells Town, taking Helmeppo and Koby with him. He also had extra scenes, such as visiting Syrup Village and meeting Usopp, explaining to Koby about the Seven Warlords of The Seas, visiting Baratie with Koby and Garp’s crew, and witnessing the fight between Garp and Luffy.