A femme fatale that will steal pockets along with hearts, Nami has been a central Straw Hat since One Piece began. Her skills in navigation and thievery have no equal, and she’s saved the crews’ collective ass more than any. So, who is this Cat Burglar Nami, and how does she play into the Straw Hat crew as Navigator?
Fair warning, this will contain spoilers up to the current Manga Chapter 1089 of One Piece. Reader beware!
Bellemere and Nojiko

Bellemere finds Nami, along with her sister Nojiko, on a battlefield in the North Blue. She was just a normal marine, left to die with the rest of her fallen comrades. That’s when Nojiko walked up carrying Nami, and Bellemere found a new reason to live. She took them back to her hometown in Pinwheel Village, and raised the two as her own among the tangerine groves Nami loves so much. They had a relatively happy life, though not much money, and Bellemere loved them like flesh and blood daughters.
Where is Nami From?

It is the love she has for Nami and Nojiko that eventually brings death to Bellemere. When Arlong and his pirates left the Grand Line for East Blue, it was the beginning of the end for Pinwheel Village. Nami’s hometown was ransacked by the Fishmen, who eventually found their way to Bellemere’s house. While Bellemere was setting a table, the Fishmen found her and demanded the payment for everyone in the house. Ginzo, head of the village, tried to bluff that it was just Bellemere there.
Eventually, Arlong holds a gun to Bellemere’s head, and tells her that she has a last chance to tell the truth. Despite Nami hiding in the tangerine groves nearby, Bellemere still can’t deny that she has daughters. She says she loves them too much, and Arlong shoots her dead then and there. Talk about some childhood trauma.
The Straw Hat Navigator

Nami originally “joins” Luffy just after Orange Town, where their interests briefly align. Luffy wants to beat the hell out of Buggy, and Nami wants the Genius Jester’s treasure. She’ll temporarily join as their Navigator, and stay with the Straw Hats until Baratie where she steals the Merry and treasure with it. Eventually, Luffy learns of her deal with Arlong, and realizes the Fishman has no intention of honoring that deal. Luffy frees Nami from her servitude, and crashes Arlong Park to the ground at the same time. She officially joins the crew, and maintains an unshakeable faith in Luffy, sure he’ll be Pirate King.
Now, Nami navigates the Straw Hat Pirates through the Grand Line and New World. Even in the unpredictable weather of the Grand Line, she’s a better navigator than most. Her extensive knowledge of weather and sea currents proves indispensable to the crew. That knowledge of weather even gives Nami the fighting style she uses today!
Does Nami Have Powers?

Nami’s power is her mind! Okay not necessarily, but her extensive knowledge of weather patterns and science are her power. Already accomplished with a bo staff, Nami has Usopp make a few modifications over time to create her Weather Baton. It took some getting used to for her when she uses it in Alabasta, but now Nami can change the weather whenever, wherever with her Zeus-powered Climate Baton!
She uses her knowledge to create everything from mist mirages to concentrated balls of lightning. There’s no weather pattern that Nami can’t bring out with her baton, and now she’s added Big Mom’s former Homie Zeus, who creates even greater storms and lightning. He was created from the soul of an Emperor, so he’s no pushover and makes Nami a way more threatening opponent.
Cat Burglar Nami

Her other greatest quality is how she can sniff out money no matter where she ends up. Nami knows how to extort, steal, and embezzle like the slimiest trader on Wall Street. Hell, she’s not even against using these skills on her own crewmates, and frequently charges massive interest when she loans out money. Poor Zoro probably still owes her from Loguetown. Either way, she has a nose for gold and treasure. Nami makes sure that every bit of wealth is with her by the time they leave. No matter where they end up, the Straw Hats can count on Nami to make it financially beneficial.
Nami’s great at stealing more than just gold and treasure though, as she often helps the Straw Hats with their plans. Whether it be stealing keys or Poneglyph etchings, Nami will find what she needs and get it out before anyone notices.
The Weather Witch

Nami’s new title The Weather Witch is a little more accurate for her New World attitude. She’s still a shrewd businesswoman but hasn’t had nearly as much time to pillage treasure. Especially considering she’s been so busy with Luffy taking down Emperors of the Sea. Her reputation has preceded her skills though, especially after showing a few techniques in Wano. Now, she’s able to conjure up entire storms and cyclones, intense electrical storms and hail. She’s still developing her powers with Zeus too, which will likely increase further in the final saga.
What is Nami’s Dream?

Nami hopes to make a map of the entire world one day. She loves drawing maps, ever since she was a little girl, even after Arlong would lock her up to do it. Nami keeps her dream to navigate the entire world and be the first to map it all. Her dream is well on its way to completion, as the New World is going to make sailing everywhere else smooth seas in comparison.
Nami’s Relationships

Seeing as she’s one of the few that’s been there since Luffy started the crew, Nami is one of his closest friends. She trusts her Captain with her life, and will do whatever she can to make him Pirate King. Nami loves all the Straw Hats, though some more than others. She takes advantage of Sanji’s lovesickness for food, and gets along great with Robin as the only other female Straw Hat. She constantly reprimands Luffy for being an idiot, and isn’t afraid to get physical about it.
When it comes to the Straw Hat Pirates, common sense can be in short supply. Nami is often who the others look to when problems arise among them, or if they have general complaints. Depending on who it is she has a couple of different responses. Chopper is often coddled as a little brother by her, while Robin is a big sister. Nami had a very close friendship with Vivi when she sails with the Straw Hats, so that’s likely to come up again soon.
Nami’s Future

While everyone has been taken by surprise on Egghead Island, Nami is probably the least stunned by what’s unfolding. Instead, she’s more focused on finding whatever valuables she can in Vegapunk’s lab. It’s not ethical, but she’s on an Emperor’s crew so who’s going to say anything? She’s constantly reminding Luffy that he has a status to uphold now as an Emperor of the Sea, but it usually falls on deaf ears. Luffy barely knows how to spell status, much less how to uphold one. Now, it’s just a headache for Nami and a few other Straw Hat Pirates.
No doubt her navigation skills are going to play a huge role in the journey to Laughtale. Silvers Rayleigh and Oden both said how perilous the journey was, and the New World has had some of the most unforgiving weather yet. It only promises to get more brutal as the Straw Hats go, and they still have an island to escape from.
Wherever the Straw Hats end up, Nami is going to be the one to get them there. She’s made her commitment to making Luffy the King of Pirates, and she’s not going to stop until it happens. Along with the other Straw Hats and the Thousand Sunny, she sails on toward the final island of Laughtale in the New World!